The Language Translation Invoice Template gives you a standard format that allows you to present your Translation Client with information usually required to gain payment for the services your business or company rendered. You can furnish this information personally using a computer with the appropriate software or you can merge the fields contained here with your database. Of course, you can also simply print it and fill it in manually. Once this paperwork has been completed you can send it to your Translation Client. You may save this invoice in any of the formats presented on this form and use it whenever you need to bill a Client for your translation services.
How to Write in PDF and Word
Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)
1 – Save The Paperwork To Invoice Clientele For Language Translation
Access the PDF or Word file of the image displayed on this page to prepare an invoice for your Language Translation Clientele.
2 – Make Sure The Client Has Your Contact Information
Naturally, anyone receiving an invoice requesting payment will need to see who the Sender is. Make sure this information is clearly presented at the top of the page by deleting the placeholder “Company Name” then reporting the name of your Language Translation Business in its stead. The next step will be to make sure the Client has a reliable contact name and address for this business. Begin this report with your name placed on the empty line beneath the language translation business’ name you just recorded.
Follow up the name of the Client’s Contact with the business address where this company and named contact can be reached. The next three spaces will request information in the same order as it would be presented on a label. Thus, use the Language Translation Business’s official “Street Address” to satisfy the second blank line in this area. This area should contain a building number, street name, and unit number or PO Box (if applicable).
Continue the address with the next two empty lines. Each will be labeled with the requested information.
The Business Contact you are reporting should also have a valid “Phone” number and “E-Mail” address where the Language Translation Business can be reached.
3 – Give Your Client The Means To Reference This Document
It is considered commonplace to keep track of the transactions generated by a business using a unique number to identify each transaction. Make sure your Client has this number in their possession by recording it on this invoice for their convenience. An empty line (“Invoice #”) in the first shaded area of this document has been included to accept this information. Another identifying piece of information for most documents is the “Date” it applies. The invoice date may be entered directly across from the invoice number in the space provided.
4 – Prepare A Report On The Client And The Billed Services
Standard procedure will call for most documents to specifically name its Recipient. This is especially true when the subject is payment for a service charge. Thus, make sure to name the Recipient of this document in the “Bill To” section. Whoever’s name you supply to the blank space labeled “Name” in this section will be the person expected to pay for the services your Language Translation Business provided. The billing address the Client submitted to the language translation business should be included with his or her name in this area. In fact, several spaces where you can report each address component in the same format as a mailing label are presented. Fill in the billing address as a “Street Address” on the second line in this section, the city, state, and country on the third empty line, then the “Zip Code” on the last blank space.
Now we will need to remind the Language Translation Client of the service your business provided to him or her. To this end, locate the shaded area titled “Description.” This area should contain some brief but clear details regarding the job.
Finally, formally charge the Client for the amount he or she owes for the job you described by entering the how much he or she owes for this service in the box titled “Amount.”
5 – Inform Your Client Of The Due Date And Other Relative Information
Both your translation Client and your Language Translation Service will benefit from having some clear rules regarding payment documented on this invoice. First, give him or her a number of days after receiving the invoice to pay it. Define this number on the blank space just before the word “…Days” in the statement at the bottom of this page. Additional instructions relating to the translation service provided or this invoice can now be delivered to the Client. The blank lines after the words “…Special Instructions” have been supplied so you can include any remaining information pertinent to the paperwork at-hand.
How to Write in Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
1 – Download The Excel Sheet Required For A Language Translation Invoice
The MS Excel button on this page will give you access to sheet template you can easily open and supply with information to invoice a translation job.
2 – Furnish The Information Necessary To Identify The Sender And Recipient
It is generally a good idea to make sure that your translation services’ logo appears on all its paperwork. An invoice is no exception. Thus, import an appropriately sized image of your company’s official logo in cell A1. We have begun identifying your company as the Sender of this paperwork with the logo you imported however, we should also record the legal name of your language translation service in cell A2 (where it says “Company Name”).
Next, give the Translation Client your legal business or mailing address by entering your name in cell A2 and the Tranlsation Service’s “Street Address” in cell A3.
Cells A5 and A6 will allow you to continue providing the translation service’ business address in an organized manner. Replace each of the placeholding contents of these cells with information it names. Make sure that cells A3 through A6 is a well-maintained address where your business can receive mail and/or be visited.
The following two rows also serve as an area where you can deliver the translation client with contact information for your business. Cell A7 should have the “E-mail” address this business maintains entered to it while the Translation Service’s business number should be given in cell A8.
Naturally, when you report the Sender of paperwork such as an invoice, you will also need to record the name of the Recipient. In this case, it will be the person paying this bill. Locate the “Bill To” area in column A then input Translation Client’s information as requested.
3 – Produce The Filing Information And Job Description Attached To These Charges
It should be considered a basic requirement to give your Translation Client the means to refer to this document properly when discussing it. Cell F4 (titled “Invoice #”) and cell H4 (titled “Date”) will work in conjuncture with one another in giving your Clientele this ability. Supply these cells with the requested details. Now this document will seek to catalogue the translation service that was performed for the Client. Use cell A17 to provide this “Description” of the job you are currently invoicing.
Once the above information has been adequately documented, submit the total cost for the translation service in the “Amount” box (cell H17).
4 – Finalize This Paperwork By Documenting Its Payment Terms
The last items this document will request have the goal of giving the Client some basic instructions regarding payment and any additional information that is deemed appropriate for this paperwork. Make sure to first report the number of days the Translation Client is allowed to take to pay this invoice. This number of days should be placed between the phrase “Payment Is Due In” and the word “Days.” The last task you have is optional however strongly recommended. Any additional instructions you may have for the Translation Client should be supplied in cell “A19.” Generally, it is a good idea to list your preferred methods of payment.