Screen Printing Work Order Template

The Screen Printing Work Order Template organizes the information needed for productions such as t-shirts, jackets, and any other services the Screen Printer makes available to Clients. The reason why such paperwork is useful lies in the opportunity to streamline the order taking process involved at the starting phase of a Client’s job. It is imperative that such information be obtained accurately then presented for review so that production can complete according to the Client’s expectations. Naturally, this paperwork will seek a promise of payment from the Client in a visible way (i.e. by signature). This results in Screen Printer’s ability to easily (and quickly) review an order that must be filled, bill for it properly from the beginning, then gain the approval that payment will be rendered for the production in an efficient manner.

How to Write in PDF & Word

Download: Adobe PDF Or Microsoft Word (.docx)

Step 1 – Access The Screen Printing work Order Template From This Site

The Screen Printing Work Order Template can be saved as both a “PDF” and “Word” file by selecting the file version you require from the buttons presented under the sample image. If preferred, you can download the “Adobe PDF” and “Microsoft Word (.docx)” versions of this template from the links above.

Step 2 – Name The Screen Printing Vendor Or Manufacturer As The Recipient

Begin this template by furnishing the Screen Printing Vendor or Manufacturer’s official “Company Name’ in the first text-field in this template. This object is found in the upper left portion of the template. The “Name” line, also found in the upper left, requests the identity of the Screen Printing Associate handling this document. Additionally, a production of the Screen Printing Vendor or Manufacturer “Street Address,” “City, State,” and “Country” should be defined on the second and third blank lines of this header. The “Zip Code” of the Screen Printing Vendor or Manufacturer should follow the above mailing address. Record the concerned postal code on the third blank line.  Dispense the Screen Printing Vendor or Manufacturer’s telephone number on the empty line labeled “Phone.”  Lastly, complete identifying the Screen Printing Vendor or Manufacturer being commissioned by supplying the “E-Mail” address where Screen Printing Business can be reached electronically. The sixth and last line of the header is reserved for this content.  


Step 3 – Deliver The Screen Printing Job’s Filing Details

The next portion of the concerned template seeks to assign a reliable means of storing or cataloging the information it presents as a filing number. The “work Order #” line on the left jsut below the header requires the document ID for this request. On the right side of the page, a blank line labeled with the word “Date” requires that the month, two-digit calendar day, and year when this request is made of the Screen Printing Vendor or Manufacturer be reported. 


Step 4 – Distribute The Screen Printing Customer Information

The Screen Printing Client will be named as such in this document. The “Name” line in the “Client Information” section seeks this Party’s full “Name,” current “E-Mail” address, and the “Phone” number. The mailing address where the Screen Printing Customer can be reliably contacted is the next item needed to define this Client. Take note the building number, street/road number or name, and suite number is requested as the entry for the “Street Address” line while a separate line is devoted to displaying your production of the Screen Printing Customer’s “City, State, Country.” The postal code also has a line dedicated for a separate presentation thus, complete the Screen Printing Customer’s address with his or her “Zip Code” on the final line. 


Step 5 – Establish When The Screen Printer Will work On This Project

The first date of screen printing should be defined with the Customer’s request. This calendar date is required on the line labeled “Expected Start Date” line.  Next, record the final screen printing date for the Client’s requested production on the “Expected End Date” line.  


Step 6 – Detail The Screen Printing Merchandise Behind This Order

The topic of what will be ordered by the Screen Printing Client and the payment required must now be dealt with. The “Material” table requires that all the screen printing merchandise the Client wishes to purchase is listed by the product name or, if more appropriate, product number. The “Description” column has been supplied with several rows so that each screen printing item can be defined independently of the other.  The “Quantity” column will determine how many screen printing products are required for the order. This is the second table column so that the product “Description” and the number ordered (or “Quantity”) can be presented together.  It will be necessary to define exactly how much will be required for one screen printing item. Thus, locate the pricing schedule where the defined screen printing merchandise is described then transcribe the cost of one such item to the third column (titled appropriately as “Unit Cost.” Once the previous two columns have been supplied with information, you will be ready to deliver the cost of the materials for the screen printing. Present this value in the “Amount” column as the result of multiplying the number of screen printing products to be delivered (see “Quantity) with the cost of a single piece (see “Unit Cost”).

The “Total Material” box in the table seeks the sum of all the required merchandise amounts. Add these values as they were entered in the “Amount” column then display the result in the final text field of this column.    


Step 7 – Compose An Account Of The Screen Printer’s Schedule

The Screen Printer’s time will be a subject of compensation as well. In the “Service” table, the “Description” column’s title refers to the scheduled dates of screen printing. Each one must be defined on a different row. If possible, list the scheduled times (i.e. time in and time out) or the screen printing task that will be handled on that date.  Produce a count of the “Hours” that will be spent on the screen printing job in the second column.  The “Hourly Rate” that defines the payment that will be needed for an hour of screen printing should be input to the third column.  Conclude every row by multiplying the “Hours” for the scheduled screen printing tasks or time and Screen Printer’s “Hourly Rate” then furnishing the result in the “Amount” column. The column must be finished before continuing. Add every “Amount” to be billed for the Screen Printer’s time the deliver this sum to “Total Service.”  


Step 8 – Summarize The Payment The Screen Printing Client Must Pay

The “Total Material” the Screen Printing Business will bill the Customer for and the “Total Service” that will be owed must be added to each other. This figure can be classified as the screen printing job’s “Subtotal.” Locate the text-field with this label then produce this figure to its content.  The screen printing job’s “Subtotal” may be vulnerable to sales taxes or to services taxes. Such values must be calculated using the applicable laws then furnish this value to the “Tax” box.  Finally, present the Screen Printer’s “Total” for this order with the sum of the “Subtotal” and the “Tax” that were calculated above.  


Step 9 – Self-Report As The Documenter Behind This Data

The empty line that follows the label “Work Order Completed By” expects the full name of every Documenter of the information above. This is the Party that has supplied the content required by the sections in this template thus, this line may be populated with more than one name.


Step 10 – Conclude This Paperwork With Additional Screen Printing Discussion

There may be more details needed for either Party to be on the same page as the other or there may be some necessary instructions or disclosures needed for the product. If any content has been left unaddressed, then you may supply these topics to the blank lines labeled “Comments Or Suggestions.” If the above information can be considered complete and ready for approval, the “Comments Or Suggestions” area may be left unattended. 


Step 11 – Gain Authorization To Continue From The Screen Printing Client

The final blank line that must be tended with content is labeled “Client Signature” and is reserved for the Screen Printing Client’s direct approval of the production request above to be displayed through the act of signing. Only the Screen Printing Client may approve of the costs above by signing this line with his or her name.


How to Write in Excel

Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Access The Screen Printing Template As A Spreadsheet

The Screen Printing Template featured in the sample image is a downloadable “Excel” spreadsheet template. Use the button paired with this image or the “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” link in this area to initiate the required download.

Step 2 – Directly Address The Screen Printing Company

Notice this spreadsheet is divided by several areas. Each seeks some detail concerning the screen printing production or service the Client requests. We will begin at the top of the spreadsheet with some preliminary information that serves to identify the Manufacturer or Vendor receiving this order and a method to identify this paperwork. Column A’s first field, found in cell A1, will call for its content to be cleared then the logo of the Screen Printing Business inserted.   The next field down (cell A2) requests a presentation of the Screen Printing Business’s formal “Company Name” as it must be presented on its legal paperwork (i.e. make sure any appropriate status suffix is included).   “Name” the Screen Printing Business Associate this document must be received by in cell A3.  Continue with a report of the Screen Printing Business’s building/house number, street name or number, and suite number in cell A4 (“Street Address”).  Cells A5 and A6 are labeled to accept first the “City, State,” and the “Country” of the Screen Printing Business’ address then its “Zip Code.”  Most productions should maintain a clear level of communication between the two Parties. Facilitate this by documenting the appropriate “E-Mail” address” and “Phone” number needed to contact the Screen Printer’s Office.


Step 3 – Furnish Filing Details To The Screen Printing Job

In addition to naming the Recipient of the Screen Printing Client’s order or request, the document containing the details of his or her request must be easily identified in the future. Cell F5, titled as “Work Order,” seeks this reference information thus enter the appropriate filing number as requested.   Currently, the “Date” this paperwork is formally developed has been set as the current calendar day in cell H5. This can be edited as required.


Step 4 – Produce The Screen Printing Client’s Information

It is important that the Paying Client formally requesting the screen printing production or service is presented in the “Client Information” section. This will solidify to whom future paperwork (including invoices) will be sent. The “Name” of the Screen Printing Customer is expected in the first field of “Client Information” (see cell A11) while the mailing address where this Customer can be reached should be distributed down the fields cell A12 (“Street Address”), A13 (“City, State, Country”), and A14 (“Zip Code”).  The Screen Printing Client’s direct contact information is often considered useful thus, record this Party’s “E-Mail” address in cell A15 as well as the Screen Printing Client’s “Phone” number in cell A16.


Step 5 – Establish When The Screen Printing Should Take Place

The “Order” section located in the G column makes a request of two calendar dates. The “Expected Start Date” of the screen printing production or service date(s) should be furnished in cell G11.  Cell G12 where the text “Expected Start Date” is displayed should be satisfied with the final service or production date when the Client requires this job to be completed.  


Step 6 – Define The Client’s Requested Screen Printing Production

A report on screen prints or the screen printing supplies requested by the Client must be discussed. Find the “Material” table placed after the “Order” section. Column A has been designated as holding the “Description” of every screen printed item or screen printing supply that the Client will be held responsible to pay for. Ideally, these items should be listed as the Client has ordered them however, if there is a formal product name or number that can be used then report or include this information. Produce this report row by row. The number of screen prints or screen printing supplies that are required for the Client’s needs is the next detail of discussion. Furnish the number of the screenprints or screen printing products needed for the Client’s order in column F (listed as “Quantity”).  The cost of a single screen print or the minimum amount of screen printing supply that can be ordered is required by column G. Dispense this cost as the ordered screen print or screen printing supply’s “Unit Price.” Your report will generate, in turn, several others that can be found in the next column under “Amount.”


Step 7 – Distribute The Planned Screen Printing Production Schedule

The shifts when the Screen Printing Company will engage in “Service” for th Client is considered a necessary report for this spreadsheet. The table found on row twenty-six (“Service”) gives the opportunity to define every shift scheduled for the screen printing job by its Date, the time it begins, and the time the shift ends. Column A in this table is labeled “Description” to call attention to this information. Furnish the total number “Hours” making up each shift in column G on the same row. Next, establish the Screen Printer or Screen Printing Service’s official rate for the shift a row discusses to column G of that row (titled “Hourly Rate”). This column will solidify how much money the Customer is to pay the Screen Printing Business for the physical time being billed and will work with the previously reported count of “Hours” worked to produce the “Amount” the Screen Printing Company will obligate the Client to pay. 


Step 8 – Define Whatever Taxes Must Be Collected With The Screen Printing Production

Cell H36 in this spreadsheet seeks the dollar value of the sales or service “Tax” the Screen Printer or Screen Printing Business must charge for the discussed project’s “Subtotal” amount (see cell H35). This requires familiarity with the governing law. Furnish the “Tax” to be collected from the Customer for the “Subtotal” in cell H36.


Step 9 – Identify The Reporter Completing This Form

Cell A37’s requirement will focus on the Reporter on the concerned screen printing job. This means your name, and that of anyone else, who has entered information to cells above must be identified in place of the “Individual’s Name” brackets found following “Work Order Completed By.”


Step 10 – Include Additional Screen Printing Instructions Or Comments If needed

The “Comments Or suggestions” label in cell A38 gives an optional area where screen printing instructions, specs, or other additional topics may be included. This field may be left unedited if no other content is necessary to define the services ordered above. 


Step 11 – Acquire The Authorization Of The Screen Printing Client

Cell A43 can only be signed by the Screen Printing Customer and must be signed to complete this paperwork to a point where the next step may occur. This signature must be one of informed consent as it will be assumed the Screen Printing Customer aided, participated, or directed the entries on this form and will accept the payment terms.  
