Independent Contractor (1099) Invoice Template

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The independent contractor invoice template allows an individual or company to bill a client for work provided. In most cases, the invoice will include a combination of labor and materials used. This invoice may be used for or any type of builder, painter, laborer, carpenter, electrician, equipment operator, or any type of work related to construction. In most cases, the client will be granted thirty (30) days to pay before accumulating any late fees.

IRS 1099-MISC Form – To be filed by the payor of an independent contractor of any individual that was paid more than $10 in royalties, $600 in payments, or $5,000 of a buyer for resale.

Contractor Work Order – An outlined request that is made prior to a job being assigned that gives a quote of the costs attributed to the labor and materials associated with the work.

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Bill To
Line Item

Contractor Invoices

How to Write in Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word

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1 – An Adobe Contractor Invoice Template Can Be Obtained Here

The Adobe file required to produce a Contractor Invoice can be downloaded by clicking on the “Adobe PDF” button accompanying the image on this page. You should have an up-to-date pdf editor to work onscreen with this file.

2 – State The Contractor’s Information, Invoice Reference Information, And Client Information

The Contracting Company Name should be placed on the first space of this document (bearing the label “Company Name”). Below this, fill in the Name of the Contractor as well as the Company Address, E-Mail Address, and Telephone Number.In addition to solidifying the identity of the Contactor issuing this Invoice, this paperwork’s reference information should be supplied as well. You can place this information in the field below the label “Invoice #” then, the Invoice Date in the field under the word “Date.” Another set of information that must be supplied is the Client’s Billing and Shipping Information. Two distinct columns of labeled spaces have been placed near the center of this document. The column “Bill To” will seek a definition to the Name and Address of the Client Office receiving this Invoice while the “Ship To” column will request the Shipping Address where the Client’s Freight is physically received.

3 – The Contractor Products And Labor Being Billed Should Be Accounted For

Any Contractor “Products” sold to Client as part of the transaction this Invoice refers to should be adequately documented for Client review. A predetermined area titled “Products” has been included below the Client information that has been reported earlier. This area will require a report on the “Quantity,” “Description,” and “Unit Price” to be supplied then calculated as a Total “Amount.” The figures you report in the “Amount” column must be summed to a total and placed in “Total Products.” The Contractor services provided to the Client will also have to be presented so the Client can review what he or she is paying for. The next part, with the heading “Labor,” has been reserved for the “Hours,” “Description,” and the Dollar Rate per Hour being charged for each job done. Multiply the “Hours” column by the “$/Hour” column for each row, supply the resulting “Amount” in the last column, and add the figures in the last column to a total sum of money in the “Total Labor” field to satisfy this table.

4 – Solidify The Total Amount Due

The bottom of this page will serve to deliver the Dollar Amount the Contractor’s Client must pay the Contracting Company. Add the numbers in “Total Products” and “Total Labor,” this amount must go in the field labeled “Subtotal.”  Record the “Sales Tax” the Client must pay in the second field. Once all the figures above have been accurately furnished, add “Subtotal” and “Sales Tax,” then report this number in “Total.”

5 – Contractor Comments Or Instructions Should Be Included When Invoicing The Client

The Contractor may wish to impose a time limit on what a payment on-time may be. The Number of Days after this paperwork has been successfully delivered to the Client can be set as a frame for what should be considered on-time. Enter this number of days on the blank line in the statement “Payment Is Due Within…” The last two blank lines have been provided for any Contractor Comments or Directions.


How to Write in Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

DownloadMicrosoft Excel (.xlsx)

1 – Click On The MS Excel Button To Access The Contractor Invoice On This Page

The Contractor Invoice can be saved as an Excel document when the MS Excel button attached to the image on this page is selected. You may download a copy to your machine at your discretion.

2 – The Contractor’s Contact Information Should Be Entered Where Requested

The first cells on this page, A1 through A8 must be satisfied with information from the user. Here, you will need to supply the Contractor Company Logo (A1), Contracting Company Name (A2), Contractor Name (A3), the Contracting Company’s Legal Address (A4 through A6), the Contracting Company’s E-Mail (A7), and Contracting Company’s Telephone Number (A8). This Invoice will need a way to be easily referred to when the Client wishes to make a payment or discuss it. Supply this I.D. method by assigning a unique number to the Invoice. Place this Invoice Number to the Cell on the right (F4). Make sure to also supply the Calendar Date when this Invoice becomes active in Cell H4.

3 – Several Areas On This Spreadsheet Will Require Contractor’s Client Information And Billable Charges

The next section is meant to attach the Client to this paperwork and charges it reports as owed. The area bearing the heading “Bill To” will allow us to clearly present the Client’s Name and Address. Make sure to enter this information by supplying the information requested in Cell A11, A12, A13, and A14 (“Name”, “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code”). This information must be up-to-date and accurate. The table presented in the body of this paperwork is titled “Products” and will seek to display the purchases made by the Client from the Contractor. Of course, this will require a “Description,” “Quantity,” and “Unit Price” to describe the Client order and the purchase. The last column will display the “Amount” of money the Client must pay for each row’s purchases. Additionally, a “Total Products” cell will generate the Total Amount of money the Client must pay for all the purchases defined here. In addition to the “Products” defined above, any “Labor” the Contractor intends to bill the Client for must be adequately described to the Client. This can be handled nicely in the “Labor” section when you enter the “Description,” “Hours,” and “$/Hour” (Pay Rate Per Hour) in the appropriately labeled columns. This information will automatically contribute to the “Amount” column and the “Total Labor” cell. The next cell requiring attention will have the label “Sales Tax.” Provide the Tax Dollar Amount the Client is responsible for in this cell (H36). This amount will be added to the “Subtotal” (H35) above with the result populating “Total” (H37).

4 – The Contractor’s Applicable Terms Of Payment And Comments Should Be Input

The Contractor can decide the Client will only have a predetermined number of days after receiving this Invoice to pay it before being his or her payment is considered late. If so, then present this number just before the word “…Days” in Cell A37. If additional terms, comments, or direction should be included then present such statements in Cell A38.


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