Freelance Graphic Designer Invoice Template, a valuable tool in any bookkeeping system, organizes the information that must be presented to request payment from a Client. The structure for this invoice is set but several facts will need to be provided that will summarize the two parties involved, the job, and the payment itself. It is recommended that you keep the references you have defining the graphic design job being billed as this will promote an efficient invoicing process.
Salary & Hourly Wage ($/hr)
How to Write in PDF and Word
Download in Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word (.docx).
1 – Use This Download To Bill Your Freelance Graphic Design Clients
Locate the links above naming the formats “Adobe PDF” and “MS Word.” Use these links (or the buttons above) to access the Freelance Graphic Design invoice.
2 – Identify The Graphic Design Business Or Freelancer
The beginning of this invoice reserves an area for the Graphic Design Freelancer’s name and professional contact options. The Graphic Designer’s first, middle, and last name must be documented after the word “From.” After the Designer’s name has been established, present his or her official business address. This process will require an address line required in its own space thus, the next three labeled lines will enable you to follow the standard address format on a label.
Similarly, a blank space attached to a label will determine where the Graphic Designer’s “Phone” number and “E-Mail” should be documented.
3 – Invoice The Graphic Design Client
Most businesses will use an invoice number attached to a transaction to keep track of a job and its payment’s status. Naturally, your Clients should be no exception thus, consult your records then transcribe the invoice number you assigned to this bill on the space attached to the “Invoice #” label. Another method your Clients (and yourself) are likely to use when looking up a document internally is the “Date” associated with that paperwork. Record this calendar date on the space across from your invoice number.
Now, locate your Graphic Design Client’s contact information. Ideally, this will be information give to you personally by that Client. Once you’ve located this information make sure it is reported in the “Bill To” section. The first blank line “Name” will accept the Graphic Design Client’s official name.
while the next three blank spaces allow for a quick entry of his or her “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” as well as the Client’s “Zip Code.”
Often, the Client will have requested graphic design “Products” such as prints, files, or even installations. If you are to bill your Client properly, then you will need to itemize each such graphic design products. Do so by filling out the “Quantity” (how many) of each graphic design product being billed here.
Naturally, you will want to give your Client a “Description” of the graphic design files, prints, or installation supplies that were ordered by the Client in the second column.
The price that must be paid for one piece of an ordered product should also be noted in this table. The third column will accept this information readily (“Unit Price”).
Most of your Graphic Design Clients will want to review a breakdown of how the items you recorded contribute to the invoice they are receiving. You can satisfy this expectation by multiplying the “Quantity” and “Unit Price” entered on each row. You can then give the resulting “Amount” in the final column.
Notice the bottom of the final column will have an additional field. It has the label “Total Products” and is where you will add all the amounts you entered to one sum. This sum is how much the Client owes for the graphic design products he or she purchased.
If you are also charging for the time you spent working for the Graphic Design Client then, you must attend to the second table on this invoice as well. First, tally up the time you spent working on each shift, date, or project into “Hours” then report this number in the first column in the table “Labor.”
The second column is set to accept the calendar dates you worked and the times of your shifts. You can also simply list the calendar date or name a specific project or contract. So long as you are consistent, and the Client will understand the reference.
You will now need to consult your references for this job one final time. Record the agreed upon payrate for each time you worked in the “$/Hour” column.
Finally, multiply every “Hours” entry with its corresponding “Unit Price” entry across the row. This number is the “Amount” to be recorded in the last field of the same row.
The “Total Labor” box at the bottom of this table will inform your Graphic Design Client how much he or she must pay for all the physical time you put into the project. Arrive at this dollar amount by adding all the numbers submitted in the last column of the “Labor” table.
The next area requiring your attention is the small “Subtotal” table near the bottom of this invoice. The “Subtotal” is the amount the Client must pay without any taxes added. This figure is found by adding the number in “Total Products” with its counterpart “Total Labor.”
Calculate the graphic design job taxes that must be included (if any) and put this number in the box with the “Tax” label.
The final box of this table, “Total,” will let your Client know how much is payable for this invoice. Add the “Tax” amount to your “Subtotal” amount for this result then place it in “Total” accordingly.
4 – The Option To Set Terms Is Recommended
The statement to the left of your “Total” will present you with one blank line. You can enter the number of days you are willing to wait for the Graphic Design Client to remit a payment on this blank line. This is strongly recommended as standard procedure. The “Comments Or Special Instructions” statement is only necessary if you decide it is. That is, if there are additional topics that have not been dealt with, you may input them directly to this line.
How to Write in Excel
Download in Microsoft Excel (.xlsx).
1 – Access Then Save The Freelance Graphic Designer Invoice
Your Graphic Design Client should be billed with the paperwork previewed in the image on this page. Simply click on the “MS Excel” link above then follow the prompt to save it to a reliably accessible area in your machine or cloud.
2 – Your Excel Invoice Must Begin With Your Freelance Contact Information
This paperwork will act as many of your correspondence beginning with a standard heading where your Graphic Design Business is introduced as the Sender. If you have a logo, you can import this to cell A1, first.
Now find cell A3, located on the third row in the first column (“A”). Record your name here then proceed producing information down the column with your “Street Address” in cell A4, the appropriate city/state/country for this address in cell A5, and its “Zip Code” in cell A6.
The “E-Mail” you use for your Graphic Design Freelance Business should be included in this area. Make certain you record it in cell A7.
Lastly, solidify your “Phone” number in cell A8 for the Client’s benefit.
3 – Address Your Graphic Design Client In A Direct Manner
Now your intended Recipient of this document, your Graphic Design Client, will also need some solid identification. Cell A11 will need a record of the full legal name of the Graphic Design Client submitted to its contents. Cells A12 through A14 will request the information needed for an address label. Input the Client information cells A12, 13, and 14 requests with that entity’s “Street Address,” the “City, State, Country,” and the “Zip Code” that was assigned this address.
4 – Report The Graphic Design Invoice Number And Job Specifics
This sheet has been provided with a few brief tables meant to logically and concisely display the items a standard invoice should. The first of these standard items of information is its filing number. To this end locate cell F4 then produce the predetermined invoice number you have attached to the graphic design job discussed. If you would like to use a date other than the current one for this invoice, then enter the desired invoice “Date” in cell H4. Otherwise you may leave the current calendar date as this document’s invoice date Two easily noticeable tables have been placed in this invoice. The first of these (“Products” on row 16″) will perform all the math required to deliver a breakdown of the total cost of “Products.” You merely have to supply the first three rows with some basic information regarding what the Graphic Design Client is purchasing. Column A, otherwise known as “Description,” will be the area where you must give a manifest of the ordered items. This can include a variety of merchandise ranging from prints to installation pieces to files. Regardless of what the Graphic Design Client is buying, each of these “Products” must be submitted separately in column A.
Columns F and G in the “Products” table, designated with the respective titles of “Quantity” and “Unit Price” will only need two figures. The first, (column F) is the total number of a given product ordered by the Client while the second (column G) requires how much one piece of the listed graphic design merchandise will cost the Client.
If you wish to bill for the physical work hours spent, then you should make sure they are clearly broken down for an easy review by the Recipient. Column A is the first part of this table where input is necessary. Separate the times you worked by day or by project and list them (one per row) in “Description.”
The time you spent on the projects/dates listed should be counted as “Hours” then documented on the corresponding row in column F. This will leave column G as the final column in this table in need of information. The pay rate you report here should be in the form of “$/Hour” and displayed in column G. These last two entries will influence column H by providing the “Amount” columns in these table with the values the Graphic Design Client owes for this job.
While this sheet has produced all the numbers it requires, you will have to input the “Tax” amount he or she must submit with the “Subtotal.” Enter the tax amount in cell H34
5 – The Payment Terms Can Be Included With Additional Topics
The text in cell A35 is structured as to obligate the Recipient of this invoice to submit a payment within a given time period that you list as “Days” where the bracketed symbol has been placed. Cell A36 is the final area that will accept invoice information, it is provided so that you can document facts, due to the Graphic Design Client, not covered above in this paperwork.