The Freelance Contractor Invoice Template should be used as a front-line document in the administrative process of formally requesting payment for contracted jobs. Naturally, Clients will wish to review several pieces of information before submitting payment in response to a document, thus, several areas will divide this template for a speedy review. A well-organized document that presents all its information clearly promotes a positive response and will enable an efficient method of developing an invoice to send your Client when it is time to seek payment.
How to Write in PDF and Word
Download Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word (.docx)
Step 1 – Access The Freelance Contractor Invoice From This Site
Determine whether you wish to invoice Clients with a PDF document or a “Word” document then choose the appropriate button presented with the preview on this page or use the links above (“Adobe PDF” or “Microsoft Word”) to access this downloadable item.
Step 2 – Introduce The Freelance Contractor Expecting Payment
The downloaded invoice will require several items supplied for display at its onset. All the material you supply to the first section will be concerned with identifying the Freelance Contractor issuing this document. Begin by supplying the full name of the Contractor on the line labeled “From” at the top of the page. This will set the Freelance Contractor as the Sender of this invoice. After identifying the Freelancer, the return address for this invoice should be dispensed to this area. The empty spaces attached to the wording “Street Address,” “City, State, Country” then, “Zip Code”
After providing the return address, a couple of additional options for contact should be produced. use the “Phone” and “E-mail” lines as a place to record these additional items.
Step 3 – Discuss The Document Number Defining The Freelance Contractor Request
Now, the Freelance Contractor must make sure this paperwork also bears a name or document ID number. Satisfy the “Invoice #” line’s request for this information by producing this assigned ID as its content.
The calendar month, day, and year when the Freelancer requests payment through this paperwork should be entered on the space attached to the word “Date” on the right side of the page.
Step 4 – Name The Client Responsible For Answering This Invoice
The Freelance Contractor’s Client must now be documented as the targeted Recipient of this paperwork in the area beginning with the bold title “Bill To.” The set of labeled spaces following this phrase will attach the person you “Name” on the first line as the targeted Payer of the contracted services and the spaces below this require you to attach this entity’s full billing address to the name. This address should be input using the blank spaces beginning with “Street Address” and concluding with “Zip Code” to display this content.
Step 5 – Deliver An Inventory Of The Billable Supplies, Parts, Or Products
This paperwork shall allow the billable “Products” and “Labor” to be reported separately as a matter of convenience for the Client reviewing this information. Therefore, any supplies, merchandise, or physical items the Freelance Contractor expects payment in exchange for providing must be listed in the “Products” table. The “Quantity” of each such item must be presented in the first column while its “Description” is expected in the second column. Make sure the material you supply to these columns corresponds to one another. The “Unit Price” of each of the goods you’ve discussed should also be reported. Handle this task by directly entering the dollar value expected for the item being purchased as if only one was ordered.
Once you’ve completed the first three columns, you must use the first column (“Quantity”) and the third column (“Unit Price”) to reach this “Amount.” Moving only across each row, multiply the “Quantity” of an item with its “Unit Cost” then furnish the resulting dollar value in the final column.
Summarize the money owed for the “Total Products” by adding all amounts to the “Total Products” field at the bottom of the final column.
Step 6 – Account For The Service Hours Requiring Client Payment
The second table of this invoice’s presentation will focus on the billable time the Freelance Contractor intends to collect money for. The first column of this table, “Hours,” requires the amount of time spent working for the Client while the second column, “Description,” requires the agreement or (work) shift to be defined. The next column to be supplied with information is titled “$/Hour” and refers to the pay rate the Freelance Contractor expects. Here, record the dollar amount to be paid to the Freelancer for every one hour of work during the shift or contract discussed in the previous column.
The final column holding the “Amount” title requires a basic calculation to complete. Each row defining a shift or contract requiring payment must have its “Hours” multiplied by its “$/Hour” and the result posted in the final column (on the same row).
Add all the “Labor” amounts owed then input this value as the “Total Labor” owed by the Client.
Step 7 – Give A Brief Summary Of The Expected Payment
The third table of presentation will hold only three items. The first of these is the field attached to the “Subtotal” label. This requires the sum of the “Total Products” and “Total Labor” fields. Do not assess any taxes to this field since it is the Freelance Contractor’s “Subtotal.” The taxes that will apply to the Freelancer’s “Subtotal” must be calculated according to the applicable tax codes set by the locality where the Freelancer Contractor operates. Therefore, any service or sales taxes should be added to a sum then presented in “Tax.”
The “Total” expected as payment for the invoice being completed must be the sum of “Subtotal” and “Tax.” Record this dollar value as the Freelance Contractor’s “Total” for this invoice.
Step 8 – Attach The Total’s Grace Period
The longest period defining how long the Freelance Contractor is willing to wait to receive payment should be presented in the “Payment Is Due…” statement on the blank line contained as a number of “Days.”
Step 9 – Furnish This Invoice With Additional Subject Matter As Needed
If the Freelance Contractor wishes more content included, then record it on the blank lines after “Comments And Special Instructions.”
How to Write in Excel
Download;Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Step 1 – Obtain The Excel Invoice On This Page To Bill Freelance Contractor Clients
The invoice presented through the image on this page can be saved to your computer, network, or cloud as an Excel template by selecting the “Excel” button or “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)”
Step 2 – Identify The Freelance Contractor As The Payment Seeker
After acquiring this spreadsheet, right-click the image in cell A1, then use the “Change Picture” option to replace the current image with the Freelance Contractor’s logo/trademark. Cell A2 is reserved for the full “Name” of the Freelance Contractor while the next three fields concern themselves with displaying the business address maintained by this individual. Cell A3 will thus need the building number, street name, and suite number in this address, cell A4 expects the “City, State, Country,” and cell A6 should be supplied with the Freelance Contractor’s “Zip Code.”
The Freelance Contractor’s current “E-Mail” address” and business telephone number are the next items to be supplied regarding the Invoice Sender. Cell A7 and A8 will display these items with the Freelance Contractor information you reported above at the top of the page.
Step 3 – Deliver the Determined Filing Information to Define this Paperwork
A basic tool of identification the Client will appreciate is the document or filing number the Freelance Contractor assigned to this invoice. Cell F4, titled with the term “Invoice #,” requires this item as your entry. The “Date” when this invoice is formally issued has been set to your desktop calendar. You may use this “Date” or change it in cell H4.
Step 4 – Target The Freelancer’s Client As The Bill Payer
The Freelancer’s Client will be the subject of the next report needed by this invoice. The “Name” field (cell A11) is placed after the directive phrase “Bill To” so that you may attach the role of Paying Client to a specific entity. Record the “Name” of this Freelance Contractor’s Client in this field. Complete the process of identifying the Freelance Contractor’s Client by applying his or her billing address as the “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and Client “Zip Code” in cells A12 through A14.
Step 5 – Describe The Cost Of the Freelance Contractor’s Billable Products
This paperwork will seek to divide its presentation of the owed funds through three different tables. The first two will require some items from the logbooks or Customer Purchase Order to complete. If the Freelance Contractor requires his or her Client to purchase physical items such as merchandise or supplies, this should be covered in the “Products” table. The first field where material can be recorded is cell A18 where the product name or identification number of the physical item being sold should be presented. If the Freelance Contractor requires payment for more than one product then name each one on a different row in column A of this table. Now, that the “Description” of the product requiring payment has been supplied, the second column will enable further definition. Report the exact number or “Quantity” making up the Client’s order in column F of this table.
Finally, the third column of this table will feed your entry to a formula to complete it. Column G, or “Unit Price,” requests a record of the exact dollar value of the product requiring purchase. This price will be multiplied by the “Quantity” and the result will be displayed in column H as the “Amount” owed.
Step 6 – Discuss The Freelancer’s Compensation For Billable Time
The work time the Freelance Contractor wishes to be paid for must be documented for the review of the Client. If the Freelance Contractor intends to collect money for this time, then he or she should list the contract title or dates of work in column A of the “Labor” table starting with cell A27. The total number of “Hours” the Freelance Contractor worked for the Client during that rows item of discussion should be entered in column F starting with cell F27.
Column G is set to receive your record of exactly how much money the Freelance Contractor expects for one work hour during the time spent on the project discussed on that row. This pay rate should be documented under the title “$/Hour” starting with cell A27. This will enable the “Amount” column to inform the Client how much is owed for the Freelance Contractor’s work time.
Step 7 – Dispense A Summary Of This Invoice Should Be Produced
The third table this invoice displays is in the H column and only contains three fields (“Subtotal,” “Sales Tax,” and “Total”). Notice the first and last fields have generated dollar values based on your entries. Cell H36, however, will require a calculation of the “Sales Tax” owed for the “Products” sold. Most states will require this whenever a physical item is sold. Some may also require a service tax depending on the location and service. Cell H38 is meant to display all taxes that must be added to the Freelance Contractor’s “Subtotal” so if a service tax applies as well as a sales tax, report both as a sum in this field. If the Freelance Contractor is not required to add any taxes, then you may record a zero in this field or leave it unedited.
Step 8 – Attach The Freelance Contractor’s Official Deadline
Cell A37 (on the left of the “Total”) presents a deliberate instruction to the Client to pay the owed “Total” within a predetermined number of “Days.” To use this statement properly, you will need to complete it by removing the bracketed area then inputting this number manually.
Step 9 – Additional Freelance Contractor Or Job Information May Be Documented
Cell A38 will use its current statement to draw the Client’s attention to material or content the Freelance Contractor wishes to be delivered with this invoice.