Tailor (Clothing) Invoice Template

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The Tailor (Clothing) Invoice Template can be prepared as documentation for services that require payment. Typically, this invoice will need to inform the Client of the work done, the required compensation, and any other dialogue relevant to the Tailor’s goals with this paperwork. As a template, this document can be prepared beforehand then dispensed as the workday progresses or can be used by the Shop’s accounting department as needed.

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Bill To
Line Item

How to Write in PDF and MS Word

Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)

Step 1 – Download The Paperwork Necessary To Invoice Your Tailor Customers

The document used to gain payment from Tailor Customers is available through the buttons underneath the preview. A “PDF” or “Word” version of the invoice can be acquired by selecting one of these items or the similarly labeled text links produced just above this statement (designated with the wording “Adobe PDF” and “Microsoft Word (.docx).”


Step 2 – Identify The Tailor Or Tailor Shop Behind This Invoice

The Tailor seeking payment must be introduced at the beginning of this paperwork. A textbox holding the terminology “Company Name” is presented at the top of this page so you may achieve this purpose. Remove these contents then type in the legal name of the Tailor Shop or Tailor sending this paperwork.   The object on this page is a set of blank lines seeking out the Tailor’s contact information. Therefore, the first line of this section seeks your production of Tailor’s “Name.” If the Sender is a Tailor Shop, then input the “Name” of the Employee sending this invoice. The next three lines are devoted to the Tailor’s address. Here, a valid mailing address that is maintained by the Tailor Shop or Tailor must be set to display for the Customer’s use. Three different lines are available for this purpose. Begin with the Tailor’s “Street Address” on the first line. Keep in mind this may be a mailing address so you may also report a P.O. Box number here. The remainder of the Tailor’s address will be split down two different lines (“City, State, Country,” “ZIP Code”). Complete this address accordingly. A couple of additional details will be required by the invoice header we are tending to. The “Phone” line requires the Tailor’s official business line input to its contents. This can also be the Shop’s line. Record the “E-Mail” address where the Tailor (or Tailor Shop) receives its correspondence on the next line.


Step 3 – Assign Document Information To This Transaction

As a rule of thumb, a payment request such as a bill or invoice must be assigned a unique document number. This can be a filing number determined specifically for this purpose, a transaction number, or PO Number so long as you report it on the “Invoice #” line directly below the header.   Furnish the calendar “Date” when the Tailor wishes this invoice applied to the Customer’s account on the blank line presented on the right.   


Step 4 – Report The Tailor Customer’s Billing Details

The “Bill To” section intends to direct this invoice to the proper party. Locate the first line beneath this heading then produce the Tailor Customer’s full “Name” on it.  Continue through this section to add the Tailor Customer’s “Street Address” as well as his or her “City, State, Country.”Record the Tailor Customer’s postal code on the “Zip Code” line


Step 5 – Discuss The Tailoring Session Or Job

It will serve the Tailor Shop and its Customers well if a report describing the tailoring job is included. The “Description” box allows you to attach specifics of this job to the invoice number and its requested payment. This can be as simple as the date when the work was done along with the times involved, an account of the tasks performed, or both.   


Step 6 – Price The Tailor’s Services

Proceed to the right-hand part of the table. A column is presented where the tailoring charges may be detailed. The “Amount” box is for a strict account of the exact cost being charged by the Tailor for the work provided. You may itemize this report if desired.   The “Subtotal” of the tailor’s invoice calls for all the amounts being charged above recorded as one sum. If any merchandise was produced for or sold by the Tailor to the Customer, then a sales “Tax” is likely to apply. This will differ from locality to locality. Additionally, some areas may impose a service “Tax” on the Tailor’s efforts. If the Tailor Shop is obliged to assess and add a “Tax” then record it in the next available box. The “Total” that must be paid by the Tailor Customer will require that you have successfully reported the previously requested amounts. Add the Tailor Shop’s “Subtotal” to the reported “Tax” then enter it the “Total” box.


Step 7 – Apply A Reasonable Deadline To The Tailor’s Services

The table you have completed will lead to a statement on the left. The blank line preceding the word “Days” and following the term “Payment Is Due In” requires a report on the Tailor Shop’s grace period for this invoice. Input this number as requested. 


Step 8 – The Tailor Shop May Include More Topics If Needed

The Tylor Shop may deliver additional content using the blank lines after the phrase “Comments Or Special Instructions”


How to Write in MS Excel

Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Utilize The Excel Invoice To Bill Your Tailor Customers

An invoice requesting payment for tailoring services (and tailored merchandise) can be downloaded in the “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” spreadsheet format using the link above. As an added convenience you may also use the “Excel” button visible underneath the preview.


Step 2 – Name The Tailor Shop Sending This Bill

Once you have accessed the invoice, focus your attention on cell A1 where an image has been set. Select then delete the image in this cell. Replace this content with the logo or the banner used by the Tailor Shop for its paperwork. Make sure to continue to cell A2 where your entry of the Tailor Shop’s legal business name is required.
The “Name” of the Tailor or Shop Employee sending this invoice is the next item to be entered. Produce his or her “Name” in cell A3. Display the Tailor Shop’s “Street Address” then its “City, State, and “Country” to the two cells that follow (Cells A4 and A5). Cell A6 allows your continuation of the Tailor Shop’s address by accepting its postal code or “ZIP Code.”    Naturally, the Taylor Shop will want its “Phone” number and Customer “E-Mail” address available to the Invoice Recipient as well. Therefore, make use of cells A7 and A8 to present this information with its mailing address above.   


Step 3 – Make Reference To The Tailor Shop’s Filing Information

Report the Tailor Shop’s invoice number for this job in cell F4. This must be a unique transaction, filing, or document number that both the Tailor Shop and Client can use as a common reference point. The next item requiring your attention is in cell H4. Review the current “Date” as it is displayed. If you wish to assign the current calendar day on your computer as this document’s invoice “Date,” then do not alter this cell. If you wish to apply a different “Date” to this invoice, then you may type over it with your desired invoice “Date.”


Step 4 – Direct The Taylor Customer To Pay This Invoice

The “Bill To” section of this invoice is placed on the left-hand side in column A. The “Name” of the Tailor Client who must pay this invoice should be entered in cell A11 of this portion of column A.    As we continue down column A, cells A12 through A14 have been labeled to request your report on the Tailor Client’s “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “ZIP Code.”


Step 5 – Deliver An Account Of The Tailoring Services Being Billed

The tailoring services provided, including any merchandise produced for sale, must be documented in cell A17 of this sheet. This field is the first in a table meant to provide the Tailor Client with an account of what services and goods will be paid for with this invoice.


Step 6 – Price The Tailoring Services

Column H will continue our report on the tailoring services and goods being purchased. Use cell H17 to inform the Client of the “Amount” of money the Tailor Shop is charging. Cell H18 intends to make a show of the sum of all amounts being charged for the Tailor Shop’s goods and services. Add the amounts recorded above then place the determined sum in cell H18 (labeled “Subtotal”). The Tailor Shop may need to add taxes to the “Subtotal.” If so, report the “Tax” dollar amount in cell H19. Cell H20 is placed at the bottom of column H since it will summarize the “Total” owed by the Customer. Combine cells A18 and A19 by adding them together then make a presentation of this result in cell H20


Step 7 – Deliver The Exact Amount Of Time When This Bill Must Be Paid

The total number of “Days” the Customer has to pay for the Tailor Shop’s goods and services should be entered as a replacement for the symbol in cell H21. You may delete this bracketed item first or simply type over it. The invoice “Date” will act as the start of a number of “Days” given to the Customer to pay this bill. Once the number of “Days” you record here expires, the invoice will be considered late and unpaid. 


Step 8 – Address Additional Topics Desired By The Tailor Shop

Instructions and additional dialogue, such as when to pick up the tailored items, can be supplied to cell H22.

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