Materials ONLY Invoice Template is a provided tool that can be employed by any Business Entity (Contractor or Company) with the intent of gaining payment for the tangible items that a Customer has agreed to pay for. Several pieces of information that focus on defining both parties and the “Materials” sold will be necessary to develop this document from a template to the invoice you wish to send. So long as you produce the appropriate information where it is requested, this process yields a finished document with the content many of your Customers will expect. Of course, there will also be optional areas you may utilize for Customers who must receive additional documentation with this report on the amount owed to the Business Entity sending this.
My Invoices
We automatically add any invoices that you download or save to your device.
These invoices are stored on your device, and not online. Clearing your browser's cache could cause you to lose these invoices. We recommend hanging on to a copy of each invoice you generate.
How to Write in PDF and MS Word
Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)
Step 1 – Use The Available Links To Obtain The Materials (ONLY) Invoice
This page features a few options for downloading the template to issue a bill to your Clients for “Materials” that were either ordered by the Client or used as billable supplies to complete a Client’s job. You can save this template in as a “Word” document using the image’s caption button with this label or the “Microsoft Word (.docx)” link above this statement. Optionally, you may also gain access to the “PDF” version by seeking the appropriately labeled buttons and links in these areas. Choose the file type you wish and save it to your machine.
Step 2 – Identify Your Business As The Vendor Or Supplier Of The Billable Materials
Before we proceed to invoice the Recipient (Client) of this invoice, it will be imperative to document who its Sender is and how the Customer may initiate contact. Therefore, we shall take advantage of the text box with the prominent label “Company Name.” Remove this text by deleting it or typing over it as you must replace it with the legal name of the business sending this paperwork. The “Company Name” you submit here will be the Vendor or Supplier essentially selling the merchandise or the supplies we will list.
Whether the Vendor or Supplier is a Freelancer or a Business Entity, the full name of a human being set to represent the Company in this matter should be produced to the blank line labeled “Name.”
The Vendor/Supplier behind this paperwork will need to feature its contact information along with its identity in this segment of the page. We can achieve this effect by submitting three basic details defining this Sender. First, submit the building number, street, and (if required) suite/unit number of the Vendor or Supplier’s mailing address to the blank space bearing the “Street Address” label. The second line of the Sender’s mailing address usually composed of its “City, State…” can be produced on the next line along with the “Country.” The applicable “Zip Code” in the Vendor/Supplier’s mailing address has a distinct space where it should be presented. Produce this content on the next line down. Your Vendor or Supply Business telephone number is the second method of contact to be defined. The space carrying the label “Phone” has been reserved for this number. Make sure to include any extensions if needed. Our last obligation to this section is to fulfill the “E-Mail” address monitored by the Vendor/Supplier on the last line.
Step 3 – Begin This Process By Assigning A Document Number
A crucial item that will be useful throughout the entire invoice process is the number used to identify the document whether it is reviewed as a paper copy or a file. Commonly referred to as an invoice number, disclose this file number on the “Invoice #” line. The space attached to the “Date” label intends to name the day when this invoice was made and applied to the Recipient (your Client or Customer).
Step 4 – Address The Materials Customer In this Invoice
The block of labeled spaces titled “Bill To” serves an important function in this paperwork. Their title will obligate your Materials Customer to paying this invoice so long as you produce the content defined by the label each is attached to. Thus, record the Customer “Name” to the first of these spaces.
The “Street Address” and the “City, State, Country” making up the Materials Customer’s billing address to the two lines immediately below this entity’s “Name.” Complete this address by filling in the “Zip Code” attached to the “Street Address” and “City, State, Country.”
Step 5- Give A Reasonably Concise Report On The Materials Sold
A concise table has been supplied to the center of this document, in the “Bill To” section, so you may formally declare what “Materials” the Customer must pay for and what the expected dollar amount of that payment is. As instinct may dictate, the first task is a “Description” of the “Materials.” This must be present in the first column of the concerned table. Here, all the merchandise, products, supplies, or physical items (in general) that will be billed to the concerned Customer should be accounted for. Present this in a list format where each one commands its own row. The number of the products, supply pieces, or merchandise ordered is the next concern and will have to be detailed in the second column, known as “Quantity.” The third column of this table, named “Unit Cost,” refers to the merchandise, product, or supply you listed in the first column. Here, you must enter the exact dollar value the Customer would pay if the “Quantity” ordered was “1” and before any taxes are added. Consult your records for this amount since it will play an important part in completing this table and the invoice itself. The final column in the “Materials” table will bear the responsibility of holding the dollar value that must be submitted for the full order of each item. By now, you will have the name of a product, a piece of merchandise, or some supply listed in the first column, how many were produced or being sold through this invoice, and the exact amount of money that will be required to pay for just one of these tangible items. Now, by multiplying the dollar amounts you recorded in the second and third columns for each item, you will reach the total that must be paid for that item’s order. Place this calculation’s result, row by row, in the “Amount” column on the same row as the tangible product being discussed.
A “Subtotal” will be the next task. Add all values entered as your “Amount” to a single number then report it in the box labeled “Subtotal.”
With few exceptions, the State or Locality your business operates in will likely expect to collect a sales “Tax.” This will usually be up to your Customer to pay but you will have to disclose the exact amount in taxes, as a dollar value, in the “Tax” field of this table. If no taxes can be applied you may simply leave this field unaltered. Notice in our example, that since Delaware has no sales “Tax,” the dollar value “$0.00.” was input. The last box of this column, “Total,” simply refers to the resulting figure when you add the “Subtotal” with the “Tax.” This field is crucial since it will be understood by the Customer as the exact dollar amount that he or she must pay to the Sender to fulfill the obligations of this paperwork.
Step 6 – Use The Follow-Up Statement As A Tool To Define The Necessary Payment
Obviously, every Vendor, Supplier, Contractor, or Business will want a timely payment to be the response of their Material Customers. This can be promoted by informing this Recipient of the maximum amount of days when a received payment will be marked on time. The “Payment Is Due” phrase used at the bottom will continue to a blank line. Define how many “Days” the Customer must pay for these materials by recording the appropriate number on this line.
Step 7 – Additional Information Pertaining to The Concerned Materials Or Payment Instructions May Be Supplied At-Will
If you wish to produce additional content to this bill, a distinct “Comments And Special Instructions” area has been included just below the Payment statement we have just completed. You may dispense content directly to the blank lines in this section list attached documents that will include with the invoice packet you are completing (i.e. Warranty, HazMat, Bills of Lading, etc.)
How to Write in MS Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Step 1 – Save The Materials Invoice From The Excel Links On This Page
You can develop and dispense an invoice for “Materials” ordered or used for your Customer with the “Excel” spreadsheet available. Simply click on the text-link or the button with the appropriate “Excel” label then save it.
Step 2 – Identify The Materials Manufacturer, Vendor, Or Supplier
Column A will need your Business Information. Thus, in cell A1, import the image file the Manufacturer, Supplier, or Vendor uses for identification. This will be located at the top of the invoice that you complete.
Continue to cell A2, type in the full “Company Name” legally used by the Business sending this invoice.
The next cell in column A will request the full “Name” of the Preparer of this document or that of the individual able to discuss or receive payment from the Customer.
Your entry of the mailing address for this entity will also be expected but will be split down the next three cells beginning with the Vendor, Manufacturer, or Contractor’s “Street Address” in cell A4 and the appropriate “City, State, Country” in cell A5.
The “Zip Code” of the Sender’s address must be produced in cell A6
Cells A7 and A8 will also concern themselves with dispensing a means of contact. Specifically, the business line (“Phone”) and your Company’s electronic mail address (“E-Mail”) are the next two items you must submit.
Step 3 – Report The Legal Name Of Your Materials Client
This invoice sheet will insist on assigning a specific Customer as the Party who has ordered the concerned “Materials” and must pay for them. Cell A11, the next cell in column A requiring your input, focuses on this Customer’s identity by requesting you type in the “Name “of this Party in its field. Three cells, A12 through A14, have been reserved for the “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” of the Customer billing address then the “Zip Code.”
Step 4 – Dispense Information That Will Distinguish This Document In The Files
A distinct or unique document number should be determined by the bookkeeping or billing department of the Business behind this invoice to identify it. This number will be very useful in your bookkeeping department’s ability to keep track of this bill’s status. It will also be useful to your Customer when submitting payment and keeping good records. Cell F4 is devoted to displaying this “Invoice #” once you record it to its contents. Submit the “Date” of this document’s issuance and therefore of its effect in cell H4.
Step 5 – Give A Clear Account Of The Materials The Customer Will Pay For
Nearly every Customer you deal with will want a record of the “Materials” he or she must pay for. You can accommodate this using the table in the middle of the invoice. Locate cell A17 then begin listing each product, supply, or piece of merchandise ordered row-by-row.
You should expect the Customer to want to see some figures supporting the “Amount” that will be owed for this invoice. Therefore, two additional columns each referring to the defined product, supply or piece of merchandise you listed have been included. First, a record of the “Quantity” of these products/supplies must be submitted in column F.
The “Unit Price” (the cost of one piece or “Unit” of the product/supply ordered) must be delivered to column G. These two columns will immediately produce numerals in the “H” column (otherwise referred to as the “Amount” column).
Cell A28 is the last field that must be satisfied in this table. Fill in the sales “Tax” amount being charged to the Customer in this field. This value will, in turn, be incorporated to the “Total” (cell A29) that the Customer must pay.
Step 6 – Submit Your Preferred Timeline To Obtain A Reasonably Timed Payment
Across the page from the “Total” you produced, in cell A30, the “Payment Is Due” statement will give a specific deadline of payment to the Customer. You will need to count the maximum amount of days from the invoice “Date” that a submitted payment would still be on time then substitute “[#]” with this number. In our example, the Customer will have ten days from the invoice “Date” to pay this amount.
Step 7 – More Information Can Be Dispensed At Your Discretion
In situations where more information or content must be passed along to the Customer with this paperwork, cell A31 (“Comments Or Special Instructions”) has been provided for your use. You may also leave this cell unattended if no further instruction or content is needed.