Boat Repair Work Order Template

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The Boat Repair Work Order Template brings all the details necessary to document a Customer’s requested maintenance and repair needs for a specific job. This enables the Boat Mechanic Shop or Business to build a file on the vessel repair from the ground floor with the information needed to begin the job as well as the Customer approval required to do so. Be advised that every section presented should be satisfied with the content that it requests because this will form a complete record of the request for repair on the concerned vessel.

How to Write a Boat Repair Work Order in PDF & MS Word

Download: Adobe PDF Or Microsoft Word (.docx)

Step 1 – The Boat Repair Work Order Template Be Saved As A PDF Or Word File

Review the Boat Repair Work Order Template’s sample image then access it for a “PDF” or “Word” download utilizing the displayed buttons. Optionally, the same file can be reached through the “Adobe PDF” or “Microsoft Word (.docx).”

Step 2 – Address The Boat Repair Service With The Appropriate Company Information

After opening the acquired document, tend to the first text-field in the upper left by clearing its content of the words “Company Name” for a presentation of the Boat Repair Service’s legal business name. This new content can be typed directly into this field.  The set of lines that follow the text-field all serve to further define the Boat Repair Service just named. The first line in the set, appropriately labeled “Name,” seeks the Boat Repair Technician or Customer Service Representative’s “Name.”     Next, the mailing address for the Boat Repair Service is needed down three labeled lines. Each label here will make a specific request for the information needed for display on the line it is attached to. Thus, enter the building number, road or street, and suite number, unit number, or PO Box Number where the Boat Repair Service receives written notices, payment,s and mail on the line attached to “Street Address,” the Boat Repair Service’s “City, State,” and “Country” on the line that follows, then the postal code assigned for this address on the line attached to the “Zip Code” label.   The lines holding the label “E-Mail” and “Phone” each require direct contact information. The email address along with the Boat Repair Service’s telephone number are expected on these lines for the use of anyone reviewing this document and seeking to contact the Boat Repair Service directly. 


Step 3 – File The Boat Repair Accordingly

Some more preliminary information will need to be included before continuing with a discussion on the required boat repair. The filing or document number assigned to the boat request is, typically, determined by the Boat Repair Service. This is a strongly recommended report for this document, thus, find the line that has been designated with the label “Work Order #” then directly record the call number for this work request once it is filed.  The “Date” when the boat repair is requested (and a file number determined) should be dispensed on the line displaying the “Date” label on the right.  


Step 4 – Attach The Boat Owner Client To This Request

The Boat Repair Client seeking attention for his or her vessel will usually be its owner (but can be anyone who will be responsible for payment). This Client will have a section devoted to him or her directly underneath the “Work Order #.” Utilize the empty line beneath the bold heading “Client Information” to display the full “Name” of the Boat Repair Client.  The two lines following the Boat Repair Client’s identity seek the email address and the telephone number where this Party can be reached directly. Dispense his or her information the second and third lines in this section (labeled “Phone” and “E-Mail”).  Three lines will close out this section with label designations calling for the “Street Address,” the “City, State, Country,” and the Boat Repair Client’s “Zip Code.” Complete them with the requested information.  


Step 5 – Register The Requested Repair Dates

The boat will need to be available for the repairs along with the Boat Mechanic’s time. This template will help organize this time management by requiring documentation of the expected boat repair dates. The “Expected Start Date” of the boat repairs can be named on the first empty line of the “Order” section presented on the right-hand side of the page.  Continue to the next line down with an estimated completion date for the boat repairs by recording it on the line labeled “Expected End Date.”   


Step 6 – Submit A Presentation Of The Necessary Boat Parts

Since the Parties have both been named, the dates involved reported, and this paperwork properly referenced it will be time to discuss what is needed for the vessel to be repaired. All boat parts required for this job can be documented in the “Description” column introducing the “Material” table. This includes any maintenance fluids or sealants needed for the job.  The number of boat parts the Boat Repair Technician will need for the vessel repair is the next record requested. Produce the number of boat repair items to be billed in the “Quantity” column.  The cost of one boat part or one fluid unit that has been named in the first column should be dispensed to the “Unit Cost” column of that row. Refer to the pricing schedule available then report this “Unit Cost” as requested.  The “Amount” to be paid for the boating item being discussed on a row is equivalent to the “Quantity” multiplied by the “Unit Cost.” Subject these values to this calculation then document this “Amount” in the last column of the row being worked on.  Deliver the sum of every boat part (or fluid) “Amount” you calculated in the “Total Material” field.   


Step 7 – Reserve And Bill The Time Needed For This Job

The Boat Repair Technician’s physical time is the next subject of entry. Find the first column of the “Service” table then deliver the date when the Boat Repair Technician will effect repairs along with the times reserved for this job. If this is inappropriate, then a recording of the boat repair tasks can be delivered instead.  However many number of “Hours” are estimated for the defined shift should be counted then dispensed in the second column of this table (titled “Hours”).  The “Hourly Rate” column refers to the pay that shall be expected by the Boat Repair Technician for one hour of “Service” to the vessel. Directly record this number in the second column of the “Service” table.  Every row that has been populated with an entry in the first column should now be ready for an entry in the final column. The number of “Hours” that will be spent on the boat repair must be multiplied with the “Hourly Rate” to reach the entry needed for “Amount.” Perform this task for every boat repair shift or project name reported.   

Complete the boat repair’s “Service” report with the “Total Service” charge being estimated. Combine the boat repair amounts by adding them to the sum then furnish the resulting dollar figure to the field “Total Service.”   


Step 8 – Supply A Discussion On the Boat Repair Total

The next required dollar entry will be the sum of the boat repair “Total Material” and “Total Service” amounts. This sum is the boat repair’s “Subtotal” and is expected in the first field of the third column. Many jurisdictions will seek a sales “Tax” on the boat repair parts that will require payment and/or a “Tax” on the billable time. Refer to the current and applicable “Tax” codes that govern this transaction then deliver the “Tax” amount in the appropriately labeled field.  The “Total” of the boat repair charges is equal to the value entered in “Subtotal” to the boat repair transaction’s expected “Tax” amount. Add these two values to one another then furnish the result to “Total.”   


Step 9 – Identify The Boat Repair Request’s Preparer

The Documenter that has completed the above information is expected to self-report on the line attached to the words “Work Order Completed By”  


Step 10 – Continue The Request By Using An Optional Display Area

If a continuation of subject matter (i.e. warranty information, advertisements, additional services) is required for this paperwork, it is recommended that you use the lines following the term “Comments Or Suggestions” to present such content.  


Step 11 – Gain The Boat Owner Client’s Authorizing Signature

The empty line underneath the authorization statement and to the left of the “Client Signature” label must be signed by the Boat Repair Client. This action can only be performed by the Paying Client and is required for the vessel repair to proceed with the promise of payment from the Client.   


How to Write a Boat Repair Work Order in MS Excel

Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Select The Excel Option For The Boat Repair Work Order

Save the Boat Repair Work Order by selecting the link in this section (designated with the words “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” or the button paired with the sample image.

Step 2 – Name The Boat Repair Business Being Commissioned

This spreadsheet will seek several pieces of information regarding the Boat Repair Customer being targeted by this request at the onset. In cell A1, the logo the Boat Repair Company utilizes to present itself to the public is expected as your first contribution to this sheet. Remove the current graphic this field displays then insert the Boat Repair “Company Logo” in its place.  Cell A2 of this sheet is reserved for the Boat Repair Company’s legal name. Furnish it precisely as it is recorded on the books to this field.  Deliver a record of the full “Name” of the Boat Repair Company Representative being addressed in the next field down (cell A3).  The mailing address used by the Boat Repair Company is a required presentation for the next three fields down this column. The “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and the “Zip Code” labels found in cell A4, A5, and A6 should all be cleared from these fields then replaced with address information taken from the Boat Repair Company’s mailing address.  The final fields devoted to identifying the Boat Repair Company are cell A7 and cell A8. These fields require the Boat Repair Company’s “E-Mail” address and “Phone” number displayed for reference.  


Step 3 – Formally File The Vessel’s Maintenance Or Repair Request

The Boat Repair Company (as well as the Customer) will appreciate a solid means of referencing this request in a filing system. This can be achieved with a distinct boat repair work order number which is expected in cell F5.  The “Date” assigned to the boat repair job request is also a necessary piece of filing information that should be included. Cell H5 presents this content for you by automatically designating the “Date” as that on your desktop. This can be changed as needed.


Step 4 – Introduce The Boat Repair Customer Behind This Paperwork

The “Client Information” section introducing the next segment of this spreadsheet will seek the full Client “Name” recorded in cell A11.  The Boat Repair Customer’s entire address is the next request made by column A. Dispense the Boat Repair Customer’s building, street, and unit number in Cell A12 (designated with the words “Street Address”) then make use of the next two fields (cell A13 and A14) to distribute the “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” of the concerned Boat Repair Customer’s address. Now, a recording of the Boat Repair Customer’s currently monitored “E-Mail” address should be a dispensed as well as the Boat Repair Customer’s “Phone” number. Two fields (cell A15 and cell A16) just below the mailing address just reported will accept this report.   


Step 5 – Furnish The Dates When The Boat Repair Is Expected

The section below the bold title “Order” dedicates two fields to name dates when the boat repair should commence and when it should be completed. Cell G11, populated with the words “Expected Start Date,” requests the first workday of the boat repair to be entered ina standard date format.  As mentioned previously, the last date of work for the boat repair will be expected as well. Cell G12 will seek the “Expected End Date” of the repair project dispensed after its contained label.  


Step 6 – Compose A Report On The Vessel Parts And Fluids To Be Billed

The “Material” table is the first of three tables set to define the requirements of the concerned vessel’s repair work. Column A of this section presents several rows so that every vessel part or boat fluid the repair necessitates can be listed clearly by name or product number. It should be mentioned the Client will only agree to pay for the parts listed here. If any others become necessary, then the Boat Repair Company must seek additional approval. Document the expected “Quantity” or the number of every vessel part or boat fluid that will be billed by distributing these quantities to column F.  Column G seeks a final entry concerning each vessel part or fluid product that will require payment. The base cost of the listed vessel part (or boat fluid) should be recorded as the “Unit Price.” Since this value is technically the price of only one of the listed boat product(s), column H will automatically multiply your entry to column G with the number you recorded in the “Quantity” column then display the totals expected for the vessel products that will be needed for repairs. 


Step 7 – Discuss The Boat Repair Technician’s Compensation

The “Service” table of this work order shall require information concerning the time to be spent repairing the vessel. The “Description” area of this table (in column A) enables submission of the scheduling for these repairs. Then can be defined by the dates and the times framing the anticipated work shift or by the boat repair project name.  Continue to column F, designated by the time unit “Hours,” then submit a log of the number of “Hours” the vessel repair is scheduled for. The pay rate the Boat Repair Technician will receive for every working hour must be documented in the next field of the row you are working on. Supply this pay amount in column G or “Hourly Rate.” This entry prompts column H to populate with the boat repair “Service” charge that will be expected for the repair.  


Step 8 – Attach The Determined Tax For The Boat Repair

The Boat Repair Company may be under an obligation to charge a sales/service “Tax” based on the repair’s “Subtotal” (reviewable in cell H35). Calculate the transaction’s “Tax” then deliver it to cell H36. 


Step 9 – Identify Each Contributor To This Spreadsheet

The Person or People contributing information to define the work request must be named in place of the bracketed words “Individual’s Name” found in cell A37. 


Step 10 – Dispense Additional Topics To This Sheet As Needed

Cell A38 (populated with the “Comments Or Suggestions” label) is a useful and optional field in this sheet. If no other content should be discussed then leave this field unaltered however, if additional topics require documentation, use the space after the label to present this content.  


Step 11 – Present The Boat Repair Customer’s Authorization

The Boat Repair Customer’s signature is expected in cell A42 on the line holding the “Client Signature” label in cell A42. 

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