A monthly parking invoice is a recurring payment made by a vehicle’s owner to pay for parking space in a garage or lot. The invoice will commonly be connected to a parking lease agreement that is either for a fixed period or month to month basis. Payment is usually required before access to the parking space.
My Invoices
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These invoices are stored on your device, and not online. Clearing your browser's cache could cause you to lose these invoices. We recommend hanging on to a copy of each invoice you generate.
How to Write in PDF and Word
Download: Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word (.docx)
Step 1 – Issue The Monthly Parking Invoice To Your Customers Or Clients
Save the invoice required to bill Clients for the monthly parking dues that are due. This template can serve its use as an “Adobe PDF” file or as a “Microsoft Word (.docx)” template.
Step 2 – Identify The Parking Garage Or Lot That Requires Payment
The textbox starting the invoice (at the top) requests an introduction of the Parking Garage or Lot behind this document. To engage this introduction, type the legal “Company Name” of the Garage or Parking Lot in this box. Let us continue to the “Name” line just under the textbox. Here, the Parking Attendant or Office Employee handling Customer correspondence and/or in charge of the Garage’s account receivables should have his or her “Name” produced on this line.
The “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” lines succeeding the Employee’s identity refer to the mailing address of the Garage’s Office. Fill in this information with the Garage’s mailing address then complete the Garage’s mailing address by furnishing the appropriate postal code on the “ZIP Code” line.
Produce the Garage or Parking Lot’s “Phone” number and “E-Mail” address on the last two blank lines where they are requested.
Step 3 – Record The Garage’s Filing Information For The Parking Client’s Use
The next blank line presented in this document is reserved for the parking “Invoice #” the Garage has attached to the monthly parking bill you are completing. The space labeled “Date” on the right side of the page requires the calendar day of effect for this bill furnished as its report.
Step 4 – Directly Address The Parking Client
This paperwork will continue with the “Bill To” section where we must document the Parking Client’s “Name” on the available space. This may be the Vehicle Owner or the Driver responsible for paying this bill. In addition to this identity, the Parking Client’s address is necessary. The “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” in the Parking Client’s address should both be entered in the spaces reserved by these labels.
Record the Parking Client’s “Zip Code” on the last line of this column.
Step 5 – Include The Vehicle’s Details With This Request
Now, turn your attention to the “Vehicle Information” heading on the right side of the page. Several spaces request specific information pertaining to the vehicle this parking bill is concerned with. Use the first space to record the parked vehicle’s “Make And Model,” then the three that follow to display its “Color,” “Year,” and “Plate” number in this section.
Step 6 – Furnish The Parking Spot Or Agreement Details
The parking space and/or parking contract should be defined for the purpose of this invoice. The “Description” field will accept all parking information required to present the charges that must be paid.
Step 7 – Document The Numbers Contributing To The Owed Amount
Several columns will seek your input to show the Parking Client the parking costs requiring payment. The second column, labeled as “Months,” will need a report on the billable parking time divided and reported as a number of “Months.” Therefore, enter the exact number of “Months” when the parking space was reserved for the Customer’s use in this column. The third column, “Monthly Rate,” wishes to define the dollar value of the concerned parking space if it were reserved for a single month. Input this dollar value as requested.
A few items will need to be produced in the final column. Begin by satisfying the “Amount” box with the product of the number of “Months” reported multiplied by the “Monthly Rate” applied.
After furnishing the “Amount,” add all the numbers that were recorded in this box and display the result in “Subtotal.” If you only entered one “Amount,” transcribe it to the “Subtotal” box.
If a parking “Discount” applies, then enter it in the next box down. Keep in mind, you must report a dollar value here. Note: If the “Discount” was originally applied as a percentage of the “Subtotal” then apply the rate to the “Subtotal” to reach this value.
Submit the full “Tax/VAT” amount owed for the “Subtotal.”
The “Total” box is intent on informing the Parking Client of the full dollar amount that must be paid. This requires two minor calculations. First, subtract any parking “Discount” reported from the “Subtotal.” Once done, add the result to the value recorded in the “Tax/VAT” box. The sum of this second calculation is the “Total” due from the Parking Client.
Step 8 – Assign A Deadline To The Parking Client
The “Payment…” sentence placed after the table on the left requires that a specific number of “Days” be named as a grace period. That is, if the Parking Client wishes to pay his or her bill on time then it must be done so in the number of days you report here starting with the invoice “Date” you supplied.
Step 9 – Report Additional Parking Information or Relevant Instructions If Needed
If more information is needed to complete this payment request for the monthly parking spot, then additional space has been presented on the blank lines following the label “Comments Or Special Instructions.”
How to Write in Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Step 1 – Download The Monthly Parking Excel Invoice
When you are ready to bill Monthly Parking Clients, choose the “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” link from the choices presented above then save it to an accessible location in your system. You may also do the same if you choose the “Excel” button from the caption area of the preview.
Step 2 – Produce An Introduction Of The Parking Garage Or Lot Providing Parking
The first few cells we must tend to will focus on the production of introducing the Sender. For this task, cell A1 is ready to receive an import of the Sender’s (i.e. Parking Garage, Lot, or Property Management Company) logo while cell A2 requests entry of the Sender’s full legal name including any suffixes that must be employed such as ‘incorporated,’ or corp.” The next request is for the “Name” and mailing address of the party responsible for communicating and/or obtaining this payment for the concerned Parking Garage. Satisfy this request by furnishing this Representative’s (or Owner’s) “Name” to cell A3, then the Garage’s Office “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” to the next two cells below this. The final entry is the postal code for this address. Supply it to cell A6.
Another important contact item to present here will be the “E-mail” address the Parking Garage/Lot or Property Management Company monitors. Thus, report a well-maintained email address for this entity in cell A7.
The telephone number the Garage or Property Management Office wishes used for contact is, by many standards, mandatory for such paperwork. Provide it in cell A8
Step 3 – Furnish The Monthly Parking’s Filing Information For This Bill
Many Parking Customers will expect some identifying details to the actual invoice being developed. The top right of this sheet will enable a clear presentation of such items. First, report “Invoice #” attached to the concerned monthly parking bill
Now record the “Date” when the monthly parking payment is formally requested in cell H4. You will notice the current “Date” has already been supplied. This is merely set as a convenience and may be altered to any invoice “Date” you wish.
Step 4 – Record The Parking Customer’s Billing And Vehicle Information
The next two sections of this paperwork will focus purely on the Parking Customer and his or her vehicle. The portion of column A labeled “Bill To” is geared to accept the information needed to identify the Parking Customer. Report this Party’s full “Name” and mailing address using cell A11 for the Parking Client’s “Name” and cells A12, A13, and A14 for his or her “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code.”
Next, seek out cell F11 in the “Vehicle Information” column. The series of cells here require the “Make And Model” (cell F11), “Color” (cell F12), “Year” (cell F13), and “Plate” number (cell F14) of the vehicle being parked.
Step 5 – Deliver A Report Defining The Monthly Parking Spot
The parking spot being billed for the month, on a monthly basis, or as part of a monthly agreement should be defined according to one of these terms. Describe the parking spot (by number or location) as well as any agreement this bill is concerned with in the “Description” (cell A17) part of the invoice table that must be completed.
Step 6 – Detail The Monthly Charges For The Parking Spot
The next three columns, “Months,” “Monthly Rate,” and “Amount” are all closely tied to each other. As you report the number of months being billed in the “Months” column (cell F17) and the “Monthly Rate” that will apply in cell G17, the final column “Amount” will use these numbers to present the base cost being charged in for the parking spot during the defined number of months. The next cell in this column, cell H18 (“Subtotal”) requires that you confirm the total base charge or “Subtotal” for this bill by recording it as its contents.
If a parking “Discount” was applied, report it as a dollar value in cell H18.
Cell H20, labeled “Tax/VAT,” is reserved for the total amount in service taxes, sales taxes, or value-added taxes that must be added to the invoice. Produce this as requested.
Finally, subtract the “Discount” from the “Subtotal” then add this to the “Tax/VAT.” The resulting figure is the monthly parking “Total” payment required of the Customer by this invoice.
Step 7 – Inform The Parking Customer Of The Garage Or Lot’s Grace Period
The next field of this invoice where attention is needed is held by cell A22. The wording “Payment Is…” should be applied to this invoice as an instructional to the Invoice Receiver. He or she will be instructed to submit payment within the number of “Days” you replace the hashtag symbol with. The concerned number will be a countdown from the invoice “Date” until nonpayment is considered late.
Step 8 – You May Supplement This Invoice With Any Necessary Dialogue At Will
There may be other instructions relevant to the transactions or simply some comments and disclosures that should be presented with this document. If so, cell A23 is reserved for such content.