Photo Assistant Invoice Template, available in one of three formats, can be easily tailored to bill a variety of Clients such as Photographers, Advertisers, Temp Agencies, and Photo Studio. The purpose of this document will be to enable the Sender to request payment for the assistance he or she provided while at the same time documenting several details that will support this request. Additionally, the Sender can place terms of payment or preferred methods of payment if desired.
Salary & Hourly Wage ($/hr)
My Invoices
We automatically add any invoices that you download or save to your device.
These invoices are stored on your device, and not online. Clearing your browser's cache could cause you to lose these invoices. We recommend hanging on to a copy of each invoice you generate.
How to Write in PDF and Word
Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)
1 – The Photo Assistant Invoice Should Be Obtained Through This Site
Download the Photo Assistant Invoice from this page to produce the paperwork required to request payment for your services. It’s available to you as a PDF or Word file using the links just above these statements. You can also use the “Word” button or the “PDF” button to attain this downloadable
2 – Deliver The Header Information That Will Define The Sender
Open your copy with an appropriate program then, type in the legal entity name of your business or, not an entity, your own professional name in the first box on the left. Regardless of whether you have entered a business name or a professional name above, continue to the blank line labeled “Name” and furnish your own on it.
The second labeled blank line in this area is labeled “Street Address.” Use it to begin to produce the building, street, and suite number of the address where your Photo Assistant Business receives its mail correspondence.
Turn your focus to the third and fourth labeled lines so you can continue delivering the address information necessary to send physical mail to your business.
The telephone number(s) where you prefer calls regarding this paperwork to be directed should be placed on the empty line following the label “Phone.”
The last contact requirement for this section is labeled with the word “E-Mail.” The email address maintained by your Photo Assistant Business is needed on this line if one is available.
3 – Present The Photo Assistant Invoice Information Where Requested
Some details will be necessary to develop an adequate invoice for the Photographer being billed. First, refer to your accounting or bookkeeping system then document the reference number you will use to track this bill on the blank line labeled “Invoice #.” Continue across the shaded bar to the word “Date” then input the official calendar month, day, and year of this invoice on the line presented.
Now, it is time to move on to the “Bill To” area. This bold heading will sit atop four blank lines each labeled to guide you in inputting the employing Photographer or Studio this invoice is aimed at. As with the information you self-reported, prepare to input the Employing Photographer’s full “Name” then that entity’s billing address. Keep in mind that this address will need to be recorded in a similar line by line manner.
4 – The Photo Assistant Can Define The Billable Work Using The Invoice Table
Your photo assistant services will need to be documented in some way for the Photographer’s benefit (or that of the employing Studio). The invoice “Description” section presented has been paired with the “Amount” section for this purpose. First, directly under the “Description” heading, deliver a comprehensive report on when work was done and/or what work was done. This is the assistance work that will be paid for once the Studio (or Photographer) pays this bill. The “Amount” that the Studio or Photographer must pay will have to be put on paper as well. This will be achieved by inputting this value in the “Amount” column as a dollar value. The money you enter here should be the full payment due for the work you define.
The sentence placed immediately after the table you just filled in gives you the option of directly telling your Client that you expect a payment to be sent within a certain number of days. Apply this deadline by reporting this number on the blank space attached to “…Days”
If you require additional space, it has been provided. You can use the blank lines presented in this area (Attached to “Comments Or Special Instructions”) to deliver additions sections, disclosures, or information to the employing Photographer or Studio
How to Write in Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
1 – Save The Photo Assistant Invoice As A Spreadsheet
The spreadsheet attached to the link (“Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)”) can be selected then downloaded at your discretion
2 – Record Business Information For The Photo Assistant
The Photo Assistant requesting payment with this invoice must have his or her business defined at the beginning of this page. This information should be split across several cells as a matter of formatting. Use cell A1 to upload the Photo Assistant logo, cell A2 to present the formal business name the Photo Assistant uses professionally, and cell A3 for the presentation of the Photo Assistant’s first, middle, and last “Name.” The next focus of this paperwork will be the mailing address that is currently used by the Photo Assistant sending this invoice. This information will also be presented using a few cells in this column. Cell A4 needs the first line of this address. Typically, this will be a building number, street name, and unit number although a P.O. Box is also acceptable. So long as this is current and up to date information. Cell A5 is the next cell down this row expecting information. Here, input the “City, State…” as well as the “…Country” where the above address line is found. Naturally, we will follow this with the “Zip Code” in cell A6.
The cell after the mailing address, cell A7, seeks an alternate form of contact. Thus, place the “E-Mail” used by this business in cell A7. The Photo Assistant’s business line is also necessary for this paperwork and should be entered directly to cell A8.
3 – Place Some Information Regarding This Paperwork And Client Where Appropriate
A standard and reliable means of identifying this paperwork in both the Photo Assistant and the Photographer or Studio’s files is the “Invoice #” assigned to it by the Photo Assistant. This content is needed in cell F4. Next to this, in cell H4, a default invoice “Date” will be presented the day you are currently working. You can change this at any time. Cells A10 through A14 make up the “Bill To” section. Satisfying the information called for here will begin in cell A11 with the full “Name” of the Studio or the Photographer who will pay for the assistance provided.
The second requirement here will be a production of the Payer’s complete mailing address. Enter this address line by line as called for by cells A12 through A14.
4 – Define The Photo Assistant Assignment Job
The assistance provided to the Photographer may have taken place in the field, in the studio, or another site. Regardless of the location, the assistance provided should be documented in this paperwork in a distinct area. This space has been supplied in cell A17. Give an adequate report or “Description” on the commissioned assistance in this cell. The cost of the assistance must be recorded along with the work report. The “Amount” column, cell H17, will accept the cost of this assignment to the Studio or the Photographer.
Cell A18 has been supplied with a specific statement meant to assign a time-limit to pay on time. This number of days must be input as a replacement for the brackets in this statement.
The assistance that was supplied may need to be documented with some additional information or material. If so, then supply this in cell A19