The Taxi Service Invoice Template on this page enables you to easily develope the paperwork necessary to bill your Customer. Naturally, this template will require several items of information that most, if not all, of your Customers will expect to see. Make sure to double check your information for accuracy, especially if it gained through another party such as a dispatcher or a device app since, any mistakes may cause a delay in recieving payment. It is recommended that you save a copy with the header information included so that you have this document on-hand and ready to use when needed. This template is compatable with Adobe .PDF, MS Word, and MS Excel and could be downloaded in any of these formats at your discretion.
Salary & Hourly Wage ($/hr)
How To Write In PDF And Word
Download as an Adobe PDF or MS Word file.
1 – Fill Out The Template Presented In The Image For Your Taxi Customer
Download the form on this page as a PDF or Word file using the “Adobe PDF” or “MS Word” buttons (respectively).
2 – The Information Defining Your Taxi Business Is Required
Once you are ready to fill out this form, you can do so by hand or on a computer. Even if you intend to have several on hand to fill out as needed manually, you will first need to provide the heading with some standard information beforehand. Begin by deleting the words “Company Name” and placing the name of your Taxi Company in its place. Clearly write-in or enter your name (first, middle, and last) on the first blank line in the heading.
Next, make a record of your Taxi Company’s official address by satisfying each of the following three blank spaces with the address component its label requests.
Nearly every Customer you have will wish to have a contact business number and electronic mail address for your company. Report the Taxi Business “Phone” number and “E-Mail” address on the last lines in this heading.
3 – The Taxi Customer’s Information Should Be Verified
Locate the “Bill To” section. Here, it will be necessary to list the name and address of the Taxi Service Customer who this invoice is addressed to. Make sure to fill out his or her name exactly as it appears in your records on the blank space labeled “Name.” Once you have recorded the Taxi Customer’s name, it will be time to record his or her full address. The next three blank spaces in this section will allow a quick presentation of this information.
4 – A Clearly Displayed Reference Number And Date Should Be Supplied
The document number you use to keep track of this transaction will also need to be defined through this document. Supply this transaction’s document number on the blank line labeled “Invoice #” then input the invoice “Date” on the next empty line.
5 – Detail The Taxi Service Charges
The centerpiece of this page will be a brief table where you will need to specify what the Taxi charges the Customer must pay for are. Describe what you are charging the Customer for in the first column of this table. The charges you expect the Taxi Customer to pay should be filled out in the second column of this table.
If this invoice is being delivered to the Customer rather than personally handed to him or her, you will likely have to give a reasonable deadline to pay the reported charges. This can be done by filling out how many days the Taxi Customer has to pay this invoice without accruing a late charge. Any additional instructions (such as acceptable methods of payment) should be supplied to the blank lines below this statement.
How To Write In Excel
Download as an MS Excel file
1 – Save The Excel Taxi Invoice Presented Here
Obtain the taxi job invoice as an excel sheet by locating then selecting the “MS Excel” button. You may prepare this document with the details required to adequately bill your Customer or you may print it several copies at once then fill them out when necessary. If you do work on-screen you will need to have software capable of editing an excel sheet.
2 – The Taxi Company Logo And Identifying Information Is Required
Your Taxi Company’s logo should be used to replace the current generic one in cell A1 and its legal name should be input in cell A2. Cell A3, currently populated with “[Name],” must have your first, middle, and last name entered in it.
Utilize cells A4, A5, and A6 to disclose your company’s legal address to the Taxi Customer. Ideally, this will be the Taxi Company’s business mailing address.
Now, it should be considered standard procedure to also give your Customer a way to contact your Taxi Company in the future, make sure to disclose your telephone number and e-mail address in cells A7 and A8 (respectively).
3 – Address The Taxi Customer Directly
If you would like to make sure that there is no question as to who this paperwork holds responsible for the total amount due it lists, then most would consider it wise to place the Customer’s information in this paperwork. Locate the section labeled “Bill To” then use the first cell (A11) in this area to document the Taxi Customer’s name. Solidify this Customer’s identity by using cell A12, A13, and A14 to attach the Customer’s billing address to the name you recorded above.
4 – Invoice This Paperwork And Present The Taxi Charges
Your Taxi Service Company likely has a method of keeping track of the runs each Driver takes along with how much the Passenger must pay. Usually the file number of the document that records this information will be used as a reference point when reviewing a particular job. Most Customers will expect the unique number used to track a a transaction to be visible for their records as well. To this end, place this document’s invoice number and date on the blank spaces titled “Invoice #” (cell F4) and “Date” (cell H4). The taxi service the Customer must pay for should be included in this document. Make sure to enter this information in cell A17.
The total amount of money the Taxi Customer must pay will also have to be properly documented. Enter this dollar amount in cell H17.
5 – Present Your Payment Terms
You should make every effort to ensure the Taxi Customer knows when this bill is due and how he or she should pay it. To this end, inform the Recipient of this invoice how many days he or she has to pay it by replacing the bracketed symbol in the “Payment Is Due” statement with this number of days then, supplying any additional information to the blank lines in the comments area.