Tutoring Invoice Template

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The Tutoring Invoice Template summarizes the tutoring session that a Service, School, or Contractor requires paid. Generally, your Clients will want to make sure you get paid so that you may continue your services however, as a matter of good bookkeeping you will want to keep track of your paperwork including formal requests for payment. A template set with this goal in mind will offer the relief that standardization often brings to most administrative tasks. Be prepared with some basic information regarding the job being billed (i.e. the dates and times tutoring was provided) as this will aid in a quick entry process.

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How to Write in PDF and MS Word

Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)

Step 1 – Upload The Tutoring Invoice TO Your System

Either of the above text-links (“Adobe PDF” and “Microsoft Word (.docs)”) will access the labeled file version of the previewed template. Notice below the template’s preview image to similarly designated buttons (“Adobe” and “Word”) are on display to allow the same file access to the template version you prefer.


Step 2 – Introduce The Tutoring Service

The Tutoring Service of the Invoice User or its Sender is the first subject of our attention. The box at the top of the page displaying the “Company Name” text is set to receive the Tutor’s Business Name. If this is a registered service that utilizes a status suffix (i.e. corp., corporation, Inc., incorporated, etc.) then make sure to include this information as well.  Present the Tutor’s “Name” on the first blank line. The series of blank lines this begins will seek out the contact information of the attending Tutor or Tutoring Service. Thus, we must deliver the “Name” used to contact this entity by mail or otherwise. The mailing address the Tutor maintains should be reported with the names above. Produce this as content defining the Tutor’s “Street Address,” “City, State, Country” and “Zip Code” making use of the labeled lines. The Tutoring Service’s formal “Phone” number has been set to be paired off its mailing address. Locate the blank line with this label then provide this telephone number including an extension if needed.  Below this, the “E-Mail” address where the Tutoring Service expects electronic correspondence or social media activity to occur should also be produced for our goals. 


Step 3 – Unify This Paperwork With Distinct Reference Material

Naturally, a Tutoring Service may need to generate a substantial number of invoices while the Client or Student may need to keep up with quite a bit of paperwork. To facilitate the communication between these two parties regarding this bill, assign it a distinct identification number then dispense this to the Paying Student, Parent, or Benefactor on the “Invoice #” line located within the horizontal divider.    The next item needed in the divider we are currently populating is this document’s “Date.” The “Date” of generation is often referred to as the ‘Invoice Date’ and should be documented on the appropriately labeled line.   


Step 4 – Identify The Paying Student, Parent, or Benefactor

The Paying Student, Parent, or Benefactor should be named on the first line below the “Bill To” heading.    Additionally, the Tutoring Client’s billing address is required. Several blank lines beneath the “Name” you provided will accept the Paying Student, Parent, or Benefactor’s “Street Address,” corresponding “City, State, Country,” and officially assigned “Zip Code” as this party’s official mailing address.


Step 5 – Define The Commissioned Tutoring Sessions(s)

After naming the Payer, the tutoring session should be described adequately enough for the Recipient to justify paying this invoice. Thus, gather your records then report the dates, times, subject matter covered along with the name of the student (if different from the Bill To Client).


Step 6 – Deliver The Tutoring Costs And Final Amount Due

In addition to the “Description” of the tutoring session, you must present a basic break down of the full “Amount” owed. Begin with the base “Amount” of money the Tutoring Service expects for the session(s) that were described in the first box of the “Amount” section. Keep in mind, that you should not assess any taxes yet. The “Subtotal” anticipates the combined total of all amounts you have documented above it. Add them all together then input them to this box. If any books, school supplies, or tutoring materials are being purchased through this invoice then, many localities will expect a sales “Tax.” Very few local and state “Tax” entities will impose a service tax to a tutoring session, however it is recommended that you make sure you are abreast of all applicable tax codes. Report all owed sales/service taxes in the “Tax” box. Proceed to add the Tutor’s “Subtotal” and “Tax” dollar amounts to a combined “Total.” Record the resulting numeral in the last box of this column.



Step 7 – Assign The Tutoring Invoice’s Deadline For Payment As A Grace Period

The statement after the last box of this table will apply the Tutoring Service’s grace period. This is a number of “Days” from the invoice “Date” defining the time given for a payment made on time. Place this on the blank line in the “Payment Is Due…” statement 


Step 8 – Include Supplementary Material Regarding The Tutoring Sessions Or This Bill

The last section of the invoice (“Comments or Special Instructions”) serves as a display area for additional dialogue


How to Write in MS Excel

Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Save The Tutoring Service Invoice In A Spreadsheet Format

When it is time to bill for a tutoring session, download the “Excel” version of the pictured template using the appropriately designated button. The same spreadsheet version of this template can be obtained using the “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” text link in this section.


Step 2 – Name The Tutor Behind This Invoice

The Tutoring Service or Tutor’s Business should be identified as an entity at the top of the spreadsheet. This can be done in an easy to spot manner by uploading the Tutoring Service logo to cell A1 and furnishing its entire “Company Name” in cell A2.  Cell A3 will insist upon displaying the full “Name” of the Tutor or the Tutoring Service’s Representative. Produce this “Name” as requested. A few cells are reserved for the Tutoring Service’s or Tutor’s business address. Divide then report this address as a “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” in cells A4 and A5Furnish the Tutor’s “Zip Code” in cell A6. In addition to the above information, the Tutor’s telephone number and email address are requested. Use cells A7 (“E-Mail”) and cell A8 (“Phone”) to dispense this information.


Step 3 – Describe The Tutoring Invoice Being Sent

Before we continue with a discussion on the tutoring session being billed, we must take a moment to identify this paperwork for the Paying Student, Parent, or Benefactor receiving it. Achieve this by removing the current contents of cell F4 then replacing them with the unique reference number the Tutor wishes to assign as the filing “Invoice #” for this paperwork. The next cell in the table we are currently attending contains your computer calendar’s “Date” (cell H4). This is the default setting for the active or effective “Date” of this invoice. You may leave it as is, if appropriate, or change it according to your preferences.


Step 4 – Document The Paying Student, Parent, Or Benefactor’s Billing Information

Cell A11, the first field of the “Bill To” section, will begin a formal payment request by naming the Party responsible for the tutoring costs being billed. Input the full “Name” of this invoice’s Payer (Student, Parent, Benefactor) in cell A11.  Proceed through this column to fill in the Payer (i.e. Student, Parent, or Benefactor) “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” in cells A12, A13, and A14 (respectively).


Step 5 – Produce An Adequate Tutoring Session “Description”

The billing table for the tutoring services requests valuable information for the purpose of this paperwork. Use the first cell presented in this area (cell A17) to give a reasonably clear “Description” of the commissioned tutoring services requiring payment.


Step 6 – Price The Tutoring Services Accordingly

The next several cells we will attend are located in column H; the column adjacent to “Description.” Notice this column header is “Amount.” As the title indicates, input the dollar value of the discussed tutoring services directly underneath this word in cell H17.The “Amount” column shall continue down column H, to cell H18, where the “Subtotal” must be reported. This is the total value of the figures you documented above. Add them together then inform the Client of the result in cell H18. The figure you enter here may not include any taxes. If any taxes should be assessed and applied then you must inform the Paying Student, Parent, or Benefactor. This act will be expected as a separate report in cell H19 (labeled “Tax”).It is time to inform the Paying Student, Parent, or Benefactor of the “Total” tutoring service amount owed. Add cell H18 (the “Subtotal”) with cell H19 (“Tax”) to reach this final value. Furnish this as the “Total” in cell H20.



Step 7 – A Grace Period For The Tutoring Service Payment Can Be Applied

Cell A21 contains our next topic. The statement displayed here speaks directly to the Paying Student, Parent, or Benefactor however, you must supplement its language. Replace the bracketed pound sign with the number of “Days” the Tutoring Service will wait for a payment before initiating collection efforts.


Step 8 – Additional Tutoring Instructions or Comments Can Be Included

Cell A22 of this sheet has been reserved for the Tutoring Service to address additional issues or provide more content. This cell can be used at-will or left unedited. 

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