IT Contractor Invoice Template is formatted document that enables a clearly understood presentation of a job’s details and costs. This paperwork is used to communicate such information to a Client in a manner that will obligate him or her to pay for the costs of the IT job you completed. Naturally, this will also promote good record-keeping practices and such communication often encourages a timepy payment. Make certain the data produced for this document is accurate and up-to-date with the information in your system.
Salary & Hourly Wage ($/hr)
How to Write in PDF and Word
Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)
1 – Save The Information Technology Invoice As A PDF or Word File
You can obtain an MS Word or PDF version of the invoice paperwork necessary to bill a Client for contracted IT services or products by selecting the self-labeled buttons and links on this page. Select the file that works best in the software environment of your computer, then proceed to save a copy to an accessible location.
2 – Report On The IT Contractor’s Company Information
The “Company Name” used by the IT Contractor is the first requirement on this page. Locate the field with this label then supply this information.
Produce the IT Contractor’s individual “Name” and formal mailing address to the next four lines. The “Street Address” line will accept the first line of an address leaving the “City, State, Country” line and “Zip Code” line to accept the remaining two lines of a standard mailing address. Make certain that this information is up-to-date, especially if you expect a payment by mail.
The current telephone number the IT Contractor or Company prefers Clients to use when initiating a verbal conversation should be placed on the line with the “Phone” label. The last item we will use to define how the Client may contact the IT Contractor is his or her “E-Mail” address. Supply this to the final line of this section.
3 – Produce The IT Invoice Number For This Job
The IT Contractor or the IT Company generating this document is encouraged to develop a system for producing unique invoice numbers assigned to each invoice produced. Use the “Invoice #” and “Date” labels to document this information for the Client’s reference
4 – Detail The IT Client Name, Address, And Job
After producing the invoice number and date, turn your attention to the area directly below these items. The “Bill To” section will act as a measure of naming the concerned IT Client. Input his or her entire “Name” on the first blank line in this section of the invoice. The lines designated with the “Street Address” label, “City, State, Country,” and the “Zip Code” labels are made available so that the Client’s address may be well-presented under his or her name. It is important that this information is up-to-date and accurate.
The next part of this invoice will be divided by two tables which in turn will contain four noticeable columns. We will use these items as a structure to present the IT Client with specifics on the job he or she is being asked to pay for. The first column (Description) of the first table (“Products”) requires a simple list of all the merchandise or parts that was ordered for this IT job and must be billed to its Client. Provide this inventory row by row, then enter how many of these “Products” was ordered for the IT Client in the second area of this table (“Quantity”).
Now you have listed what was ordered and how many were ordered in the first half of the “Products” table. In the next part, “Unit Cost,” you will have to consult your records to obtain the price of one unit of the ordered merchandise or material. Place this number in the third column, multiply it with the “Quantity” value on the same row, and enter the product of these two numbers in the adjoining cell under “Amount.”
Add the “Amount” recorded on each row in the last column of “Products” then fill in the “Total Products” box with this sum.
The money expected by the IT Contractor for his or her time will need to be shown in the “Labor” table. This will require that we supply a well-defined register of the dates, times, or projects he or she spent time on for the Client’s IT project to be completed. The first column of the “Labor” table will accept this time registry with each date, project, or shift documented on its own row. The total length of time spent on the job during each of these registered shifts should be entered to the adjacent column as the same row as “Hours.”
In most cases, the Contractor will be paid hourly thus, we should record the amount of money per hour the Contractor will earn on this job in the adjoining cell on the same row (in “Hourly Rate”). This figure will then have to be multiplied by the “Hours” you entered so that you can populate the “Amount” column with this result.
The “Total Labor” box at the bottom of the “Amount” column requires that all numbers entered in this column be added to one another then recorded here.
The “Subtotal” section near the bottom right will serve as a distinct area where we can summarize and total the dollar amounts above. Start by adding the amount of money owed for “Total Products” to the amount owed for “Total Labor.” The resulting dollar value is required in the “Subtotal” box.
Many states as well as the federal government may require a tax amount be paid by the Client for this invoice amount. You must input this in the “Tax” box then enter the sum of “Subtotal” and “Tax” in the “Total” box.
5 – An Optional Area To Set Information May Be Used
The statement at the end of these tables “Payment Is Due In…” will only require your attention if the IT Contractor wishes to make sure the Client is obligated to pay the invoice amount within a given number of days and informed that payment after this period is considered late. If this should apply to the IT Client and the invoice here, then enter the number of days after this receipt is received on the blank line attached to the word “Days.”If you wish more information or material to be delivered through this invoice, then make sure to submit it directly to the blank lines after “Comments Or Special Instructions”
How to Write in Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
1 – The IT Contractor Invoice Is Available As A Spreadsheet Template
You can access the IT Contractor Invoice directly from this site by locating either the MS Excel link or button accompanying these instructions and preview image (respectively). You can open this file and work right away and/or you can save a copy. You are encouraged to save a copy for future use.
2 – Both The IT Contractor And Client Should Be Positively Identified
The “A” column of this spreadsheet will begin with a series of requests meant to identify the IT Contractor to the Recipient of this paperwork. Each such request will have a field of its own. The first cell, A1, will need the logo the IT Contractor uses to identify his or her business. Provide this as an image file to the contents of this cell, then submit the legal IT “Company Name” in A2. Give the IT Client the information necessary to make a mailing label addressed to someone at the IT Contractor or Company’s office. This will require the name of an individual in cell A3, and the address documented by entering requested material in cells A4 through A6.
A7 and A8 are also included to deliver the IT Client’s contact options for communicating with the Contractor. Use these two fields to present the “E-Mail” address and “Phone” number accordingly.
The “A” column will continue down this spreadsheet with another section, with the heading “Bill To,” devoted to the identification of an involved party. In this case, the IT Client. Locate cell A11 in this column, then make certain the IT Client’s full “Name” is accurately provided to its contents.
Continue down the “A” column with the address where the IT Client receives his or her mail. Use the “Street Address” cell (A12), the “City, State, Country” cell (A13), and the “Zip Code” cell (A14) to complete documenting this entity.
3 – Clearly Document The IT Invoice Information Required For Payment
Cell F4, near the top right corner, requires the predetermined “Invoice #” the IT Contractor or Company has attached to this job and the billing process it generates. Supply this number then verify the invoice “Date” as the current date as shown in H4 or enter one of your own. The job report required to invoice the IT Client can be produced using the two tables at the center of this spreadsheet. Let us begin with row 18 in the “Products” table. This is the first row where you can report the computer parts, network parts, or other merchandise the Client agreed to order so the IT job can be completed to his or her satisfaction. Record the name or part number of the first such product in column A of this row, then use the “F” column (“Quantity”) to indicate how many of the reported IT part or merchandise was ordered, and the “Unit Price” (G column). As you work, quite a few cells in the “H” column will generate information. This column will contain several formulas that will take the burden of calculating the figures from your entries to present the “Total” amount owed.
The “Labor” table will calculate and produce information in a similar manner but will take on the task of detailing the IT Contractor’s billable time. This process will begin with row 26. Begin listing each shift the IT Contractor worked on the concerned project on its own row in the “Description” or “A” column. The number of “Hours” of this shift will have to be reported in the “F” or “Hours” column and the “Hourly Rate” the IT Contractor applies to his or her “Labor” charges should be recorded in the “G” column. These items will work in conjuncture with one another to produce the monies owed for the “Labor” charges and the “Total” amount owed, however, you must supply one more item for a final figure.
The money the IT Client is obligated to pay in taxes must be submitted to cell H34 where it can participate in the final figure the IT Client must pay (H35).
4 – Terms Applying To Client Payment And Additional Information Can Be Presented
A35’s statement will contain the wording necessary to obligate a Client’s payment within a certain number of days or risk being considered delinquent. To apply this condition, delete the bracketed area in the displayed sentence and replace it with this number of days.The statement “Comments Or Special Instructions” in cell A36 lets the IT Client know that you will place any additional material in this cell. You may also use this cell as an area to cite an attachment you intend to present with this paperwork.