Sales Commission Invoice Template

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The sales commission invoice is for any individual or entity that is paid on a percentage (%) of the sales they generate either internally through a company or as another type of affiliate. The invoice should include the gross sales amount of the service or product sold along with the percentage (%) fee that is due for procuring the sale.

Real Estate Commission Invoice – Primarily used by real estate agents, brokers, and Realtors as a way to bill their client for finding a buyer or tenant for their property.

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How to Write in Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word

DownloadAdobe PDF or Microsoft Word

1 – The PDF Template Used To Issue A Sales Commission Invoice Can Be Accessed And Downloaded Here

The Adobe document on this page can be readily obtained then used whenever necessary as a Sales Commission Invoice. Use the “Adobe PDF” button displayed to obtain a copy.


2 – State The Full Name Of The Billing Entity

The first item this template will call for is the information defining the Sales Agent submitting this paperwork. You will have to produce the Company Name in the first field at the top left-hand corner of this document.         The Sales Agent generating this Invoice should self-report his or her Full Name, Business Address, Business Number, and Email Address on the appropriately labeled spaces in this header area. 

3 – Deliver The Invoice Reference Number Along With The Date Of Its Execution

The shaded bar just below this header area will have two blank spaces, labeled “Invoice #” and “Date” accordingly. Use these areas to display both the Invoice Number associated with this commissioned transaction(s) and its Invoice Date.

4 – The Invoiced Recipient Identity Is A Required Definition In This Paperwork

In the area under the bold heading “To,” we will directly address the Client by listing his or her information. First, supply the name of the entity that will pay the Sales Agent on the blank line following the label “Name.”Naturally, we must further identify the Recipient of this Commission Invoice by listing this entity’s “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code.”

5 – Each Commissioned Transaction Should Be Properly Documented

The next part of this form focuses on defining the Commissioned Transactions successfully closed by the Sales Agent. Declare each transaction requiring a commission payment in the “Description” column. The next column needs the total “Sales Amount” of the concerned transaction placed into it. This should be followed by the applicable Commission Percentage that must be paid documented in the third column. When you have declared each transaction, its Sales Amount, and the Commission Percentage required, multiply the “Sales Amount” with the “Commission %” (for each row) then place the product in the column titled “Amount.” Finally, add every number you calculated in the “Amount” column to one sum then report the result in the last field of this table “Total.”

6 – Solidify Applicable Terms With This Client

A time limit can be imposed on the Recipient’s Payment of this Invoice using the statement beginning with the term “Payment Is Due.” Simply declare how many days you will give the Recipient to pay this Invoice after it has been successfully delivered by entering this number on the blank line provided. The last statement (“Comments Or Special Instructions”) has been included so that you may supply additional information when the situation calls for it.


How to Write in Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

DownloadMicrosoft Excel (.xlsx)

1 – Download And Open The Excel Version Of The Sales Commission Invoice

The Sales Commission Invoice, previewed in the image above, can be worked on as an Excel document by opening the correct file version. The button or link labeled “MS Excel” will give you the access to this file. Open then save it when you are ready to work.

2 – The Sales Agent Information Is Required At The Top Of This Page

It will be important to all parties involved that a clear presentation is made of the Sales Agent Identity and Contact Information. The first cells in column A are reserved strictly for the placement of the Sale Agent Company Logo, Company Name, the Sales Agent’s Name, his or her Business Address, E-Mail Address, and Business Telephone Number.

3 – State The Filing Information Used For This Invoice

This document’s Reference Number or Invoice Number should also be made available to its Recipient. Generally, this will serve as a tool to easily store and locate this paperwork in the future. In cell F4, just under the label “Invoice #,” fill in the Invoice Number for this transaction.

Solidify this paperwork’s Invoice Date by entering it in the adjacent cell (H4).

4 – The Recipient Obligated To Pay This Commission Should Be Clearly Declared

The Recipient of this Sales Commission Invoice  must be solidified in writing. This task will fall to the column of cells under the word “To” (A10). Here, you must enter the Invoice Recipient’s Name, Street Address, City, State, Country, and Zip Code to cells A11 through A14.

5 – An Account Of All Commission Transactions Must Appear On This Invoice

The pre-formatted table, beginning on row 16 and spanning columns A through H, has been included so that a clear ledger of each transaction requiring a commission payment be reported. Use column A to define the Transaction requiring a Commission Payment.

In addition to the defined transactions, enter the full “Sales Amount” in column F and the “Commission %” to column G. The “Amount” column will produce the dollar amounts the Recipient must pay as you enter this information.

6 – Applicable Terms And Information Can Be Included As Necessary

The next cell that will accept information is cell A28. State the grace period (in days) given to the Recipient to make an on-time payment. Cell A32 will accept any additional information that needs to be included.


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