The Freelance Editor Invoice Template is a convenient method to issue a payment request to Clients such as Magazines and other entities that publish reading material (i.e. learning institutions). The content requested by this paperwork’s sections represents information the majority of your Clients expect when being asked to pay for a service. Once you have produced the required information, it is suggested that you keep a copy of the finished product for your records and retain the original for future use.
Salary & Hourly Wage ($/hr)
How to Write in PDF and Word
Download: Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word (.docx).
Step 1 – Download The Freelance Editor Invoice From This Page
The Freelance Editor Invoice is an obtainable PDF or Word template. The buttons labeled as such in the preview picture’s caption area. Optionally, the “Adobe PDF” and “Microsoft Word (.docx)” links above allow the same download to occur.
Step 2 – Attach The Freelance Editor As The Payment Seeker
When ready, access the Editor Invoice Template you downloaded. Locate the line labeled “From” at the top of this page then input the full name of the Freelance Editor requiring payment. The Freelance Editor’s full mailing address should be presented with his or her name. Furnish the building number, street/road name, and applicable unit number in the Freelance Editor’s mailing address to the line labeled “Street Address” then on the next line proceed reporting on this address with its “City, State,” and “Country.” The “Zip Code” in the Freelance Editor’s address will also have a separate space dedicated to its presentation. Locate this appropriately labeled space then supply this information.
Record the “Phone” number where the Freelance Editor may be reached on the next line down then his or her “E-Mail” address on the last line of this section.
Step 3 – Dispense The Editing Job’s Invoice Information
The Freelance Editor sending this should be able to track it in his or her accounting system with a reference or invoice number. This number is the next topic of concern and should be furnished to on the “Invoice #” line in the shaded divider. This area of the invoice will also require that an Invoice “Date” be coupled with the number you have recorded. Make sure the official “Date” of the Freelance Editor’s payment request is on display on the second blank line in this divider.
Step 4 – Assign The Obligation To Pay This Invoice To The Editing Client
This invoice’s billing section (composed of a few empty lines under “Bill To) seeks a brief description of the Individual or Business Entity the Freelance Editor is submitting this invoice to with the expectation of a payment response. The first line, “Name,” requests the Editing Client’s legal identity be recorded. Produce this content then continue with a report on the Editing Client’s mailing address or billing address using the next three spaces to provide it (“Street Address,” “City, State, County,” and finally “Zip Code.”
Step 5 – Discuss The Concerned Editing Project And The Work Involved
The Freelance Editor will need to make a basic presentation of the efforts that require payment along with a report on the numbers contributing to the money owed for the work provided. A table displayed in this area will aid in this effort by organizing the material that must be presented. The “Description” column of this object seeks your entry of the editing project that must be paid for. Ideally this will consist of the title of the edited piece(s) and the dates when work was done. If more appropriate, you may also cite the title and effective date of the work agreement requiring the project to be edited in exchange for the money we will define. The number of “Hours” the Freelance Editor worked on the Client’s project should accompany the work you just defined. Use the second column to provide this material for the Client’s review.
Step 6 – Account For The Total Owed
The Freelance Editor’s pay rate will be addressed by the third column ($/Hour). Every row containing an editing project “Description” must have the total “Hours” spent multiplied by the third column. Thus, enter the precise amount of money the Freelance Editor will earn for one work hour on this project to this column. Your next task will be to populate the “Amount” column with the pay expected for every project reported. Therefore, working across rows, multiply how many “Hours” were worked by the pay rate (“$/Hour”). Place each answer to this equation on the row being focused on in the “Amount” column.
After reporting each editing project along with its cost, add every number you calculated for the “Amount” requested to a sum that you will present in the “Subtotal” field.
Any taxes required by the local governing tax entity should be discussed. Thus, if a sales tax for a finished physical project is required, calculate this figure then supply it in the “Tax” field.
The “Total” owed for the Freelance Editor’s efforts must also be subjected to a basic calculation. Add the Freelance Editor’s “Subtotal” to the applicable taxes you recorded then furnish this as the “Total” owed for the editing job. This figure must be displayed in the last field of the “Amount” column.
Step 7 – Declare The Editing Project’s Payment Deadline
The Freelance Editor should be prepared to wait a certain period after sending this paperwork before receiving payment. Naturally, there will be a day during this wait time when the Freelance Editor should consider the Payer delinquent if this request remains unanswered or unpaid. Record the number of “Days” after the invoice “Date” when this change of status is assigned to the concerned invoice on the blank line following the words “Payment Is Due”
Step 8 – Additional Content Regarding The Editing Project May Be Presented
The blank lines at the bottom of this page will accept any other content relevant to the editing job or the discussed “Total.” This is an optional area and may be left empty if desired.
How to Write in Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx).
Step 1 – Obtain The Freelance Editor Invoice As A Spreadsheet Template
Use the “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” link above this statement to download the spreadsheet template formatted Freelance Editor Invoice. If preferred, you may view the image first then select the “Excel” button accompanying it.
Step 2 – Introduce The Freelance Editor Behind This Document
The spreadsheet you downloaded can be found on sheet one. Select the clipart image in cell A1 then change it (right-click then select “Change Picture”) to display the formal trademark image/logo used to identify the Freelance Editor’s Business. Continuing down column A, produce the Freelance Editor’s full “Name” in cell A3. These entries will display at the top left of the page together.
Another item expected in the top left of most correspondence is the return address that should be used if a response is necessary. In this case, the Freelance Editor seeks a payment response so the business address where he or she expects payments or official correspondence. Cells A4 through A6 has been populated with some place-holding text (i.e. “Street Address” and “Zip Code”). Replace the language in each cell with the Freelance Editor’s mailing information.
In addition to the formal return address, the Freelance Editor’s “E-Mail” address should be displayed. Use cell A7 for this presentation.
Finally, dispense the Freelance Editor’s business line in place of the placeholder “Phone” currently populating cell A8.
Step 3 – Identify The Editing Invoice Through Its Referencing Material
After producing the above information, a record of how this paperwork should be categorized should be produced. Cell F4 is presented as an area where this content should be displayed. Furnish the determined invoice number for the editing job(s) discussed here in this field. Neighboring the invoice number is a predetermined “Date.” The current “Date” is the default editing job(s) Invoice “Date,” but you may change this at will. Review this calendar day in cell H4 and change it if desired.
Step 4 – Name The Publishing Entity Obligated To Payment
The Publisher or Writer paying for the editing project must be declared as the Paying Client by documenting his or her full “Name” in cell A11 then his or her business or billing address in cells A12 (“Street Address”) through A14 (“Zip Code”).
Step 5 – Discuss The Editing Project Being Billed
The editing job or project the Publisher or Writer named above commissioned is the topic of concern in the next part of this document. Cell A17 in the “Description” column requires the editing project’s title or contract name along with any relevant dates or times of work. Once you have defined the editing project by title, contract, or word days a record of the total number of “Hours” should be produced. Cell F17 will accept this number readily.
Step 6 – Invoice The Editing Project Costs
The next portion of this table expects a definition to the hourly rate the Freelance Editor charges for the reported project of that row. Furnish this dollar amount to cell G17. Several fields will immediately generate dollar amounts once you have furnished these columns with information. The final column is devoted to presenting the totals involved and will use an excel formula to do so. Cell H28 in the final table column seeks your entry for a complete report to be made and to present the appropriate “Total” owed by the Publisher or Writer. If any products were made, provided, or being billed by the Freelance Editor then it is likely a sales tax will need to apply. If the “Subtotal” of the editing project is subject to taxes at the point of sale or payment, then these taxes must be documented separately from the Freelance Editor’s work. Record them in cell H28 accordingly.
Step 7 – Produce A Definitive Deadline For The Freelance Editor’s Payment
After submitting this invoice to the Publisher or Writer expected to pay it, the Freelance Editor should expect a certain amount of “Days” to elapse before a payment is received. He or she should inform the Publisher or Writer of the number of “Days” when it will be no longer be assumed that payment is forthcoming and further action will be taken by deleting the bracketed symbol in cell A30 then substituting this number of “Days” for it. Do not remove the language “Payment Is Due In…” or the word “Days.”
Step 8 – The Freelance Editor May Continue This Invoice As Needed
Cell A31 in this sheet is reserved for a direct dialogue from this paperwork’s Preparer or the Freelance Editor to the Client. Any remaining and relevant subject matter may be produced in this area.