The Freelance Hourly ($/HR) Invoice Template is the paperwork required by most Clients when they must remit payment for services that have been provided. You will need to make sure you have a clear record of the time(s) you worked to fill this invoice out properly. When you have made sure your sources are accurate, you will only need to transfer some of the information from your records to the invoice document you are working with. Once you have finished filling out this paperwork, your Hourly Client should be able to identify the work involved, the document in his or her hand, and your identity immediately upon viewing it.
My Invoices
We automatically add any invoices that you download or save to your device.
These invoices are stored on your device, and not online. Clearing your browser's cache could cause you to lose these invoices. We recommend hanging on to a copy of each invoice you generate.
How to Write in PDF and Word
Step 1 – Download in Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word (.docx).
1 – Save The Hourly Invoice Template To A Folder On Your Hard Drive Or Network
The billing paperwork you need to inform your Client of money owed for a contract or job is available through the links above (“Adobe PDF” and “MS Word”) or the buttons in the caption area of the image.
2 – Submit Some Identification Regarding The Freelancer
The first step in billing your Client through this invoice is identifying yourself as the Freelancer sending it. A few blank lines beginning with the bold word “From” at the top of the page. Place your own name on this blank line. In addition to your name, you should be prepared to give your Client some options when contacting you. This area will have a few specific blank lines where you can supply your address, phone number, and e-mail. Start by using the “Street Address” line to deliver the building number, street/road name, and (if needed) apartment number where you receive your mail. This should be continued with the city, state, and country of your address on the next line then finished with your mailing address’ “Zip Code” on the next line
Your next items of contact information are typically your business “Phone” number and “E-Mail” address will both have their own labeled areas that you may satisfy with information.
3 – A Distinct Invoice Number Is Strongly Recommended
Your next task will be to determine the invoice number that you intend to attach to the freelance job you will discuss later. The invoice number you decide to use can be of any length and may be alphanumeric so long as it remains a unique filing number in your system. In addition to this piece of identification, you must also date this paperwork by entering the calendar date when you wish this bill to apply on the blank “Date” line.
4 – Definitively Name Freelance Client
The “Bill To” part of this invoice will have one simple requirement to fulfill; naming your Client. Place his or her legal name or business name on the “Name” line in this are then accompany this information with his or her mailing address. As with the header, you will need to display this using the “Street Address” line, the space labeled “City, State, Country,” and the empty line attached to the “Zip Code.”
5 – Present Your Log Records Or Time Sheet To The Table
The schedule you followed when you worked for the Client should be documented for his or her benefit. At the very least, your Client will expect to see a tally of the “Hours” he or she is paying for and when or why this time was accrued. All this, and a few other tasks, can be handled through a well-organized table. Locate the column with the “Hours” heading in the table placed below the “Bill To” area. Produce the number of “Hours” making up each shift, date, or contract the Client will be charged for. Make certain that the way you divide this time has been agreed to by the Client or in compliance with a generally accepted division (such as the dates and times you worked). The next column, “Description,” has been supplied so you can present your log or contract. Here you should record each calendar date and times that are being billed. Bear in mind, each such date should be listed on its own row.
Record the hourly rate you are charging for each shift you documented. This pay rate should be placed in the third column.
6 – Perform Some Basic Math To Inform The Client Of The Owed Amount
Now that you have recorded how long you worked, when (or why) you worked, and the rate you are charging it will be time to calculate how much is being billed. On each row where you have defined a work shift, multiply the number of “Hours” you worked by the pay rate you assigned in the “$/Hour” column of that row. The number you reach from this multiplication is a requirement at the end of that row, in the “Amount” column. Next, add all the amounts you calculated since this sum should be displayed for the Client’s review in the “Subtotal” field.
The final steps this table requires is a report on the “Tax” amount the Client owes and the final “Total.” Thus, enter the taxes being charged in the “Tax” field, add this number to the “Subtotal,” and report sum in “Total.”
Below the table are two optional sections of this invoice. If you intend to charge a late penalty or expect an on-time payment, then you should define the time period that makes up this on-time payment. Do this by entering it as a number of days in the “Payment Is Due Within” sentence.
You may have some more material that could be useful to the Client. The”Comments or Special Instructions” sentence is attached to a couple of blank lines you can employ to give your Hourly Client this such materials
How to Write in Excel
Step 1 – Download in Microsoft Excel (.xlsx).
1 – Retrieve the Freelance Hourly Invoice From This Page
The invoice spreadsheet is linked to the “MS Excel” button and link above. You may select either one to gain access to this file then follow the prompt to save it.
2 – Enter Your Information Directly To This Spreadsheet
It should be considered mandatory that you identify yourself to the Recipient of this invoice at the beginning of this spreadsheet. A few items will be necessary to accomplish this however, if you have a logo used for your business then upload it as an image to cell A1. Proceed to cell A3 then, display your first, middle, and last “Name” so that it may introduce your mailing address properly. The three cells following this (down the column) will each expect a piece of your business address entered. Make certain this information is input precisely as you wish it to appear on an envelope addressed to you Cell A4, A5, and A6 are devoted to this address.
Cell A7 allows a distinct field where you can present your “E-Mail” address.
Your business telephone number will be a convenient reference to have on this paperwork. Input it to cell A8.
3 – Include A Proper Identification Of Your Client
Your Hourly Client’s full name is required for this invoice. Enter his or her identity to the first cell underneath the words “Bill To” in A11. The remainder of this section (cells A12, A13, and A14) should be populated with the complete address of the Hourly Client.
4 – Submit A Record Of The Work Hours You Are Billing For
The invoice number you’ve decided will be used to attach the Client to the job to the amount due should be disclosed to the Client as a matter of protocol. Cell A4 will readily accept any alphanumeric number you enter as the official invoice number. The table set aside on this spreadsheet is designed to allow a quick report on the time being billed. Begin by delivering an adequate “Description” of the shifts you worked. This can be done by shift, calendar date, or job. Begin this task in column A on row 17 keeping one shift/date/job per row.
The “Hours” part of this table in column F presents a definitive area where you can provide a count of the “Hours” you worked for that shift or day.
Finally, you must inform your Client of your pay rate. This should be recorded as a dollar amount that you will make in one hour. The “$/Hour” section in column G. This will cause several values to populate.
Cell A28, requesting the “Tax” owed for this invoice, is placed in column H so that it can be incorporated to the “Total” owed by the Client.
5 – An Opportunity To Name A Deadline And Include More Material Is Presented
You may wish to make sure the Client decides to submit a payment within a given time frame. Count this time as days and enter this number in cell A30 where requested. Cell A31 has been included for your convenience. Any information due to the Client for this hourly invoice can be included after the words “…Special Instructions”