Event Staffing (Management) Invoice Template employs a basic structure where you can document a payment request from your Clients. The details of the event that your Agency staffed will need to be documented along with several other items since the majority of your Customers will expect such documentation before proceeding with payment. Make sure to set aside enough time to complete this invoice with the material it requires and to adequately review your entries for accuracy.
Event Planner Invoice – For billing a Event Planer.
Event Space Rental Invoice – For billing a renting space for an event.
How to Write in PDF and MS Word
Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)
Step 1 – Download The Event Staffing Invoice
When it is time to bill an Event Coordinator or Staffing Client for the personnel provided, access then download the invoice available through the “PDF” or “Word” buttons on this page. If preferred, you may use their counterparts above (the text links “Adobe PDF” and “Microsoft Word (.docx)”).
Step 2 – Identify The Staffing Company
The Staffing Company will need to self-report itself as the Sender of this paperwork. A prominently placed textbox containing the phrase “Company Name” should have this label substituted by the official name of the Event Staffing Company. The block of labeled spaces beneath this entity’s name is set to present everything the Invoice Recipient would need to contact the Event Staffer directly. The first order of business here will be to record the Event Staffing Representative’s “Name” to the first of these lines. This will be the Staffing Employee with the authority to field inquiries or payments this invoice prompts from the Client.
The preferred business address used by the Event Staffing Company to receive mail will be necessary for our goals. Populate the Event Staffer’s “Street Address” line with this entity’s building number, street name, and suite number.
Continue with the Staffing Company’s “City, State, Country,” and postal code on the two spaces that follow. Keep these items on their respective lines.
The preliminary -section being worked on will be completed with only two more items. The space designated as “Phone” and the one labeled “E-Mail” are placed here to release the Event Staffer’s alternate means of contact.
Step 3 – Produce This Job’s Event Staffing Invoice Number
A presentation of the Staffing “Invoice #” for this job can be made in a distinct area. The horizontal bar just before the “Bill To” section anticipates this filing number as part of the introduction. The right side of the page will also have an expectation for content. Locate “Date,” then declare the month, calendar day, and year this paperwork becomes an active request for payment.
Step 4 – Document The Staffing Client’s Billing Address
The Staffing Client will need to be included in this identification process. However, his or her role will be that of the Invoice Recipient who is being billed for event personnel. Under “Bill To,” record the Staffing Client’s “Name.”Immediately following this line will be three address lines similar to the ones above. These anticipate the Staffing Client’s full billing address as their contents. Furnish this as requested.
Step 5 – Detail All Billable Staffing Services Provided
The event staffing provided to the Client will need to have a brief discussion displayed in “Description.” Oftentimes, defining the reason for this bill can be accomplished by citing a contract title/date or an event’s name and calendar day. In case more information must be submitted for the Staffing Client’s review, the “Description” box will be able to accept a sizeable amount of text and will accommodate additional format requirements. Fill this box in with an account of what services or billable products (i.e. disposable uniforms, equipment rentals, etc.) the Staffing Client will be expected to pay for.
Step 6 – Give The Customer A Report On The Event’s Staff Pricing
The area on the right of this table, “Amount,” awaits the base pricing of everything reported in your previous entry. After supplying these base personnel costs, move down to “Subtotal,” and either confirm the “Amount” you entered (if only one dollar value was entered) or add all the amounts you recorded and supply that result as the “Subtotal.”
The “Tax” below the Staffer’s “Subtotal” seeks your report on the “Tax” amount the Staffer must apply to this bill or your confirmation that none is applicable.
Finish presenting the staffing charges by adding “Tax” and “Subtotal.” This sum is the Staffing “Total” and should be recorded as requested.
Step 7 – Place A Deadline On The Event’s Staffing Total
You have calculated and reported the full amount that is owed for the staffing support, but this invoice requires one more item to be fully satisfied. A statement in the lower left of this page will attach a deadline to the staffing “Total” in the form of a daily countdown from the invoice “Date” to the calendar day when an unpaid bill is late. Report the number defining this countdown just before the word “Days.”
Step 8 – Deliver Additional Content At Will
If more content is needed, then you can make sure it is included by documenting it directly on the blank lines provided.
How to Write in MS Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Step 1 – Obtain The Event Staffing Excel Invoice From This Page
The “Excel” button on this page will give you access to the paperwork necessary for billing an event’s staffing requirements. Download it then open it with your copy of Excel to begin. This file’s accessibility is also set through the text link above.
2 – Present The Event Staffer’s Business Information
The logo officially presented as that of the Event Staffing Company as well as its name are both needed at the very beginning of this document. Therefore, substitute the generic staffing logo in cell A1 with that of the Sender’s then input the Event Staffing Company’s full “Company Name” with any status suffixes necessary in cell A2. These actions solidify the Event Staffing Agency as the generator of this paperwork. The “Name” designation in cell A3 specifically calls for the identity of the Staffing Employee handling this document. Thus, delete this label and input the correct information accordingly.
The next two cells (A4 and A5) present the labels “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” as a required display of their contents. These address items refer to the mailing address of the Event Staffer’s professional mailing address.
Cell A6 should be used to record the postal code assigned to the Event Staffer’s address. Remove the “Zip Code” label and replace it with the appropriate postal code.
Dispense the “E-mail” address used by the Event Staffing Company for its business correspondence to cell A7
Lastly, input the Event Staffer’s Office “Phone” number in cell A8
Step 3 – Direct This Paperwork To The Correct Party
Cell A11 through A14 in the “Bill To” portion of the A column requests that you document the Event Staffing Client’s billing information. Cell A11 will begin with the Staffing Client’s “Name.”
Cell A12 through A14 offers three distinct lines for your report of the Staffing Client’s address. Take care to document this party’s building number/street/suite number in cell A12 (“Street Address”), its “City, State,” and “Country” in the next cell down (A13), and the “Zip Code” as the final item in cell A14.
Step 4 – Deliver The Appropriate Staffing Invoice Filing Information
Return your focus to the top of this page and to the right. A table in this area requests that the Staffer’s “Invoice #” for this event be submitted to cell F4. The invoice “Date” the Event Staffer has attached to this document is needed as well. As a convenience, cell H4 will transcribe the reading on your computer clock to its contents, however, if preferred you may edit this at will to a different calendar day.
Step 5 – Detail The Event Personnel The Client Needs For This Job
Your report of the personnel supplied during the event being billed will have to be presented in cell A17. Use this field to input the contract name or the event details for the staffing services needing payment.
Step 6 – Appropriately Price The Event Staff’s Services
The second column of this spreadsheet’s table will make a request for several numbers. All content here must be produced as a dollar value. The “Amount” label that titles this column poses its first request for the price of the services defined on the left. Furnish the Staffing bill’s base cost(s) in cell H17. Cell H18 assumes that you will produce a sum of all the staffing charges to its contents leaving out any necessary taxes. This is known as the “Subtotal” in that it is a complete summary of what is owed but lacks any discussion on sales or service taxes.
The sales tax, service tax, etc. the Event Staffer may be required to add to the “Subtotal” must be separated in its display from the charges of the Event Staffer. This value will depend largely on the state or locality where the Event Staffing Company operates. If a “Tax” must be applied, then you must present it in cell H19.
Cell H20 will request the “Total” to this invoice as the sum of the Event Staffer’s “Subtotal” and “Tax” dollar values above.
Step 7 – Apply The Staffer’s Preferred Timeline of Payment
The “Payment Is…” phrase in cell A21 can be used as a countdown statement for on-time payment. Report how many days after the invoice “Date” that an unpaid invoice will automatically be considered late by deleting “[#]” and substituting it with this number.
Step 8 – More Staffing Topics May Be Covered At Will
Any instruction that needs to be passed onto the Client may be included in cell A22.