Service Invoice Template

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The service invoice template is commonly used by independent contractors when attempting to be paid for a job or project that was completed (or to be completed in the future). The invoice allows for the number of hours to be as well as the hourly rate. If there were products used in the completion of the service, the quantity and price per unit should be applied.

Your invoice has been sent successfully! We also sent a confirmation to your email address.


Bill To
Line Item

Payment terms and options are at the decision of the issuer. Typical payment terms include 15, 30, or 60 days to pay after the completion of the service performed.

Service Invoices – By Type

How to Write in PDF & Word

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1 – The Service Invoice Template Is Easily Accessible For Download

The Service Invoice displayed here can be saved to your machine in any of the formats labeled on the buttons attached to the preview on this page. To work with a PDF or Word file, select the appropriately designated button then download and edit it with the compatible editing software at your disposal.

2 – Supply The First Part Of This Paperwork With Basic Definitions

The top left of this document is reserved for a presentation of this Invoice’s Sender. Typically, this is the Company or Vendor whose goods, services, or both are being billed to the Recipient. This area will be organized with several labeled blank spaces that will each require specific information. Begin with the placeholder at the top “Company Name.” This term should be replaced with the Name of the Vendor or Company sending this paperwork.The Name of the Service Technician or an employee of the Service Company should be placed on the blank line labeled “Name.” Now we will supply the Mailing Address, E-Mail Address, and Business Number of the Service Company on the empty lines bearing the labels “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” “ZIP Code,” “E-Mail,” and “Phone.” The Invoice Number associated with this Customer Order should be presented on the blank space labeled “Invoice #.”Assign this paperwork its Invoice Date on the next blank space. The section below the darkened bar where you recorded this document’s filing information is dedicated to the Client. We must solidfy the Reciepient as the Client using the empty space labeled “Name” in the “Bill To” section. Additionally, supply the Client’s Full Mailing Address to the three empty lines below the “Bill To” Name.

3 – Produce A Well Organized And Itemized Ledger Of Both Products Ordered And The Labor Requested

The section following the Customer’s “Bill To” area is included to present an organized ledger for each charge. The “Products” table is reserved for any goods, merchandise, or parts (i.e. wall mounts, wiring, machinery, etc.) required for the Customer’s satisfaction.

You will have to list how many of each such product is included in this order in the “Quantity” column along with a “Description” of the ordered item in the second column. Next, report the “Unit Price” of each part or goods reported in the third column of this table. The fourth column, “Amount,” is the “Quantity” of an item multiplied with the “Unit Price” of that item. Report the result in this column then present the total sum of each of these Amounts in the “Total Products” section. The next part, “Labor,” will also allow for a clear documentation of the Amounts being charged to the Customer. Begin by reporting the number of “Hours” the Service Company is billing for in the first column and a “Description” of the job done in the second column. You must enter the Dollar Amount the Customer must pay for each Hour worked by the Service Company. Enter this information in the third column (“$/Hour”). In order to satisfy the “Amount” column, you must multiply the “Hours” and the “$/Hour” then present the product in “Amount.” The “Total Labor” box will require the sum of each of these numbers input.

4 – The Service Company Should Make Sure A Clearly Presented Summary Of Totals And Terms Are Included

The numbers you furnished to the boxes labeled “Total Products” and “Total Labor” must be added to one total. This sum will need to be entered to the “Subtotal” box. The “Sales Tax” that must be applied and charged to this Invoice is required in “Sales Tax.” The last box, “Total,” will call for the sum of “Subtotal” and “Sales Tax” Amounts to be furnished. Make sure to double check your work then enter this sum. The statement below these tables will present a blank line where you may enter the number of days the Customer has to make a payment after the Customer receipt of this invoice. While this is not a requirement, it is strongly recommended. The label “Comments Or Special Instructions” statement will supply a couple of blank lines where any information not previously covered may be presented if necessary.


How to Write in Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

DownloadMicrosoft Excel (.xlsx)

1 – Download And Use The Excel Template On This Page To Bill A Client For Services Requested Or Rendered

The Services Invoice on this page can be used to bill a client while requiring only a few basic items of information. You may obtain this template as an Excel document, which will include some useful formulas, by first clicking on the “MS Excel” button then saving the spreadsheet file when prompted.

2 – Utilize The First Few Rows To Deliver Information Regarding The Vendor, The Client, And This Paperwork

Column A of this worksheet shall begin with some requirements to identify both the Vendor or Service Company and the Client. We will begin with cell A1 and A2 where the Service Company must have its Logo and Legal Name entered respectively. Cell A3 will accept the name of the Service Company Employee the Customer should contact regarding the Invoice being sent. The Service Company Address, E-Mail, and Telephone Number should also be displayed in this area. We can supply such items by furnishing cells A4, A5, and A6 with the information they call for. In addition to the Service Company sending this Invoice, we must also identify the Customer who is receiving it. Display the Client’s Name in cell A11. Additionally, use cells A12, A13, and A14 to record the Billing Address used by the Client.

Finally, we shall turn our attention to cells F4 and H4. Here we will produce the filing information the Service Company uses to identify this document. Supply the Invoice Number to cell F4 and report the Invoice Date to cell H4. 

3 – Focus On Detailing The Amount Owed By The Client In The Next Part Of This Spreadsheet

The second half of the Service Invoice will turn its attention to what its Clien is purchasing. Three tables have been presented for this reason and you must attend to at least two of them to properly report the charges to the Client. The first table is where we shall record each piece of merchandise, goods, or parts that will be billed to the Service Client through this paperwork. List each of these purchased items in column A, or “Description,” in the “Products” table. Use column F, or “Quantity,” to record how many of the detailed items were required for this transaction then fill in the “Unit Price” in column G. These numbers will be used by the next column to inform the Client how much is due for the ordered items. The “Labor” area has also been formatted so that you can easily report all the Service Company’s billable time. List each job where the Service Company is billing for its time in the “Description” column.

The next tasks will be to report how many “Hours” were worked on every job reported in column F and what the Client must pay for each Hour worked in column G (“$/Hour”). These numbers will feed the formula in column H.

4 – Deliver Some Additional Information As Required

The third and final section of this spreadsheet presents an organized method to summarize these charges and cover any information that has not been dealt with in the areas above. Let us focus on the third table of this document first. Use cell H34 to record the “Tax” fees the Client must pay. The number you enter will combine with “Subtotal” to produce the final Amount Owed by the Client. The Customer will have to make an Invoice Payment based on the “Total” above, however, we should also give a definition to what an on-time payment is. Cell A36 will seek to limit how long the Client takes to pay this Invoice by declaring the maximum number of days after receipt when an on-time payment must be received. Replace the pound sign in this cell with the number of days given allowed to the Client. Information geared to the Client and pertaining to this Invoice may be presented in cell A37.


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