Property Management Invoice Template produces a straightforward document stating either a one-time service (i.e. rent collection) requires payment or a service contract payment that a Client is engaged in is due. Naturally, when a business is in charge of multiple properties and must coordinate with both the Landlords and the Tenants, there will be a strong need for streamlining as many administrative tasks as possible. This document will aid in cutting down uncertainty when billing your Clients and make invoicing more efficient by setting up a standard process of entry.
How Much do Property Managers Charge?
Residential property management companies usually charge a small percentage of the monthly rental payment such as a fee between 8 to 12% of the property rental value plus expenses. But some of them charge a flat rate a month and that may or may not be a good deal for you (source: all property management)
Real Estate Assistant Invoice – Used to bill your clients for real estate services or paperwork your business provided.
How to Write in PDF and MS Word
Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)
Step 1 – Acquire Your Copy Of The Property Manager Invoice From This Page
The property management template necessary to bill the Customer for the property management or maintenance services provided can be obtained by clicking on one of the caption buttons below the image or the text links above. In this way, you can save the document in preview as either an “Adobe PDF” document or download it as a “Microsoft Word (.docx)” file.
Step 2 – Introduce The Property Manager Behind This Invoice
The Property Manager may be operating independently or may have provided this service as part of a business entity. In any case, documentation of the Property Manager’s professional Business or “Company Name” is called for in the text box at the opening of this document. The Property Manager should be definitively identified as the Sender of this invoice. If this is inappropriate because the Sender is an Office Employee in a Property Management Firm or Company then, the full “Name” of the Employee collecting payment should be recorded on the first blank line.
Next attach the Property Management Office’s mailing address to the “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” lines.
The Property Manager’s “Zip Code” is the last address item required.
Submit the Property Management Company’s “Phone” number to the next blank line.
The empty line holding the “E-Mail” label anticipates the Property Management Company’s electronic mail address.
Step 3 – Identify The Property Management Invoice In An Appropriate Manner
A divider between the heading and the body of this invoice will seek a couple of informative items to define this document. The first blank line here will need the “Invoice #” the Property Manager or Company has attached as the filing number for this paperwork. The Property Manager’s invoice “Date” must be documented for the sake of this Client and for this paperwork’s ability to function.
Step 4 – Record The Property Management Client’s Billing Information
The Property Management Client’s “Name” must now be attached through the “Bill To” section. Find the first blank line of this section, then submit the full “Name” of the Client responsible for payment. This invoice will request you include a report on the address of the Property Management Client (preferably the formal business address of this entity). The three lines that follow “Name” are labeled to guide your entries of the “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and the Property Management Client’s “Zip Code.
Step 5 – Discuss The Property Management Provided
The service the Property Manager seeks payment for providing must be documented adequately. This can be handled by filling in the “Description” box with the calendar date and time when the service was provided, the quantity of product/supplies that were ordered for the Client, or a combination of such information.
Step 6 – Price The Management Service Or Maintenance Products Accordingly
The next section of this table is reserved for the “Amount” the Property Manager is charging for the service or products provided. The word “Amount” acts as the title of the field expecting this dollar “Amount.” A basic “Subtotal” of the anticipated amounts should be solidified by the Property Manager or Property Management Company. This dollar value will act as the Property Management Company’s summary for the billed item(s) before any taxes affect how much the Customer owes. Thus, add all the amounts as the “Subtotal.”
Most states will not require any taxes placed on a pure service however if any products are being purchased by the Property Management Client, then a sales “Tax” will likely be mandatory. As such, a box bearing the “Tax” label has been produced for a separate display of all taxes that must be added.
The “Total” owed for the Property Management services or products should be calculated for the benefit of the Invoice Recipient. Simply add the “Tax” to the “Subtotal” to reach the Property Manager’s “Total” for this bill.
Step 7 – Apply The Deadline Applicable To The Property Management Company’s Bill
The sentence following the “Total ” you calculated presents an empty space between the term “…Due Within #” and “Days.” Here you will apply a number to the amount of days the Property Manager will give his or her Client to pay before considering it delinquent.
Step 8 – The Property Manager Continue With Comments Or Special Instructions
The blank lines following the term “Comments Or Special Instructions” deliver a distinct section where the Property Manager can address additional subjects.
How to Write in MS Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Step 1 – Download Your Excel Copy Of The Property Management Invoice
Select the “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” link then use the generated browser prompts to save the available file. You may also perform the same task with the “Excel” button near the image.
Step 2 – Identify The Property Manager Or Management Company Sending This
Displaying the trademark or logo used by the Property Management Company is our first responsibility. This image can be uploaded as our first entry in cell A1. The current image is generic and may be deleted to complete this task when you are ready to begin. Since it is customary to pair an entity’s logo and legal name, this sheet will use cell A2 to couple these items at the beginning of the invoice header. Type the legal name of the Property Management Entity in cell A2, replacing the “Company Name” placeholder as you do so.
The “Name” of the Property Manager handling this property’s account is the next item we are expected to present. Your entry of the Property Manager’s “Name” is an expected submission in cell A3.
Now that we have properly identified the Property Manager and the Property Management Entity involved with this invoice, we must continue down the next few cells with the appropriate mailing address. Make a record of the Property Management Company’s “Street Address” in cell A4 and the corresponding “City, State, Country” in the next cell down (cell A4)
A separate cell has been reserved for the assigned postal code of this address. Report it in cell A6.
The Property Manager’s “E-Mail” address is the next entry of concern. Locate cell A7 then furnish a well-monitored email address for the Property Manager or the Property Management Company.
This presentation of the Property Management Entity will conclude with this entity’s telephone number. Dispense this number in cell A8
Step 3 – Record Billing Information Defining The Property Management Client
We have identified the Property Management Entity causing this paperwork, now we must give a definitive identity to the invoice at hand. For this effect, you must focus on cell F4. The invoice number determined by the Property Manager to unify all the items on this invoice should be made available to the Invoice Recipient. This number enables both parties to keep an eye on this bill and its status. Replace cell F4’s contents with this document I.D. Cell H4 will read your computer’s calendar “Date” and display it as the invoice “Date” for the Property Manager’s payment request. You may edit this if a different calendar “Date” should be applied.
Step 4 – Formally Invoice The Property Management Client
Our invoice must be developed with a Target Recipient. This will be the Property Management Client who has indicated that he or she will assume responsibility for its payment in exchange for the management services that were provided. We will attach the Property Management Client to this document directly underneath the bold “Bill To” heading in cell A11. You must further define this Target Recipient by submitting the Property Management Client billing address as the contents to cell A11 (holding the “Street Address” label) through cell A14 (“Zip Code”).
Step 5 – Record All Management Services Requiring Payment
The expected payment will have to be a defined result of the Property Management Company’s service, supplies, or products ordered or received by the Property Management Client. Thus, before presenting the cost of this invoice, we must discuss what is being paid for. Cell A17 delivers an easily distinguishable area of display as the “Description” of the Property Manager’s billable time, the Property Management Company products, or both. You may also cite a signed agreement that obligates the Property Management Client to paying this invoice. Produce the information necessary to identify the reason the Property Manager requires payment in cell A17. If more than one of these items must be paid for you may list them all in this cell or insert rows to accommodate this “Description.”
Step 6 – Price The Property Manager’s Billable Time
The pricing appropriate for the management services, property supplies, and products should all be produced directly in “Amount” (cell H17). If more than one management service or property item is being priced, you may list them all in this cell as well.
Whether you have reported multiple costs or one cost, you must confirm the “Subtotal” as the total value owed without taxes. Use cell A18 next to the “Subtotal” label for this purpose.
If any physical products were provided, most states will obligate the Property Management Client to a sales “Tax” amount. Some will also require a service “Tax” for certain jobs. It will be your responsibility to remain up-to-date and comply with such obligations by calculating and presenting the “Tax” amount in the next cell down (cell H19).
Finally, the Property Management Client will be presented with precisely how much must be paid for the services and products covered in column A of this table. Locate the “Total” field in cell H20, then fill its contents with the result of the “Subtotal” amount in cell H18 add to the “Tax” applied through cell H19. This is the Property Management “Total” that is due from the Client.
Step 7 – Report the Property Management Total’s Grace Period For Payment
A grace period may be applied to this invoice as a courtesy to the Property Management Client. A sentence in cell A21 contains brackets, “[#],” which you must replace with the number of grace period “Days” the Client may take to gather funds to submit payment.
Step 8 – Unaddressed Property Management Instructions Or Discussions May Be Covered
Cell A22 is an optional field reserved for the Property Manager’s additional “Comments…” or documentation. You may leave this unattended if no such content is required.