The Road Service Invoice Template on this page will enable you to quickly develop a payable bill you may send a Customer or Client. This can be imperative when you seek payment for products or services you (or your company) has provided to the Client. You will need several basic pieces of information to fill this paperwork out such as the appropriate contact information for the Client, a predetermined invoice number, and a detail of what precisely the Client must pay for. Keep in mind that in most cases, you will want to decide upon when and how you will accept payment from the party receiving this bill and that it is strongly recommended you include such information in this paperwork as well(though it is not mandatory). Such optional infoamtion may help avoid any confusion at the time of payment.
Salary & Hourly Wage ($/hr)
How to Write in PDF and Word
Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)
1 – Save This Template When A Roadside Service Invoice Should Be Issued
The PDF or MS Word versions of this roadside service paperwork is a downloadable file. These instructions will assume that you will work with the PDF version however since both forms require identical information, they will apply to the MS Word version as well.
2 – Your Company’s Name And Address Should Be Clearly Visible
The first item on this page is the text label “Company Name.” Delete this label and replace it with the full name of your roadside service company.
Next, document your first, middle, and last name on the blank line labeled “Name.”
The building number, street name, and suite number where your business is located and can receive mail is required on the next blank space. Continue this address by entering its “City, State, Country,” then its “Zip Code” on the next two blank spaces.
Lastly, satisfy this header area with your “Phone” number and “E-mail” address. Two appropriately labeled blank lines have been included for this purpose.
3 – Display The Invoice And Client Information
The reference number connecting this job to this Client should be entered on the blank line after the words “Invoice #.” Additionally, you must produce the calendar date when this roadside invoice first applies. Enter this information on the blank line labeled “Date” directly across from the invoice number you reported.
The next part of this paperwork is titled “Bill To.” Here, this document must have the Client’s name and address displayed. Record his or her name on the first blank line.
This paperwork will be considered incomplete unless you can fully identify the Client. Therefore, use the lines “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” to further define this entity with his or her address.
4 – All Products And Services Required For Roadside Service Should Be Itemized
Two concise tables will make up the centerpiece of this invoice. You should consider both these tables at your disposal however, if only one is applicable you may leave the other blank or delete it altogether.
If you have provided the Client with any products for this job, then you will need to record each one along with some supporting information. First, name each item the Client must pay for in the “Description” column. The next three columns will seek definitions to calculate the total cost of this invoice’s products. In “Quantity,” list precisely how many products were needed by the Client.
Regardless of how many of an item a Client ordered, make sure to fill in its “Unit Cost” in the third column. This is the price of one unit of the ordered item.
Now, multiply take the number you entered in “Quantity” and multiply it by the number in “Unit Cost.” The resulting number should be entered in the “Amount” column. Keep in mind, that you should only perform these calculations across the rows in this table. Each dollar value you entered in “Amount” should be added to one sum then record it in the “Total Products” box.
The second table (“Labor”) enables a quick report on the services and physical work involved with this job. If any manpower the Client must pay for should be covered by the payment to satisfy this invoice then, you must give an accurate “Description” in the first column. Once you defined what was done for the Client, document how long it took to complete the job in the “Hours” column.
The amount of money the Client must pay for each hour worked should be filled into the “Hourly Rate” column.
Next, moving across rows, multiply the number of “Hours” for each job by the “Hourly Rate” then, produce the result in the “Amount” column. The last box in “Amount” requires a sum of all the numbers produced as a result of the calculation. Add these numbers record the sum in the “Total Labor” box.
5 – This Job’s Total Amount Due Must Be Documented
Once at least one of the above tables has been completed and you are ready to send this invoice, you will need to make sure that it is perfectly clear how must the Client must pay. First, add the numbers in “Total Products” and “Total Labor” then enter it in the “Subtotal” box. Record the “Tax” amount for this invoice in the second box of this column.
Lastly, take the sum in “Subtotal” and add it to the “Tax” owed, add them to one total, and record it in the “Total” box.
6 – Invoice Instructions Can Be Included At Your Discretion
Notice the two statements immediately following the total we just supplied. Use the blank space in the first one to give the Client a specific number of days after receiving this invoice to pay it on time.
Any additional comments that may be useful or required for this invoice may be placed after the words “Comments Or Special Instructions.”
How to Write in Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
1 – The Excel Document Provided Below Is A Useable Invoice Form
Locate then select the button displaying the words “MS Excel.” You will be able to save or open this file depending upon your needs. Generally, it is suggested that you keep a saved copy for future use.
2 – This Form Requires Your Roadside Service Logo And Letterhead
Once you access and open this document, your first task will be to replace the contents of cell A1 with your logo. If you do not use a company logo, then delete these contents altogether and move the contents of cell A2 to this one. Introduce your company as the entity that generated this invoice by replacing “[Company Name]” (cell A2) with the name of your business.
Cell A3 currently displays the bracketed label “[Name].” Delete this label then enter your full name in this cell.
The next set of cells in column A will focus on giving your Client the proper information to use when he or she wishes to contact you. Begin with the street address you wish him or her to use. Place this item in the A4 cell.
Then, using the labels in A5 and A6 as a guide, record the “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” of this address.
We will continue furnishing the Client with information by disclosing your business “Phone” and “E-Mail.” Cells A7 and A8 have been reserved specifically for these pieces of information.
3 – Identify This Client To Bill Him Or Her With This Paperwork
Cell A11, under “Bill To,” contains a bracketed label, “[Name],” that you must replace with the name of your Client. Cell A12, cell A13, and cell A14 will enable you to quickly report the complete address of your Client. Each one of these cells will call for a specific piece of information through its label. Make sure to fill in the address information requested by each cell where requested.
4 – Include The Invoice And Job Details
The goal set for this document is to obtain the Client payment for the total amount due you will list. Before presenting this total, several tasks must be handled. The first of which is this document’s invoice number. Report this information in cell F4. This area will also need the invoice date you wish associated with this job. Typically, this is the current calendar date so this cell will be formatted to display this information. If you would like to use a different invoice date for this job, you may simply input it to cell H4. Now, we will have to present the Client with some definitions concerning why he or she has been sent this paperwork. The tables labeled “Products” and “Labor” will enable you to quickly enter the basic information then calculate the total amount of dollars due for this invoice. Either or both of these tables may be put to use depending on the Client and the job.
If the Client has ordered any “Products” then you must give him or her some basic “Description” of each item ordered by entering it in the first column of the first table. Make sure that each different product, item, supply, or piece of merchandise has its own row. Column A will have a few rows (18 through 22) available for this and you may insert as many as you like.
The next two columns “Quantity” and “Unit Price” have been included so the number of each item ordered and how much each one costs can be quickly presented. So, if the Client has bought two tires at $75.00 a piece, then you will enter “2” in column F and “75.00” in column G.
As you work, the “Amount” column will multiply the numbers you have entered, then report the result in the appropriate row of column H. The “Labor” area will contain the same number of columns and row but will seek definitions of what kind of labor was performed for the Client and how much is owed for this. Begin by describing the service that was provided in the rows provided under column A.
Next, you will have to list how many “Hours” were worked and how much the “Hourly Rate” the Client must pay for these hours. Report this information in columns F and G.
As with the previous table the calculations necessary to communicate the total amount of money owed for the described labor will occur automatically. However, it is always a good idea to double check your work before proceeding.
5 – Summarize This Invoice And Present The Relevant Terms
In addition to the totals displayed in the tables above, some cells in a third table will be filled out. “Subtotal” and “Total” will present the totals of the tables above, however, you will need to supply any “Tax” and “Shipping” costs the Client must pay with this invoice in cells H34 and H35. Lastly, it would be considered standard procedure to inform the Client how many days he or she has to pay this amount. Enter the maximum number of days you will wait for an on-time payment by replacing “[#]” with this number.
Now, you should deliver any instructions, including payment instructions, the Client should be given by supplying them after the words “…Special Instructions” in cell A37.