The Consignment Invoice Template relieves the burden of the invoicing process by setting the material that must be presented by a Consigner (Seller) to a Consignee (Purchaser) once delivery has been completed and payment must be remitted. This can be a powerful tool for the Consigner since oftentimes a wealth of paperwork will be generated in the day-to-day operation of the concerned business. The act of invoicing the Consignee can thus be reduced to a standard set of entries with no need to first format a document. This format is provided by the template. It should be noted, this template can be customized when needed but it is strongly recommended that all the information it currently requests be produced and presented by the Consigner to the Consignee.
How To Write In PDF Or Word
Download; Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word (.docx)
Step 1 – Use This Site To Download The Consignment Invoice From This Page
The Consignment Invoice is downloadable in one of three formats through this page. For our purpose, select one of the links in this area (“Adobe PDF” or “Microsoft Word (.docx)”) or the appropriately labeled “PDF” or “Word” buttons.
Step 2 – Identify The Consignor Behind This Invoice
The Consigner issuing this invoice should be identified by “Company Name” at the top of this page along with the material needed to initiate contact regarding this paperwork.
Several blank lines presented after the first textbox set themselves to receive the mailing address of the Consigner plus some additional options for contact. Submit the full “Name” of the Consigner Employee or Owner of the items being shipped on the first of these lines then follow it up with the full mailing address for this Company down the next two lines (“Street Address” and “City, State, Country”) and conclude this report with the correct postal code on the “Zip Code” line.
The “Phone” number where the Consigner can be reached should be reported next.
Lastly, the Consigner’s current “E-Mail” address must be documented. One final line with the appropriate label is furnished to this area for this display.
Step 3 – Furnish This Document’s Defining Information
This paperwork’s next focus will be in the shaded divider. This area has been set up to define the Consignee’s payment request with a reference number. This invoice number can only be assigned by the Consigner since this entity is the shipment’s owner and should be recorded on the “Invoice #” line.
A solid Invoice “Date” should be documented for the purpose of tracking both this paperwork and obtaining a timely payment. This may be any calendar “Date” of your choice, but it is generally recommended to use the “Date” of this paperwork’s generation.
Step 4 – Identify The Shipment’s Consignee
The full name of the Purchaser for the consigned shipment must be displayed, thus furnish the Consignee or Purchaser’s “Name” on the line directly under “Bill To.”
Next, use the three lines below the Purchaser/Consignee’s “Name” to document the formal Consignee billing address. This does not have to be the same address the freight was shipped to, but it must the address where the Consignee receives formal correspondence such as bills and notices. The “Street Address” through “Zip Code” lines in this section expect this report.
Step 5 – Document The Receiver Of The Consigned Shipment
As mentioned earlier the shipping address for the consigned freight may not necessarily be the same as the billing address. The “Ship To” section supplies a blank line for the Shipment Receiver’s “Name” as well as the full address of the shipment destination. Use the “Street Address” line to record the building number, street name, and unit number or loading dock of receiving then the next two lines (“City, State…,” and “Zip Code”) as a display for the remainder of the shipping address.
Step 6 – Deliver A Shipment Description
The document being developed must deliver some material regarding the freight before it requests payment. The “Description” column in the first column on the left seeks a line-by-line report of the concerned shipment’s contents. This can be handled by describing it, reporting the MID (manufacturer’s ID code), or a product name. List each type of item or product separately. Next, document the number of the items you defined being shipped in the next column (“Quantity”). Report a Quantity for each item being shipped on the corresponding row to that item in this column.
Step 7 – Discuss The Value Of The Shipment
The “Unit Price” for each shipped item or the cost of just one piece is also expected by this table. This material must be recorded as a dollar value in the third column (“Unit Price”) for each row containing an entry for “Description” and “Quantity.” Our rows will conclude in the “Amount” column on the right. This requires a basic calculation where the consigned “Quantity” of each item must be multiplied by its corresponding “Unit Price.” Perform this calculation for each row containing the shipment information and record the resulting consignment “Amount” in the final column of that row.
Step 8 – Bill the Consignee
The next task requires we focus on the series of fields the final column leads to. First, add all the dollar amounts you recorded in the final column under “Amount.” This sum should be documented in the field attached to the “Subtotal” field.
The “Discount” field has been supplied so the dollar value of any discount in the Consignee’s favor be recorded.
In many cases, taxes will need to be added to the discounted “Subtotal” of the consignment. Calculate all such taxes (i.e. service, sales, value-added, etc.) as a single value then furnish this result in the “Tax/VAT” field. Naturally, “Shipping” charges may apply to the Consignee’s responsibilities. If so, record them in the next field.
The “Total” expected for the consigned shipment is equivalent to the “Subtotal” (after any applicable discounts) added to the “Tax/VAT” and “Shipping” charges the Consigner must apply. Enter this number in the last box as the Consignee’s “Total” payment that is due.
Step 9 – Assign The Consignee A Due Date
Notice that some additional items remain on this page. The “Payment…” statement presents a blank line where the amount of “Days” of the consignment’s grace period for payment should be recorded.
Step 10 – Report Additional Consignment As Required
If the Consignee expects additional comments or documentation with this invoice, then use the “Comments Or Special Instruction” area to supply this info.
How To Write In Excel
Download; Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Step 1 – Download The Consignment Invoice As A Spreadsheet Template
Seek out and select the text link “Microsoft Invoice (.xlsx)” to save the Consignment Invoice as a template for your spreadsheet. Similarly, the “Excel” button that displays beneath the preview will allow you to save the same template file.
Step 2 – Identify The Freight Owner Or Consigner
Open your spreadsheet template with your version of Excel. The first field of this invoice that will require your input is cell A1. This field requires you “Insert” the “Illustration” of the Consigner’s “Company Logo” using the menu items in the ribbon.
Proceed with an entry of the Consigning “Company Name” in cell A2. This must be the legal Owner of the contents of consigned freight or the Seller.
The “Name” label indicates that cell A3 is concerned with the first, middle, and last “Name” of the Agent, Employee, or Owner seeking payment with this paperwork. Furnish this material then continue to record the Consigner’s “Street Address” in cell A4 and “City, State, Country” in cell A5. Report the postal code assigned to the Consigner’s address in cell A6.
Continue delivering contact methods that can be used to contact the Consigner by inputting this Party’s official “Phone” and “E-Mail” to this area. Cells A7 and A8.
Step 3 – Attach The Consignment Invoice Information
The consignment invoice number for this document has a predetermined area of display. Seek out the column title “Invoice #” then furnish this item to cell F4.
Your desktop’s “Date” is set as the Invoice “Date” for this consignment’s payment request. Naturally, this calendar day can be altered to the receiving date of the shipment. This is up to the policy of the Invoice Sender or Seller.
Step 4 – Name The Consignee Or The Paying Client
In order to properly invoice the Consignee or the Buyer of the shipment, he or she must be named. Do this in cell A11. If the Consignee is a Business Entity, then the status suffix attached to its name must be included.
The next three fields down column A (cells A12, A13, and A14) are reserved for the material making up the Consignee’s mailing address. Populate these cells with the mailing address information they request for the Consignee or Buyer of the shipment.
Step 5 – If Necessary, Report The Destination Address
In many cases, the shipping address where the consigned freight is received can be different from that of the billing address of the Paying Consignee. If this is such a case, then locate cell E11 where the “Name” of the Receiver should be produced. Then, continue to cells E12 through E14 where the “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” for the shipping address is required.
Step 6 – Discuss The Consigned Freight
The table included with this invoice must be used to document the contents of the freight and its value to the Consigner. Call A17 is the first field of this table that must be populated with details. Input a “Description” of the shipped product or item to cell A17 as the first entry in column A. List every product or item shipped on a different row. Column F shall require the count or “Quantity” of the shipped items. Every number entered here must correspond to the item it refers to in column A.
Step 7 – Complete This Table With All Applicable Dollar Values
Column G (listed as “Unit Price”) is reserved for a record of one item’s cost. Notice as you supply this, column H will list the amounts owed without any additions or subtractions. You are encouraged to double-check these values once this table has been finished. As mentioned earlier several values may be required to finish this invoice and three fields have been presented for this purpose. For instance, if the Consignee is eligible for a “Discount” then record the discounted amount in cell H30
Cell H31, the field named “Tax/VAT,” is reserved for the sum of all applicable taxes entered as its content. If the Consignee is responsible for the money it cost to ship the consignment, then report this cost in cell H32. As you fill in this information, the “Total” shall populate with the full dollar amount this invoice requests as payment.
Step 9 – Inform The Consignee Of The Grace Period Applied
The next message this invoice must deliver from the Consigner is in cell A34. The brackets in the statement after “Payment Is Due” must be replaced with the amount of “Days” the Consigner will wait for payment before pursuing it further.
Step 10 – Report Any Remaining Consignment Material As Needed
Oftentimes, some additional consignment material may be necessary (i.e. a signed delivery receipt). If such attachments must be included name them by title in Call A35.