Tree Removal Service Invoice Template

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A Tree Removal Service Invoice Template is a correspondence where Landscapers, Property Maintenance Contractors, and any other Business Entity charged with cutting down and/or hauling off a tree can make a formal payment request of the concerned Client. This invoice will set the Parties involved, the filing information, and the basic transaction details on paper for the Client. A basic and easy-to-read presentation will prompt most Clients to submit a timely payment.

How Much does it Cost to Remove a Tree?

The price to remove a tree depends on several factors including height, diameter, type of tree, place where the tree is and your location. Because of those circumstances, the cost to remove a tree ranges from $100 to $1,800 (source: HomeGuide).

Your invoice has been sent successfully! We also sent a confirmation to your email address.


Bill To
Line Item

How to Write in PDF and MS Word

Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)

Step 1 – Save The Tree Removal Invoice To Your Machine

The invoice used to bill Clients for tree removal service is available in a few formats. For our goals, select either link above (“Adobe PDF” or “Microsoft Word (.docx)”) to develop and dispense this paperwork.


Step 2 – Introduce The Landscaping Or Maintenance Company Behind This Invoice

This invoice shall introduce itself with a textbox and a few lines requiring content. The text box (in the upper left) is reserved strictly for the Professional Name of the Sender or the Company Name of the entity behind it. Begin by producing this content as requested.    The set of lines presented require the “Name” of the Tree Removal Technician or the Representative sending this invoice. Next, the “Street Address,” “City, State,” and “Country” where the Tree Removal Service Company receives mail must be presented where requested. The two final requests this area makes will be for the Tree Removal Company’s formal “Phone” number and “E-Mail” address. These should be supplied so the Client may reach the Tree Removal Service during business hours.


Step 3 – Deliver The Invoice Filing Information For Reference

This paperwork should continue with the reference number the Tree Removal Service has assigned as its means of identification in a filing system. Place this distinct number on the “invoice #” line.  The calendar “Date” when this document is completed and placed in effect by the Service should be reported. A blank line across the page from the invoice number is set to accept this “Date.”


Step 4 – Identify The Tree Removal Client

The Client who has commissioned the removal mast be documented as the “Bill To” party in this paperwork. The “Name” line is reserved for your entry of Tree Removal Client’s identity.  After naming the Tree Removal Client, you must document the complete mailing address this entity has indicated bills be sent to. Consult your records then make use of the “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” lines to provide an accurate account of this address.


Step 5 – Detail The Landscaping And Disposal Service Required

A billing table to detail the tree removal and its cost has been supplied as a convenience and a clean staging area for your use. Each box of this table should be used to inform the Client of the facts most need to verify their debt for the commissioned service requiring payment. The “Description” shall start this series of entries with a detail of the removal. Use the dates, times, job number, po number, or any other reference that will be recognizable to the Client.   


Step 6 – Produce The Tree Removal Cost For This Job

The “Amount” being charged for the removal services discussed should be supplied to the next box. If providing an itemized account keep in mind, that each price here should correspond to a “Description” in the previous box.   The “Subtotal” of the service cost for the discussed tree removal is the next piece numeral we must focus on providing. To do this, add all the numbers that were reported as costs for the tree removal to a sum, then record this to the right of “Subtotal” in the box provided.  If there were any products sold or made for the Tree Removal Customer then a sales “Tax” is likely a required charge to the Customer. Some states will charge a service “Tax” instead (or as well) depending on the work done. In any case, report the tree removal “Tax” amount in the next box.   The “Total” dollar amount owed for the tree removal is defined by its “Subtotal” and “Tax” added together. Document this result as the “Total” owed in the last box.   


Step 7 – Name The Landscaping Business’ Grace Period

If a grace period can be attached, meaning that a payment can be considered late if this invoice is not paid within this period, then we must discuss it using the sentence at the bottom of this page. The blank line between “…Due In #” and the word “Days” should be supplied with the amount of “Days” that define this period. Hint: The invoice “Date” should be used as the first calendar day of the grace period.   


Step 8 – Additional Information Can Be Supplied For This Job Or Transaction

You may continue this invoice by addressing different topics on the blank line after the words “Comments Or Special Instructions”


How to Write in MS Excel

Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Acquire The Paperwork Needed To Invoice A Commissioned Tree Removal Service

Use the “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” link to save the spreadsheet invoice in the preview. Also, the “Excel” button under the image will give you access to the same paperwork. Download then fill out this spreadsheet to request payment for one or more tree removals commissioned by a Client.


Step 2 – Name The Tree Removal Service Behind This Document

Access the template you saved from your machine using your spreadsheet software. Notice this document has been divided by topic with the first being the identity of its Sender. To this effect, a reserved area is located at the top of this sheet in cell A1. Use this field to introduce the Tree Removal Service with its logo. You may upload any reasonably sized file (i.e. PNG, TIFF, JPG).  The next two cells that follow this logo are also held for the identification of the Tree Removal Service sending this bill. Cell A2 requires the legal Business Name of this entity supplied for display while cell A3 expects the “Name” of an individual (representing the Tree Removal Service) who has the authority to discuss the job or receive payment.   The three cells below the Tree Removal Service’s logo and name are intent on displaying the mailing address this entity monitors for payments or Client correspondence. The “Street Address” (cell A4) of the Tree Removal Service should be recorded separately from its corresponding “City, State, Country” (cell A5) and “Zip Code” (cell A6).  The “E-Mail” address of the Tree Removal Service along with its “Phone” number will both need to be entered to this area. Produce these items to cells A7 and A8 according to the label each contains.


Step 3 – Formally Invoice The Removal Or Maintenance Job

The invoice number the Tree Removal Service will use to unify the details you present is an expected production in cell F4. Remove the current contents and substitute them with the determined reference number.  Next, review the current invoice “Date” in cell H4. You can use this default as the tree removal job’s invoice “Date” or edit it to a different calendar day.   


Step 4 – Name The Tree Removal Client

Cell A11 is the first cell in our billing section. Use this field as a presentation for the Client’s “Name.”    Now, use cell A11 and A12 to attach the mailing address of the Tree Removal Client. Satisfy the “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” with the address lines requested then proceed to report the official Tree Removal Service’s postal code for this address in cell A14.


Step 5 – Discuss The Removal Services Commissioned By The Client

An invoicing table in the “Bill To” section will be the next focus for our efforts. Cell A17, which carries the column heading “Description,” is a set staging area where the tree removal job should be documented. Here, a job name, contract title, date, times, and general discussion regarding the tasks performed can be supplied. The goal of this cell will be to remind the Client of the commissioned work and documenting what was done (if invoicing after the fact). You may be as specific or as general as you like provided the Client will be able to reference your report easily in his or her records.     


Step 6 – Produce All Costs Covered By Paying This Invoice

The cost of tree removal and any additional tasks that are being billed in the previous cell must be adequately documented in cell H18 (“Amount”). You may use this field to enter multiple amounts that require payment, or a total sum owed (do not account for any taxes yet).   In cell H19, you will summarize any multiple amounts entered above by adding them to a single number. The “Subtotal” aims at informing the Client of the full amount being charged without taxes.  The taxes that have been excluded from consideration thus far must now be discussed. If the Tree Removal Service is obliged to collect taxes on the “Subtotal” presented, then you must subject the “Subtotal” to the necessary calculation for each kind of tax (i.e. sales, services, etc.), add all “Tax” values that apply to each other, then record it for the Client’s review in cell H19. If no taxes will be added to the “Subtotal,” you are encouraged to enter “0.00.”  A single owed “Amount” must be documented as a final “Total” value for this table. Use cell A20, to report the sum tree removal’s “Subtotal” and “Tax.”  

Step 7 – A Deadline To Pay For The Removal May Be Imposed

In cell A21, we will make use of the “Payment Is Due” statement by recording the number of “Days” the Tree Removal Service allows as a grace period. Perform this task by removing “[#]” from the sentence in this cell then replacing it with the desired number.    


Step 8 – Include Material Consisting Of Additional Instructions, Paperwork, Or Comments

The “Comments Or Special Instructions” field (cell A21) is useable at your discretion. If the Tree Removal Service must include subject matter thus far left unaddressed, then use this field to complete this document. You may insert additional rows as needed.  

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