The artist invoice template is for any type of creative work such as a painter, graphic designer, music lyricist or vocalist, or any craft that was created with the intention of being art. The invoice should be given to the client at the time the art is complete and should not change possession until the invoice is paid in full. The artist should include all materials and their cost in addition to their labor efforts on a per hour basis. If the artist decides to transfer possession of the art before payment is made the invoice should require that payment be made within thirty (30) days.
Table of Contents
- Invoices: By Type
- How to Write in PDF & Word
- Gain Access To The PDF Version Of This Invoice
- Identify The Parties Involved And This Document
- Define The Art Transaction This Invoice Is Concerned With
- How to Write in MS Excel (.xlsx)
- Download The Excel Template
- Identify The Invoice
- The Artist And The Customer Should Be Recorded Where Requested
- The Nature Of The Transaction Behind This Invoice Must Be Discussed
- Submit The Expected Payment Amount
By Type
- Actor/Actress Invoice
- Art Commission Invoice
- Face Painting Invoice
- Freelance Artist Invoice
- Makeup Artist Invoice
How to Write in PDF & Word
Download: Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word
1 – Gain Access To The PDF Version Of This Invoice
Several file versions are available for download for this template. Choose the one that you wish to work with from the buttons on this page (“Adobe PDF,” “MS Word,” or “MS Excel”). You may view this form at any time as a PDF by opening it with most current browsers. If you choose to work with a PDF, then you may either print it upon viewing or you may download it then open it with the appropriate software to work with it on screen.
2 – Identify The Parties Involved And This Document
The first task set before us will be to identify the Artist whose product or labor is being invoiced. In many cases, you may enter the Name of the Art Studio or Production Company in the area labeled “Company Name.” This line may be deleted if this Invoice is for an independent Artist’s work.
Fill in the Artist’s Name, Address, and Contact Information on the blank lines labeled “Name,” “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” “Zip Code,” “E-Mail,” and “Phone.” Now, input the unique Number that defines this Invoice on the blank line labeled “Invoice #” Directly across the page from the Invoice Number you reported, supply the Calendar Date when this Invoice was created on the line labeled “Date.”
The recipient of this Invoice (the Customer) will also need to be identified. This will be handled in the section labeled “Bill To” and will require the Customer’s Information to be supplied. Use the blank spaces labeled “Name,” “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “ZIP Code” to document the Legal Name and Address of the entity that will receive this paperwork and be held responsible for its payment.
3 – Define The Art Transaction This Invoice Is Concerned With
This paperwork will include two separate sections to describe what the Artist is charging the Customer for. You may use either or both sections depending upon the nature of the job done. Use the table in “Products” to record the “Quantity” of each item purchased, a “Description” of each item, the “Unit Price” of each item, and the “Amount” being charged to the Customer. Locate the last box of the last row in the “Products” area (labeled “Total Products”) then enter the sum of the dollar amounts reported in the column above it.
The next area, “Labor,” has been supplied in case the Artist must charge for the physical time he or she spent on the project. Naturally, the table supplied here will have different columns and require different information from the one above. Use this area to record the Total Number of “Hours” spent on a specific task in the first column.
The second column should have a “Description” of the Task being billed for furnished.
Use the third column (“$/Hour”) to indicate how much the Artist is charging the Customer per Hour for the Task that was just described.
Next, multiply the number you placed in the “Hours” column by the number place in the “$/Hour” column” then record the product in the column labeled “Amount.” Keep in mind the numbers being multiplied must be in the same row.
The last box of this table, labeled “Total Labor,” must have the sum of all the entries in the “Amount” column filled in. This will be the total amount of money the Artist is charging for Labor.
Finally, we will need to report the full amount of money the Customer must pay. Add the numbers that you supplied to the boxes labeled “Total Products” and “Total Labor” then present this sum in the box labeled “Subtotal.”
Calculate and Report the “Sales Tax” for the products sold in the appropriately labeled box.
Once you have finished reporting all the preliminary information, add the numbers you entered in the “Subtotal” and “Sales Tax” boxes then present the sum in the box labeled “Total.”
Locate the statement “Payment Is Due…” near the bottom left-hand part of the page, then supply how many days from the receipt of this Invoice the Customer is given to remit a payment on the blank space between the “#” sign and the word “Days.”
If there are any specific “Comments Or Special Instructions” that concern this Invoice, the transaction being documented, or the Product/Services being billed for, you may report them using the last two blank lines on this page.
How to Write in MS Excel (.xlsx)
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
1 – Download The Excel Template
If you would like to download this template as an MS Excel document, locate the button labeled “MS Excel” then click it. You must have a program that can edit and view Excel Spreadsheets to work with this version. Note: Remember to set the Print Area before printing a copy.
2 – Identify The Invoice
Locate the two items below the title “Invoice.” Use the cells just below the words “Invoice Number” and “Date” to display the individual Number your Accounting Department will use to identify this paperwork and the Calendar Date of its creation.
3 – The Artist And The Customer Should Be Recorded Where Requested
There will be several cells reserved to identify the Company or Artist who expects payment of this Invoice. The first cell has been supplied with a generic logo however you may delete its contents and insert your logo in its place. If the Artist is a production studio or business entity, then supply the Legal Name of this entity in the cell with the words “Company Name.”
Now locate the cells with the bracketed labels “Name,” “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “ZIP Code.” Use these fields to document the Mailing Address of the Artist sending this Invoice.
In addition to the Mailing Address, the Artist’s Contact Information should be supplied to this document. Utilize the cells with the labels “E-Mail” and “Phone” to record the Artists E-Mail Address and Phone Number. Make sure this information is up-to-date.
Next, we will identify the Customer who will receive this Invoice and is obligated to pay it. Use the fields under the heading “Bill To” to supply this entity’s Name and Address. Several cells have been labeled as a guide (“Name,” “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “ZIP Code”).
4 – The Nature Of The Transaction Behind This Invoice Must Be Discussed
The Art Products or Artist Services the Customer will pay the Artist for will have to be adequately described both for the benefit of both parties. Two separate areas are presented for this exact purpose (“Products” and “Labor”).
The area below the heading “Products” will have several columns. Each row supplied here should present the information these columns request. Thus, enter the “Description,” “Quantity,” and “Unit Price” for each type of Product on each row. When you have done this, the cells in the “Amount” column,” including “Total Products,” will perform the necessary actions to calculate the required results for their contents. Do not enter any amounts in the column labeled “Amount.” If the Artist will charge for his or her Time then this, too, must be adequately documented. We will supply this information in the area just below the word “Labor.” Use each row to supply the “Description,” “Hours,” and “$/Hour,” for each Shift (or task) the Artist completed placing each component in the appropriate column. The values required for the “Amount” column and the cell labeled “Total Products” will auto-populate as you furnish the table with information.
5 – Submit The Expected Payment Amount
The final area will have three labels “Subtotal,” “Sales Tax,” and “Total.” The cells “Subtotal” and “Total” will automatically fill in with the appropriate values, however, if any “Sales Tax” must be applied to this Invoice you must supply it. Next, record the Number of days the Client has to pay the Invoice after receiving it in the cell with the bracketed symbol “[#]”
Place any comments that should be delivered in the cell after “Comments Or Special Instructions”