The Welding Service Invoice Template is an ideal document to obtain to bill for welding projects. This template is a ready-to-use item that will guide the Invoice Preparer through the entry process required to complete it with a presentation of several labels. Each one will request some key information so that once this paperwork is completed, the Welder or Welding Company can present the details Welding Clients will generally need documenting so that payment can be submitted. As a matter of convenience, it is recommended that you download one of the formatted templates to a reasonably accessible folder in your computer for easy retrieval in the future.
Salary & Hourly Wage
How to Write in PDF and MS Word
Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)
Step 1 – Access And Download The Welder Invoice Template
The Welding Service Invoice can be saved as either an “Adobe PDF” or “Microsoft Word (.docx).” The links above designated with these labels can be used to obtain this paperwork. If preferred, you may utilize the “PDF” or “Word” button to save this file.
Step 2 – Name The Welding Company Or Welder Behind This Paperwork
Open the template then, select the “Company Name” textbox found at the top of the page. Replace this text with the Welding Company’s name. If a Contract Welder is the party seeking payment, then replace this phrase with the Professional Name of the Welder. The first, middle, and last “Name” of the Sender seeking payment is the next report you must provide. Place this “Name” on the first blank line in this part of the invoice.
Continue with the full mailing address of the Welding Company. Three distinct lines have been appropriately placed to display this as the return address. Begin with the Welding Business’s “Street Address,” continue with the “City, State, Country” line, then conclude reporting this address with the “Zip Code.”
The last two blank lines here are reserved for the Welding Company’s telephone and email information. Report these on the lines “Phone” and “Email.”
Step 3 – Classify This Correspondence As An Invoice Or Bill
The shaded bar just below the Welding Company’s contact details will make two requests. First, locate the invoice number that has been attached by the Welding Company to this bill so that it can be displayed on the blank line labeled “Invoice #.”
The second requirement in this portion of the invoice seeks the official effective “Date.” This blank line expects your entry of the calendar month, day, and year when the Welding Company sets the invoice number as active in its system.
Step 4 – Identify The Hiring Company Or Employer
The Welding Client is a crucial part of the identification process being completed. Find the “Bill To” section, then record the legal “Name” of the Welding Client on it. Next, produce the current address on file for the Welding Client by entering its information on the empty lines (“Street Address,” “City, State…,” and “Zip Code”) making up the remainder of this section.
Step 5 – Document The Welder’s Services
The welding services provided must be documented clearly. Many Welding Companies will give a flat rate for a specific job while others have a pricing system based on hours and effort. Produce a report on the welding requiring payment, citing any relevant paperwork (i.e. contractor agreement, etc.), as the contents of the textbox titled “Description.”
Step 6 – Price The Welder’s Services
A few fields will make up the next column of the table you are in. The first field (“Amount”) seeks the base price the Welding Company expects for its services without any taxes included. The “Subtotal” should be used as a summary area. If more than one “Amount” is documented above, then add them together as the “Subtotal.” If only one “Amount” is requested, then transcribe it to the next field as the “Subtotal.”
Most states and localities will not expect service tax collected but if any physical materials (i.e. sheet metal) is being purchased along with the Welder’s services then it is likely a sales “Tax” that you calculate will have to be applied.
Finally, complete this column by adding the welding “Subtotal” and taxes. This final figure is considered the “Total” welding charges that must be paid to satisfy this bill.
Step 7 – Apply A Definitive Payment Deadline
After double-checking the figures above, locate the term “Payment Is Due…” Currently, this instructional statement aimed at the Invoice Recipient is ineffective because it is complete. To apply a deadline of payment made up of a number of “Days,” record the concerned number on the blank line provided.
Step 8 – Include Additional Welding Paperwork Or Payment Instructions
The label “Comments Or Special Instructions” will introduce a couple of blank lines. These can be used at your discretion for payment instructions or any other relevant material that should be communicated with this paperwork.
How to Write in MS Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Step 1 – Save The Welding Invoice As An Excel Template
The Welding Invoice can be downloaded in a spreadsheet format by choosing the “Excel” button or clicking the words “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” introducing this section.
Step 2 – Introduce The Welder (or Company) Requiring Payment
This document will open with several sections displayed. The first of which is in column A. The first part of this column will be used as an introduction area to the Welding Company. Thus, supply the Welding Company logo as the image in cell A1. Accomplish this by selecting the image, accessing the right-click menu (on your mouse), then selecting “Change Picture” or you may “Insert” the logo using the ribbon menu item. Document The Welder’s Professional Name or “Company Name” as the Invoice Sender by supplying it underneath the logo you supplied. Cell A2 will accept this entry and display it in a noticeable font.
The next segment of this column expects the contact information the Welding Company uses for correspondence with its Clients. Begin by supplying the “Name” of the person who will receive responses to this paperwork in cell A3.
The mailing address that should be used to contact the Welding Company is expected as three separate entries. Cells A4 (“Street Address”), A5 (“City, State, Country”), and A6 (“Zip Code”) are each set for a specific piece of this address. Satisfy this request by typing over these contained labels.
Continue supplying the Welding Company’s contact details by inputting its “E-Mail” address in cell A7 and “Phone” number in cell A8.
Step 3 – Produce The Welder’s References Defining This Paperwork
The header of this invoice will conclude on the right with an identification of this document. Present the Welding Company “Invoice #” for this job in cell F4.
Attach the effective “Date” of the invoice number in cell H4. The current day is already populating this field but if a calendar day in the future is more appropriate, then you may edit cell H4 accordingly.
Step 4 – Obligate The Welding Client To Submit Payment
The Welding Client is the next concern of the identification process. His or her “Name” should be produced in cell A11. Keep in mind if the welding job is for a Business Entity, then the legal “Name” of the entity must be entered in this field. Cells A12 (“Street Address”), cell A13 (“City, State, Country”), and cell A14 (“Zip Code”) are reserved for the mailing address used by the Welding Client. Produce the information required to satisfy these items in the “Bill To” section.
Step 5 – Present A Report On The Welding Project
Standard practice when developing a welding invoice will be to provide some documentation regarding the welding project or the welding services. Cell A17, titled “Description,” is available for this report. Here, the contract agreement the Welder is working under, the dates/times of the welding, and/or project name can all be used as a “Description” for this invoice.
Step 6 – Submit The Formal Payment Request
Cell H17 of this paperwork seeks the asking price for the Welder’s services. Oftentimes, this is a flat rate, or it may be several itemized costs. This field will accept both multiple prices and one price. Record the dollar “Amount” expected for the welding job in cell H17. If the previous field was itemized and contains multiple prices, then add them to a single dollar value. Input this as the welding “Subtotal” in cell H18. Note, if only one welding “Amount” is requested as payment, produce the same number as the content of cell H18.
If the Welder’s services are subject to local or state taxes, then you must inform the Client this “Tax” amount by entering it in cell H19. Similarly, if the Welder requires payment for products or supplies, then a sales “Tax” is likely required with the “Subtotal.” Cell H19 will require a report on the full amount of taxes entered as its contents. Thus, if either or both sales and service taxes apply, then report this “Tax” amount in cell H19.
Finalize this invoicing table by adding the welding “Subtotal” (cell H18) to the number you entered in cell H19 (“Tax”). Report this as the “Total” owed for the Welder’s services in cell H20.
Step 7 – Accompany The Request With A Deadline
The payment request above should include a deadline. This deadline can be documented as a number of “Days” after the invoice “Date” by entering this number as a replacement for the bracketed symbol presented with the statement “Payment Is Due” in cell A21.
Step 8 – Dislcosures, Instructions, And Warnings May Be Supplied At-Will
If more information regarding the welding project is needed, you may furnish it to the space provided in cell A22 (after the words “Comments Or Special Instructions”).