Roofing Work Order Template

The Roofing Work Order Template can aid in the administrative task of securing requests for roof installations and repairs by presenting an organized manner to gather the necessary information to define a job and securing the Client’s approval for payment. Both of these tasks can be time-consuming if left to the last minute on a Client-by-Client basis, especially during a busy season. Thus, a standard form with predetermined areas of report will enable the Roofing Contractor to gather these items (details and signature) from the Client whether he or she is on the road or in the office.

How to Write in PDF & Word

Download; Adobe PDF Or Microsoft Word

Step 1 – Obtain The Roofing Work Order Template

The Roofing Work Order available through this site has been formatted as an “Adobe PDF” document and as a “Microsoft Word.” Both links bearing these labels above will access the template in the preview picture in the file version of their namesakes.

Step 2 – Address The Roofing Contractor Or Sole Proprietorship Directly

This template will require some preliminary information provided to the top of the page. The opening of the work order is populated with a text field. Remove the language within this field (“Company Name”) then record the legal operating name of the Roofing Contractor (or Sole Proprietorship) business this work order is meant to address.  The series of labeled spaces that follow the “Company Name” field seek the Roofing Contractor’s full “Name,” complete address, and direct contact information produced with the operating name of the Roofing Contractor’s business. The first line here seeks this Party’s “Name” with the three placed below it expect entries of the Roofing Contractor’s “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” lines.  The Roofing Contractor’s direct contact information should now be entered on the lines labeled “Phone” and “E-Mail.”  


Step 3 – Attach Distinct Document Information To The Roofing Service Request

The Roofing Contractor and the Roofing Client must have the ability to store and refer to this work order similarly in the future. The blank line on the left-hand side of the page labeled “Work Order #” expects a distinct filing I.D. number assigned to this request and recorded for display. Proceed to the right-hand side of the page where the word “Date” is presented. Declare the official “Date” for the roofing service request on this line. 


Step 4 – Record The Roofing Client’s Billing Information

The Roofing Client that requires the Contractor’s services should be identified. The “Client Information” section has been provided with a few labeled lines to accomplish this task. Produce the full “Name” of the Roofing Cling on the first available space in this section.    The space labeled “E-Mail” and “Phone” should be used to continue the report defining the Roofing Client. Furnish his or her contact email and telephone number to the second and third lines, respectively.  The final available spaces in the “Client Information” section have been devoted to presenting the address information to contact the Roofing Client by mail. Furnish the Roofing Client’s two address lines as the “Street Address” then “City, State,” and “Country.”   A third space has been presented to receive the Roofing Client’s “Zip Code.”  


Step 5 – Report The Calendar Days Defining The Roofing Job

The title heading “Order” on the left will continue this side of the page’s requests for dates. The line labeled “Expected Start Date” will require submission of the first calendar date when work must begin.  Continue to the next blank line, labeled “Expected End Date,” then produce the calendar date when the roofing project is expected to terminate (naturally) for the Roofing Contractor.


Step 6 – Document The Roofing Materials That Require Client Payment

The roofing materials that must be used for the Client’s project and billed to the Client should be discussed. the roofing job’s “Material” table deal with this task nicely. First, locate the “Description” column then deliver an inventory of the roofing materials to the rows provided.    The “Quantity” column in the roofing “Material” table requires that the number of roofing items required are accounted for. Produce the number of required roofing items on each row where one is reported.  Continue to the right of the dollar amount expected for one piece of the roofing product discussed earlier on that row. Dispense the “Unit Cost” for each roofing item as requested by the third column’s heading (“Unit Cost”). The last column of this table shall require that the “Quantity” of roofing materials ordered is multiplied with the “Unit Cost” required for one. Enter this figure in the “Amount” column.  Proceed to the bottom of the roofing material’s “Amount” column then enter the sum of the amounts presented in this column. 


Step 7 – Verify The Roofing Company’s Expected Dates Of Service

A second table has been included in this paperwork. The “Service” table is concerned with the time the Roofing Contractor or Sole Proprietorship must devote to the project. The first column (presented with the “Description” title) should be used to display the anticipated work schedule the Roofing Contractor will follow, a service contract defining the required service, or a description of the work to be done.  The number of “Hours” the Roofing Contractor will be obligated to spend working on the defined items (i.e. project name, work days/times) should be produced in the second column.  After defining the roofing service (time or topic) and the number of “Hours” that will be required, locate the “Hourly Rate” column then furnish the dollar amount the Roofing Contractor will earn for every one hour of work to the content.  The last column of the roofing job’s “Service” table seeks the product of the Contractor’s service “Hours” multiplied with his or her “Hourly Rate.” The result should be displayed as the “Amount” owed for the defined service.   Complete this table by adding all roofing service amounts to a single number. Enter this number in the box labeled “Total Service.”   


Step 8 – Furnish The Roofing Project Total Expected Payment

Naturally, a combination of these two tables will deliver the “Total” the Roofing Contractor (or Sole Proprietorship) must be paid. The third and final table of the work order will seek the sum of the “Total Material” charges and “Total Service” charges that will be due to the Roofing Contractor in exchange for his or her efforts. Produce the sum of these fields in “Subtotal.”    If the Roofing Contractor must collect a sales tax for the roofing supplies or service or value-added “Tax,” then it must be reported in the “Tax” field.  The final task for this table will be a report on the sum of the Roofing Contractor’s “Subtotal” and “Tax.” The value derived from this calculation should be placed in the box labeled “Total.”  


Step 9 – Establish The Submitter’s Identity

The Submitter of the roofing job’s information above should be identified as such. Locate the blank line attached to “Work Order Completed By,” then present the name of this individual (You).  


Step 10 – Dispense Remaining Dialogues Regarding The Roofing Service Request

Additional information can be supplied to this work order at your discretion. The “Comments Or Suggestions” lines are set to present supplemental information that either the Roofing Contractor or Client wishes included. 


Step 11 – The Roofing Client Must Sign This Paperwork

The final requirement is placed on the Roofing Client. He or she must have an adequate amount of time to review the above roofing job specifics. Once the review is completed, the Roofing Client must sign the blank line beneath the final statement (“I, The Client…”).    



How to Write in Excel

Download; Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Acquire The Spreadsheet Version Of The Roofing Work Order

Obtain the Roofing Work Order as an Excel Spreadsheet file by picking the appropriate button under the previewed sample image to initiate the download. The links in this section “Adobe PDF” or “Microsoft Word” also give you access to the same files.

Step 2- Name The Roofer Or Roofing Business

The top of the first column of the spreadsheet you obtained will serve as the staging area where the Roofer or Roofing Business will be definitively addressed with his or her Contractor Business information beginning with the “Company Logo” and “Company Name.” Furnish these professional identities to cell A1 and cell A2 respectively by replacing the bracketed placeholders “Add Your Company Logo Here” (in cell A1) and “Company Name” (found in cell A2).  The full “Name” of the Roofer or Roofing Business Recipient (of this work order) is needed in the next field of column A (cell A3). Type it in as a substitute for the bracketed label “Name.”   Once the Roofer or the Roofing Business and the formal Work Order Recipient have been adequately identified, it will be time to produce the contact information necessary to send payments, notices, and additional correspondence to this Entity by mail. Cell A4, A5, and A6 are set to receive this information as a “Street Address,” the “City, State, Country,” then lastly the “Zip Code.”  The “E-Mail” address where the Roofer or the Roofing Business can be contacted electronically as well as the Office “Phone” number should be presented. Cell A7 and A8 hold the labels that call for this material.  


Step 3 – Officially Issue A Request For Roofing Services

Locate the area in the upper right-hand portion of the work order. A basic one-row table requests two items that will be useful in storing this record properly. The “Work Order” number generated to name this request in a filing system should be entered in cell F5.    The official “Date” when the Client requests roofing work from the Contractor is the next item in this area. Cell H5 will need this “Date” solidified as the currently displayed “Date” on your desktop. You may change the contents of cell H5 at-will, as necessary.   


Step 4 – Introduce The Roofing Customer

The full name of the Roofer’s Potential Client requires documentation. This task is set to be handled by the next segment of column A to request information by presenting a placeholder label. Cell A11, underneath the “Client Information” title, requires the Roofing Customer’s full “Name” displayed.  Cell A12, A13, and A14 seek the Roofing Customer’s address attached to this “Client Information” section. The Roofing Customer’s “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” should be produced to the first two of this series (A12 and A13) while the “Zip Code” should be used to populate the third field (cell A14).  The final two fields requiring a generation of material in this section expect their entries to be the Roofing Customer’s current “E-Mail” and home, cell, or business “Phone” number presented in cell A15 and cell A16.  


Step 5 – Assign A Time Period To The Roofing Work

The “Order” section displayed in column G seeks to introduce some detail to the expected roofing project. The first “Date” when the Roofer or Roofing Business will begin work on the project should be documented after the words “Expected Start Date.”  Complete this area with a report on the roofing project’s “Expected End Date” produced in cell H12.  


Step 6 – Identify The Roofing Materials That Must Be Paid For

The “Material” table set in this paperwork is the next focus of our attention and should be completed to discuss the Roofer’s billable roofing supplies or the products he or she will sell to the Client. Generally, this will be a list of supplies used to complete or repair a roof, so list every such item by name or manufacturer’s ID number in column A of this table under “Description.” Several rows have been made available for your use.  Continue each row’s report by discussing the (estimated) number of supplies the Roofer will expect to be paid for by the Client. Column F, displaying the “Quantity” heading, will require this entry for every row discussing a roofing supply.    The “Unit Cost” of each supply should be declared in this work order. This bare cost (for the price of one item on that row) will immediately coordinate with the “Quantity” entry of that row to display how much the Roofer or Roofing Business will charge for that row’s roofing supply.  For instance, if charging by the shingle, list the exact cost of one shingle in this column on the same row where it (the shingle to be purchased) has been recorded.


Step 7 – Define The Requested Roofing Service

The second table that requires content report furnished discussing the time spent on the roofing job. The first task will be to describe the roofing project with an entry of items such as the dates and times defining when the Roofer should work and the name of the project or an agreement in the “Description” column of the “Service” table. Column A of this table will hold this area for this report. Once the roofing job has been defined by shift or by the work required, the number of “Hours” the Roofer will spend on this job will need to be defined. Dispense the number of expected work “Hours” the Roofer will be required to provide in column F. The final entry required in the Roofer’s “Service” table should be made in column G. The “Hourly Rate,” or the Roofer’s expected payment for one hour of work must be documented in this portion of the “Service” table as a dollar amount. Once entered, the “Amount” column of this table and some of the values in the third table will incorporate this figure appropriately. 


Step 8 – Complete The Roofing Estimate’s Request

The last table displayed in the H column will only require one entry to complete presenting the expectations of the Roofer or Roofing Business. Cell H36, adjacent to the “Tax” label, must be used to document the sales or service “Tax” the Roofer or Roofing Business must collect from the Customer. If a value-added “Tax” is to be assessed this should be placed here as well. In cases, where more than one type of “Tax” must be collected at the point of payment, calculate each one separately, combine them, then produce the resulting figure in cell H36.


Step 9 – Present The Issuing Party’s Identity

The “Individual’s Name” of the Person providing the above information or the name of the Person responsible for submitting it should be recorded in cell H37 after the phrase “Work Order Completed By…”


Step 10 – Produce Any Needed Dialogue On The Roofing Job

Cell H38 is placed to allow follow-up information to the tables above to be included. As an optional field, you may supply additional content after the label “Comments Or Suggestions” or it may be left unedited.


Step 11 – Obtain The Roofing Client Signature To Finalize The Request

The Roofing Customer must sign the “Client Signature” line. This signature will be considered a response to the testimonial statement that precedes it. The Roofing Customer must read the statement in cell A41 then sign the line displayed in cell A42 to complete this work order.
