Flooring Contractor Invoice Template is a valuable bookkeeping resource when it comes to both collecting payments from Clients and keeping track of the accounts payable for your business. This document can be considered a bridge between your bookkeeping system and the Flooring Client being addressed. As a result of the invoice number you will generate and document in its content, you will attach certain identifiers for the job done, the Client served, and the amount due status. You may download this template at your convenience in any or all of the file formats available through this site.
Salary & Hourly Wage ($/hr)
How to Write in PDF and Word
Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)
1 – Save The Flooring Contractor Invoice To Your Computer
The Flooring Invoice featured in the image above can be obtained as either a Pdf by clicking on the “Adobe PDF” button or as a Word file through the “MS Word” button. Decide upon the one you wish to work with then access it through this page.
2 – Make Certain The Flooring Contractor Company Information Is Displayed
After gathering the Client records, you will work with, open the file you downloaded then input name of the Flooring Contractor’s Company in the first field. Identify the Flooring Contractor along with his or her business address utilizing the empty line labeled “Name” and the blank space “Street Address”
The next items required for this area will be the “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” of the Flooring Contractor’s business address.
Finally, we will need to include the “Phone” number maintained by the Flooring Contractor’s business and it’s “E-mail.”
3 – Input The Material Necessary To Address This document Properly
The invoice paperwork being delivered to the Flooring Client should have an easy way to refer to it. The invoice number assigned by the Flooring Contractor’s bookkeeping or billing system should be submitted on the first blank line in the shaded bar. After presenting the invoice number, use the blank line labeled “Date” to document the official invoice date to the job you define.
The Flooring Client’s “Name” and mailing address will be paired with the invoice number you recorded. Thus, use the column of blank spaces under the “Bill To” section to produce this information.
4 – Place The Details Defining The Flooring Job In The Appropriate Areas
Many Flooring Clients would prefer to see the factors contributing to the amount payable listed on an invoice addressed to the. Therefore, two easily discernable areas requesting definitions of the Flooring “Products” ordered for this Customer and the “Labor” that was provided to the Client. Notice the “Products” table is listed first. This table will need an itemized list of each physical item the Flooring Client will pay for through this paperwork presented in the “Description” column. You will need to consult your records to supply some additional information to support the cost of the “Products” you named. To this end, inform the Client how many of each flooring product was ordered (“Quantity”) and its “Unit Cost” in the second and third columns
The last column (“Amount”) will need you to multiply “Quantity” by “Unit Cost” across every row containing data then input the result
The final field in the last column is designated with the label “Total Products.” This field will refer to the sum of each “Amount” displayed.
After completing your report on the billable “Products” this invoice will cover, it will be time to detail the work hours this paperwork expects the Flooring Client to pay for. This information should be featured in the second table (“Labor”) beginning with the first column. This part of the “Labor” table requires your report on each shift or date when the Flooring Contractor worked on this contract or job. You must place each shift on a separate row in this table.
The “Hours” the Flooring Contractor spent with this job for the Client will also need to be properly documented. Place this number in the second column then, in the third column, enter the amount of money the Flooring Contractor is due for every working hour in the “Hourly Rate” segment of this table.
A requirement of this paperwork is that you produce the “Hours” multiplied by the “Hourly Rate” in the column labeled “Amount” for every row where such data has been provided.
After you have presented the result of the second column multiplied by the third column, you must add each such result in the box labeled “Total Labor.”
The “Subtotal” table, just below the “Labor” table, will not require much information, however, arguably, the information you record here should be considered vital. Here we will calculate the total owed for this job. This will begin by adding the number in “Total Product” with that in “Total Labor” then placing the resulting value in the “Subtotal” box.
The second box in this column, “Tax,” will only need information if your invoice requires that government taxes be charged to the Flooring Client. IF so, enter the “Tax” amount accordingly.
Add “Tax” and “Subtotal” then display the answer in “Total.”
You can attach terms of payment to this invoice using the two sentences that follow the “Subtotal” table above. The “Payment Is Due…” sentence contains a blank space where you can impose a time-limit (in “Days”) on the required payment. Enter the number of days on this line to apply this time-limit
The “Comments Or Special Instructions” portion of this document will contain two blank lines. Use these lines to give the Flooring Client material or instructions that he or she should review or have available with this invoice.
How to Write in Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
1 – Access The Flooring Invoice Spreadsheet Then Save It
Utilize the “MS Excel” button to access, then save the Flooring Invoice as an Excel sheet. This will have several formulas set into a few cells will conveniently aid in this document’s completion.
2 – The Heading Must Clearly Feature Contact Information
The first column will give us the opportunity to neatly present all the parties involved with the payment of this invoice. This identification process will begin with cell A1 where the Flooring Contracting Business Logo should be attached. The next few cells (A2 though A6) will make a presentation of the Sender’s contact information that is similar to many business cards. This means the Flooring Contractor’s “Company Name,” “Name,” “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” should all be entered into the cells bearing these labels.
The two cells following the Flooring Contractor’s mailing information both need venues of contact defined. The “E-Mail” address and “Phone” number of the Flooring Contractor (or Business) will be needed in cells A6 and A7.
3 – Record The Flooring Client’s Mailing Address
The next part of the “A” column shall require our focus turn to the Recipient or Payer of this bill. We shall start inputting such information with A11 with the full name of this entity in cell then support this documentation of the Flooring Customer’s identity using the column A cells A12, A13, and A14 to display the mailing address of the Flooring Client.
4 – The Tables On This Page Will Present Invoice Information
The next requirement concerns the invoice itself. Find the brief one-row table at the top of this sheet on the right. The two cells here (F4 and H4) must have the invoice number and date of defining this paperwork. It is usually a sign of good bookkeeping when the Payee issuing an invoice already has a numbering system to apply during the billing process to such paperwork. Thus, while the date (H4) is auto-filled with the current date, you should make sure such a system is in place then record the invoice number in F4. The next table in need of attention bears the title “Products.” We must utilize three of the four columns dividing this set of cells to submit some data that will define the supplies or pieces used for the flooring job we are billing here. The first of these columns (column A “Description”) provides a logical area to document an inventory of the ordered supplies that we intend to bill for the Customer. This can include items such as adhesives, tiles, lumber, etc.
The next two columns in the table are column F and column G labeled “Quantity” and “Unit Price” respectively. The first of these (“Quantity”) must be used to document precisely how many of each flooring item was needed for the job and must be paid for while the second of this pair (“Unit Price”) requires a record of the cost of one piece or unit of the ordered. The moment you enter two numbers on any one row, they will be used in a formula to display how much money must be paid for the total number ordered of any given flooring supply/product, the total payment required for all the ordered flooring products, and generate some figures in the table at the bottom. Therefore, it is imperative that you consult your records and make certain each figure you document is accurately input.
The “Labor” table of this spreadsheet performs a similar function on this spreadsheet but will need our focus on the physical time spent on the flooring job. As with the previous table, you will have to consult the job records because the data you input here will participate in the formulas calculating the payable amount being billed with this spreadsheet. Begin by reporting on the log entries defining the time spent by the Flooring Contractor working for this Client using column A. Each row should be devoted to reporting one date, shift, or contract number.
Columns F and G of this set of cells will be devoted to helping you translate the log entries you provided into the amount the Flooring Client must pay. Simply fill in the total number of “Hours” that were worked by the Flooring Contractor for each row containing a log, shift, or contract.
In the “G” column (known as “Hourly rate”) an official report of the money the Flooring Contractor requires for one hour of working is needed for each row with material in the first two columns. This will complete the report on the work done for the flooring job.
We will now finalize the “Total” dollar amount that is being requested by this invoice. One final item that must be reported and cannot be calculated is the “Tax” that must be included. Place this number in H34. This will finalize the payable amount being reported in cell H35.
Two optional areas that can be used to give the Flooring Client information that would be considered useful. In cell A35, disclose the number of days allotted to pay this invoice on time using the brackets.
A36 has been included as a convenience since this is a template that will provide a basic invoice, some Clients or flooring jobs may need more information provided. Use this field to do so if this is the case.