The Architect Invoice Template allows for a standard format to produce a versatile presentation of payment request it makes. This is useful in that the administrative or design tasks an Architecture Firm may provide range from creating and developing blueprints, obtaining construction companies, and even dealing with some of the permits that may need to be obtained from the local government. Regardless of whether the Architect is billing for one service, more than one service, or according to an agreement, a presentation of an invoice will need to be made of several items ranging from the Firm Name to the work done.
Salary & Hourly Wage ($/hr)
How To Write In PDF Or Microsoft Word
Download; PDF or Microsoft Word (.docx)
Step 1 – Download The PDF Or Word Invoice On This Page To Bill Architecture Clients
Two link items above in this section allow you to save the Architect Invoice in either an “Adobe PDF” or “Microsoft Word (.docx)” format. Additionally, the buttons underneath the Architect Invoice’s preview image using the “PDF” or “Word” buttons.
Step 2 – Introduce The Architect or Firm Sending This Paperwork
Open this file, then type in the Architect’s legal firm name in the first text box. The set of lines immediately following the Firm’s Name seek to attach Architect’s contact information to the firm. Begin with the full “Name” of the Architect or Firm Representative seeking payment on the first line.
Continue with the second and third blank lines (assigned the labels “Street Address” and “City, State, Country”) which seek the official mailing address where the Architect (or Firm) above can be reached.
The postal code used for the Architect’s mailing address is expected on the “Zip Code” line.
Report the Architect’s business number on the “Phone” line then his or her “E-mail” address on the next line down.
Step 3 – Use The Architecture Firm’s Document Information To Categorize This Document
The document’s invoice number can only be determined by the Architect or Firm developing it since it must remain unique in the Sender’s filing system. Record this invoice number for the Client’s benefit on the first line of the horizontal shaded bar underneath the header. Next, the calendar “Date” when the Architect formally issues this invoice to the Client is our next concern. Produce it on the next available line in the dividing bar.
Step 4 – Produce The Architecture Client’s Identity
This production must continue with information identifying the Architect’s Client in the “Bill To” section. The “Name” line in this section refers only to the Architect Client’s legal “Name.” The “Street Address” and the “City, State, Country” in the mailing address of the Architect’s Client will be the subject of the next two lines. This will leave the “Zip Code” to be recorded separately on the next line down. Make sure this is the Architect Client’s up-to-date mailing address.
Step 5 – Define The Architecture Services Provided
A two-column table has been set in the center of this page so that a clear “Description” of the Architect’s services may be presented (along with the amounts requested). The first box of this table is reserved for the Architecture contract title, times of work, or any other information that will adequately define the services that must be paid for.
Step 6 – Indicate The Amount Owed For The Architect’s Services
The right-hand column, holding the title “Amount,” is meant to communicate the base price for the discussed architectural services or contract. Enter this dollar value here. Record the Architect’s “Subtotal” in the next box down. This should be a sum of the amounts you reported as the base costs without a review of taxes.
The “Tax/VAT” label reserves a specific box where you may inform the Client of the taxes that must be included with the Architecture Client’s payment. Calculate these taxes (if any) in accordance with the jurisdiction where the Architect operates.
Our next focus will be to combine the “Subtotal” of the Architect’s services and the taxes his or her Client is obligated to pay. Once you add the numbers you reported in the appropriately labeled boxes place the result in the “Total” box.
Step 7 – Make A Record Of The Expected Payment’s Grace Period
As you continue past the table, a sentence containing the words “Payment Is Due In….” presents a blank line where the number of “Days” defining when the Architect Client must pay this bill to be accepted as on time
Step 8 – Continue Documentation Through An Optional Area
The “Comments Or Special Instructions” term at the end of this invoice presents a couple of blank lines as a matter of convenience. Use these lines to record any additional material concerning the Architect, the services or contract being discussed, or the expected payment.
How To Write In Microsoft Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Step 1 – Save The Architect Invoice As A Spreadsheet
Select the “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” link on this page. This object, and its counterpart “Excel” button, will grant access to the spreadsheet invoice needed to bill an Architect’s Client.
Step 2 – Produce The Architecture Firm’s Contact Details
Seek out your downloaded file from the folder you where you saved it then, open it. Attach the Architect’s trademark image or logo stored in your system to cell A1 by uploading it to this field’s contents. This cell will display at the top of the page with the header information you will provide as a convenience to the Invoice Recipient. Continue to cell A2 with an entry of the Architect’s Firm Name or, if freelancing, Professional “Company Name” then input the “Name” of the Firm Employee or Architect sending this document in cell A3.
The fields making up cells A4 through A6 will seek the Architect’s mailing address. Notice cell A4 displays the “Street Address” label thus requesting the Architect’s building number, street name, and suite number while cell A5’s label (“City, State, Country”) is reserved for the second line of this address.
The “Zip Code” assigned as the formal postal code for the Architect Firm’s mailing address will be needed in cell A5.
Cell A7 will seek the “E-Mail” address where the Architect can be reliably contacted by his or her Client. Enter this content as requested to this field.
Conclude this section with the Architect’s “Phone” number.
Step 3 – Furnish Document Information To Correctly Classify This Paperwork
The next section you must furnish with material is located directly across the spreadsheet in cells F4 and H4. The first of these is underneath the wording “Invoice #.” This filing or document I.D. number serves as a reference point for this payment request. Furnish the Architecture Firm’s assigned “Invoice #” to cell F4. Adjacent to the invoice number, cell H4 will require the “Date” when this request for payment is made of the Architecture Client.
Step 4 – Record The Architect Client’s Billing Information
This invoice will need a named target for its payment request. The Architect-Client will need to be identified as the Party paying for the services, proposals, or contract we will discuss. cell A11 will aid your achievement of this task by providing an area where the Architect-Client’s full “Name” can be presented. The full mailing address of the Architect-Client we identified is the next production we will focus on. Cell A11 has been set to receive the “Street Address” of the Architect-Client while the next three fields down this column (cell A13, Cell A14, and A15) are reserved for your entries of the “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code”
Step 5 – Present A Summary Of The Architect Services Being Billed
The invoice being developed will need to discuss the contract, proposals, or work the Architect-Client must pay for. Cell A17, the first cell in the invoice table, should be used to report the Architect’s reason for requesting payment. Produce this “Description” as requested in this field.
Step 6 – Price The Invoiced Architecture Services Or Client-Agreement
The “Amount” field of this table (in cell H17) requests the dollar value of the Architect’s services. Consult your records then record this “Amount.” Continue to cell H18 with the “Subtotal” of all amounts listed above. You must fill in cell H18 with this content therefore if only one “Amount” was recorded you should re-enter it here as the “Subtotal.”
If this payment requires that a sales tax be placed on architectural products or a service tax on the Architect’s services then, enter the applicable taxes in cell H19 (“Tax/VAT”).
The “Total” that must be paid to satisfy the Architect’s request for payment must be the sum of the “Subtotal” and taxes. Add these figures then produce them in cell H20.
Step 7 – Report The Architect’s Desired Timeframe For Payment
Cell A21 of this sheet will need the number of “Days” the Architect-Client is given to pay on time. Beginning with the invoice “Date” enter the number of days the Architect will wait for payment before deeming the invoice unpaid and late.
Step 8 – Utilize The Final Section To Dispense Additional Material
Cell A22 allows for your continuation of the Architect’s invoicing material. Use the “Comments Or Special Instructions” label as a starting point for this information.