Dental Office (Dentist) Invoice Template

The Dental Office (Dentist) Invoice Template is set with the formatting needed to easily produce and review a hardcopy bill summarizing dental services (and products) requiring payment. By keeping a crisp and streamlined structure, there will be a definitive section where the Dental Office, the Patient, and the billed procedure can all be reported for display. Once you have completed this document, make sure it is checked for accuracy before dispensing it especially, since this can prolong the payment process.

Salary & Hourly Wage ($/hr)

  • Salary: $156,240/yr (source: BLS)
  • Hourly Wage: $75.12/hr (source: BLS)

My Invoices

We automatically add any invoices that you download or save to your device.

No invoices found.

These invoices are stored on your device, and not online. Clearing your browser's cache could cause you to lose these invoices. We recommend hanging on to a copy of each invoice you generate.

How to Write in PDF and MS Word

Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)

Step 1 – The Dental Invoice Is A Downloadable Item On This Page

The Dentist Invoice Template displayed in the image should be saved as a “PDF” document using the link above or the button bearing this label. If a “Word” template is more suitable to your software environment, you may also use the “Microsoft Word (.docx)” link above or the similarly designated button on this site to obtain this template.

Step 2 – An Introduction To The Dental Office Should Be Presented

The entire “Company Name” of the Dental Practice or Dentist must be used as an introductory item to the invoice you downloaded. The text box at the beginning will accept this Practice’s legal “Company Name” as you enter it.  After producing the Practice’s (or Dentist Office) identity as the Sender, locate the empty line labeled “Name” below it then furnish the “Name” of the Dental Practice’s Employee (or Dentist’s Office Assistant) handling the Client’s account to its contents.  The mailing address of the Dental Office or Practice is our next topic of discussion. This display should be made on the “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” lines.  A final request for the Dental Office or Practice’s contact information is made in this header for the Client’s benefit. Using the final two lines before the shaded bar, dispense the Dental Office’s or Practice’s “Phone” number and “E-Mail” address. 


Step 3 – The Reference Material Defining This Bill Is Required

The divider the header leads to contains two empty lines that need your input for an appropriate presentation of this invoice to the Dental Client. The first space, named “Invoice #,” seeks your entry of the reference number the Dental Practice or Dentist has determined to represent this information in the office files. Continue across this divider to the right side of this page where the empty line labeled “Date” is presented. This space is reserved for a report on the first calendar day the concerned invoice number your reported is effective. Produce this material as requested. 


Step 4 – This Paperwork Must Target The Dental Client

A request for payment from the Dental Client can only be made by directly addressing this Party which can be accomplished in the next section. The bold wording “Bill To” expects a definition to the Dental Client’s identity by requiring the “Name” be furnished on the line directly after this phrase.  The “Street Address” in the Dental Client mailing address along with its “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” will each have a blank line dedicated to its presentation in the “Bill To” section being completed. 


Step 5 – Report On All Billable Dental Supplies Or Medicines

Now that the Dental Client’s been identified as the Payer, a report on the “Products” the Dentist or Dental Practice intends to collect money on must be defined. A “Description” of dental products, medicines, or supplies should be listed for review. Make sure each item is reported separately rather than inputting two different ones on the same row.  The number of dental items ordered should also be documented. Thus, enter the exact “Quantity” of the dental product you listed that was provided for the Patient or Client.  After naming the dental product requiring payment and the number that was ordered, the “Unit Cost” column requires you fill in the base cost for only one of the items reported earlier on this row.  The last column, titled with the word “Amount,” expects the result of a calculation produced on a row by row basis. Every item must have its “Amount” presented as the “Quantity” multiplied by its “Unit Cost.”  Add all the dental product amounts you calculated to a single sum then enter this result in the “Total Products’ field.


Step 6 – Bill For The Dentist’s Service Time

The second table, “Labor,” is named as such because it is set to present documentation of the billable time spent on the Dental Client or Patient. The first column in this area seeks a record of this time in the form of the date and times of the appointment being billed. The next column to the right (“Hours”) expects the time spent on the Dental Client reported in “Hours.” Report this for every row where an appointment is defined. A record of the hourly pay the Dentist (or Staff) must be paid for the office visit must be defined. Therefore, continuing across the row you are working on, input the dollar amount expected for every hour the Dental Client must pay for. The last request of each row is a multiplication of the number of “Hours” spent on the concerned Office Visit with the applicable hourly rate (“$/Hour”). Multiply these values across every row then produce the result in “Amount.”

Now that we have completed each row, add all the amounts the Dental Patient or Client must pay to a single “Total Labor” amount. Locate this field in the last box of the “Amount” column.


Step 7 – The Dental Charges Should Be Produced As A Whole

The last table of this paperwork seeks only three entries – each of which will be a result of your calculations. First, add the Dentist Office’s “Total Products” owed with that of the Dentist and Staff’s “Total Labor” owed. The dollar value you reach should be considered the Dentist’s “Subtotal” for this bill. Report this in the first field of the next table. All sales taxes that apply to the dental products and procedures provided the Patient should be calculated then documented. The “Tax” field of this table reserves itself for your report of this figure. If no taxes apply, you may confirm this with a “0.00” entered or you may leave this field unattended.  Lastly, add the Dental Practice’s (or Dentist’s) “Subtotal” to the “Tax” recorded. This result is the Dental Practice’s “Total” for this invoice and will be considered the full amount owed. 


Step 8 – Inform The Dental Client Of The Deadline

It is recommended that you prompt the Dental Client to a reasonably timed payment. Thus, count the number of “Days” after the invoice “Date” when a lack of response regarding this paperwork will earn a lateness status. This number should be documented on the blank line in the “Payment Is Due…” statement.


Step 9 – Care Instructions Or Additional Dialogues Can Be Included

The Dental Office or Practice may wish to pass along care instructions, directions on how to pay, or additional dialogues. If so, then locate the “Comments Or Special Instructions” label at near the bottom of the page. This area can be used at your discretion for such information or left blank. 


How to Write in MS Excel

Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Obtain the Dental Invoice As An Excel Template

Use the invoice on this page to bill Dental Clients by filling out an Excel Template. The “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” link above this section enables access to this file. A button with the “Excel” label allows the same download.


Step 2- Name the Dental Office Or Dentist Behind This Invoice

The identity of the Dental Practice or Dentist issuing this invoice is the first subject that must be discussed. Cell A1 and cell A2 will begin this process. First, upload the logo of the Dental Practice or Dentist to cell A1 then type in the full “Company Name” of the Dental Practice or Dentist Office seeking payment to cell A2.  Now, record the full name of the Dentist or the Office Assistant with the authority to seek payment for the Dental Practice in cell A3. It is imperative for this request to function appropriately that the Dental Practice or Dentist Office’s contact information is available for use. Three different fields (in cell A4, A5, and A6) expect the Dental Practice’s first address line, its “City, State, Country,” then its “Zip Code” supplied where requested.  Once the Dental Practice’s Office Address is supplied, locate cell A7 then produce its current “E-Mail” as its contents.  The last field here, labeled “Phone” (cell A8), requires the Dental Practice’s telephone number recorded.


Step 3 – A Record Of The Invoice References Should Be Produced

The invoice number the Dental Office assigned to his paperwork should be presented along with its identity in the header area. Cell F4 (on the right) is set for this reference item once you input it. Cell H4 of this sheet displays your desktop calendar “Date.” This will be considered the first calendar day of effect for the payment obligation set by Dental Practice or Dental Office.


Step 4 – Identify The Dental Client

The Dental Client responsible for the money that is owed to the Practice or the Dentist that has provided care (or products) must be properly documented. Populate cell A11 (“Name”) with the Dental Client’s identity.  Three cells following the Dental Client’s “Name” require this entity’s current billing address. To achieve this, replace the labels in cell A12, A13, and A14 with the Dental Client’s mailing address. 


Step 5 – Discuss The Dental Supplies Being Billed

The Dental Practice sending this bill may have to bill for certain medicines, supplies, or care products. If this is the case, such information should be listed down column A beginning with cell A18.  Cell F18 is reserved for the “Quantity” or number of dental items (i.e. medicine, supplies, etc.) needed to satisfy the Client’s needs. Record this information accordingly. IF you recorded more than one dental product requiring purchase then enter a “Quantity” for each of the additional items on its respective row.  The “Unit Price” column composed of cell G18 and the rows below it refers to the item to be purchased and requests its cost (regardless of how many were ordered). This column shall participate in the formula that will populate many of the cells in column H.   


Step 6 – Account For The Dentist’s Billable Work Hours

The care provided to the Dental Client must be documented if the Dentist or Dental Practice expect payment for it. Thus, locate cell A26 then produce the appointment date and time when this care was provided.  The number of “Hours” the Dentist devoted to the Patient (or Dental Client) must be recorded in column F of this table. This will represent the time the Dentist (and Staff) requires to be paid for. Now, attend to the “Hourly Rate” column by recording the amount of money to be paid to the Dental Practice for every hour worked. This number will also participate in a formula however, it will factor 


Step 7 – Summarize The Dental Supplies And Hours Amounts

One last item will be required to complete this table. Cell H34, sandwiched between this invoice’s “Subtotal” and its “Total,” expects the full “Tax” amount to be added to the “Subtotal.” Apply the local tax codes to the “Subtotal,” if needed, then enter the required sales or service “Tax” in cell H34. 


Step 8 – Attach The Dentist’s Formal Grace Period Of Payment

The Dental Practice issuing this invoice should define when the first day it will be late if unpaid. The number representing how many “Days” after the Invoice “Date” this status is attached to the delinquent invoice should be used as a replacement for the bracketed pound sign in cell A35. This placeholder can be found immediately after the words “Payment Is Due…”   

The Dental Practice or Dentist may intend to deliver “Comments Or Special Instructions” beyond the invoice information above. If so, an optional field, cell A36, will accept all such information. 
