Public Relations (PR) Consultant Invoice Template

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Public Relations (PR) Consultant Invoice Template is a useful and reliable method to request payment from your Clients  in writing. As a template, you will be able to easily tailor each invoice sent to report the information appropriate to the PR Client and the consultation being billed. Additionally, the data you supply will be displayed in well-structured areas that will give the Client all the details he or she needs to verify that a job was completed and payment should be remitted.

Salary & Hourly Wage ($/hr)

  • Salary: $55,595 per year (source: PayScale)
  • Hourly Wage: $46.09 per hour (source: PayScale)

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Bill To
Line Item

How to Write in PDF and Word

Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)

1 – Obtain The Public Relations Consultant Invoice

The PDF and Word versions of the PR Consultation Invoice you need to bill your clients with is downloadable using either the “MS Word” button or the “Adobe PDF” button. Either or both may be saved to your machine depending on your preferences.


2 – Define The PR Consultant Service In The Document’s Header

The Public Relations Consultant must be a defined entity at the onset of this invoice. A specific field, “Company Name,” has been set to the top of this document so that the appropriate name of this entity can be entered and presented in a visible area.  The full name of the Consultant or the Service Representative handling this matter must be input to the empty line corresponding to the “Name” label. It is imperative to the proper function of this invoice that you also supply up-to-date and reliable contact information for the Public Relations Consultant. The empty lines following the individual’s name you just entered will give a definitive area where you can submit the Public Relation Consultant’s full “Street Address,” its “City, State, Country,” and its corresponding “Zip Code.”Produce the number used for the PR Consultant’s business line on the blank space “Phone” and his or her “E-Mail” on the last line in this header.


3 – Enter The Public Relations Consultant’s Invoice I.D.

Now that a reasonably complete report on the Sender has been completed, we should take a moment to give the PR Consultant’s Client the “Invoice #” used by the Consultant to keep track of this job and this account. A horizontal bar that is slightly shaded will give a noticeable area where the both the invoice number and invoice date can be presented for the Client’s records.  


4 – Identify The PR Consultant’s Client And The Provided Consultation Services

This paperwork will serve as a method to identify several details pertaining to the consultation being billed. Two of these details will be the identity and location of the Public Relations Consultant’s Client. A distinct section with the bold heading, “Bill To,” will expect a report on the “Name” of the Public Relations Consultant’s Client along with the billing address. Use the three lines (starting with “Street Address”) to record the billing address the Client wishes used here. The table following these areas will place two more requests for information that will serve as a point of reference for the Client for this bill. Make sure to give a good “Description” of the meeting being billed in the first column by entering its date, a summary of the services, or citing a contract.The second column of this table, “Amount,” is reserved for the exact dollar amount the Public Relations Consultant must charge for the consultation services he or she provide.The sentence “Payment Is Due” will act as a concrete reminder to the Client that he or she must pay this invoice in the number of days the you supply to the blank line in this statement.Additional information can be supplied to space after “Comments Or Special Instructions.”


How to Write in Excel

Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

1 – Save The PR Consultant Invoice Featured On this Site

The “MS Excel” button is set to give you access to the paperwork required to request payment for a public relations consultation your service provided. Save this file, then open it when you are ready to fill it out with the details on the job you are billing.


2 – Supply PR Consultant’s Logo And Accompanying Information

The top of column A will be populated with a general image; however, it is strongly recommended that you upload your PR Firm or PR Consultant’s logo and substitute the current image with it. Once this requirement of cell A1 has been completed, turn your attention to cells A2 and A3 then input the PR Consultant’s full business name (or firm name) and the name of an individual who is authorized to correspond with the Recipient in terms of this paperwork and the money owed. Now, using the cells between cell A4 and A8, record the Public Relations Consultant’s address, “E-Mail,” and “Phone” number. Make sure this information will give the PR Consult Client three definitively reliable options to contact the PR Consultant involved or a Service Representative of the concerned PR Firm.Directly across the PR Consultant’s contact report (that you just provided) will be a brief two column table made up of the headings “Invoice #” and “Date.” The invoice date will, by default, be today’s date. You may leave this or change this depending upon your needs however, you must enter a unique invoice number to cell F4. This is the filing number that should be used as a reference when discussing the charges and payment status involved with the consultation job being billed.


3 – Record The Public Relations Consultant’s Client Identity And Location

The PR Consultation Client will need to be clearly documented as the entity that must pay this invoice. Cell A11, reserved under the “Bill To” heading, will give you an appropriate area to document this entity’s “Name.” Produce the “Street Address” used by the PR Consultation Client to receive mail in cell A12. The next two cells will each expect a specific line in this address as well (“City, State, Country” in cell A13 and “Zip Code” in cell A14) so make sure this address is fully reported in this portion of the “A” column.


4 – A Full Account Of The PR Consultation And Prices Is required By This Paperwork

Now we will focus on the area of this invoice where the Client will be informed of the amount of money, he or she must pay for the services rendered. Make sure to give a “Description” of such services in the first column of the table below the “Bill To” section. This can consist of whatever details you believe the Client will recognize and are relevant to the job performed (i.e. a date and time). Price the public relations consultation according to the system you have in place, then report this in the “Amount” column (cell A17).

Cell A18 will present a bracketed symbol that you should replace with the number of days the Client is allowed as a grace period. You will find these brackets between the words “…In” and “Days.” All information not delivered in the above sections may be documented in the next cell (A19).


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