Driver Invoice Template

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A driver invoice is for any type of driver including truck-drivers (heavy goods vehicles), delivery drivers, limo drivers and any other person hired as an independent contractor. The invoice sets the number (#) of hours, hourly pay, and any other items the driver would like to add. If the drive is overnight, and there is no sleeping cabin, the client may be liable for food and lodging.

Salary & Hourly Wage ($/hr)

Taxi Drivers, Ride-Hailing Drivers, and Chauffeurs

  • Salary: $25,980 per year (source: BLS)
  • Hourly Wage: $12.49 per hour (source: BLS)

Delivery Truck Drivers and Driver/Sales Workers

  • Salary: $30,500 per year (source: BLS)
  • Hourly Wage: $14.66 per hour (source: BLS)

Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers

  • Salary: $45,570 per year (source: BLS)
  • Hourly Wage: $21.91 per hour (source: BLS)

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Bill To
Line Item

Limo (Car) Service Invoice – Invoice necessary to bill your customer for a Limo Service provided.

Taxi Service Invoice – Used for billing your client for a Taxi Service provided.

How To Write In PDF Or Word

Download: Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word

Step 1 – Save The Driver Invoice

The Driver Invoice on this page can be saved directly from this page. Gain access to the version you wish to use by selecting either the “Adobe PDF” link or the “Microsoft Word (.docx)” link above. Similarly, the buttons at the bottom of the preview window will also give you access.


Step 2 – Document The Driver’s Information

Seek out the “Company Name” box at the top of this page then input the full Driving “Company Name” or the professional name of the Driver in this box.  Produce the “Name” of the person (whether it is the Driver or the Driving Company Employee) on the blank line below this box. The address where the Driving Company receives its business mail needs to be a part of the header we are working on. Three different lines labeled as “Street Address,” “City, State, Country” and “Zip Code” will accept this address as the return address for this paperwork. In addition to the above, it is strongly recommended that the Driving Company’s Customer Service “Phone” number and “E-Mail” address be filled out onto the last two blank lines.


Step 3 – Report The Invoice Documentation For The Drive

Before formally invoicing your Customer, a definitive record number that should be assigned then recorded on the line attached to the “Invoice #” line. An empty line bearing the label “Date” has been placed in this dividing area. Use it as a place to document the official Driver’s invoice “Date” for this paperwork.


Step 4 – Bill The Passenger Or Consignee

The next section down carries the label “Bill To.” Now whether you are billing a Consignee for a Driver’s successful delivery or a Passenger for a trip to a destination, you will have to present the full “Name” of the Client expected to pay for the delivery or trip. Typically, the Consignee or Passenger is the same Party as the Paying Client, however, if these are different entities, make sure to record the “Name” of the Paying Client. After the Consignee or Client’s “Name,” the “Street Address” and “City, State, Country” lines will need to be populated with the formal billing address where the Consignee expects his or her business mail to arrive. The “Zip Code” corresponding to the above billing address should be displayed on the final line in this area.


Step 5 – Discuss The Drive Being Billed

The drive or the delivery that is being billed should be discussed so that this paperwork may properly request the owed amounts from the Consignee/Passenger or Paying Client. The “Description” portion of the first invoice table (titled “Service”) has been set here to begin your report on the drive requiring payment and the cost(s) of acquiring the Consignee’s receipt of the concerned delivery or Passenger’s successful arrival. The number of billable “Hours” required to complete the drive must be recorded for every drive being billed. Record the number of “Hours” spent for each drive being billed by entering it in the second column on the same row of the defined drive.


Step 6 – Produce The Driver’s Log And Rates

The “Hourly Cost” of the drive is the next request this table makes. Thus, document the amount of money expected for one hour of the drive being billed in the third column.  This table’s final column requests you work with the past two columns that were supplied with information. You will need to work across each row by multiplying the drive’s billable “Hours” with the “Hourly Cost” applied to it. Once you reach this figure, enter it as a dollar “Amount” on the appropriate row in the final column. Conclude this table by adding all the drive amounts and recording this sum in “Total Service” at the bottom of the last column.  


Step 7 – Include All Billable Extras

At times, other services or products will need to be paid for by the Consignee, Passenger, or Client. For instance, if the drive involved the transportation of a product, the Consignee may need to pay for packing materials such as palletizing the freight being transported. The “Description” column of the “Extras” table will accommodate a definition of such extra services. List each one the Consignee or Client must pay for in this column. The number of ordered extras should be documented as well. Locate the second column “Quantity” then input how many of the defined extras was necessary to complete the job.


Step 8 – Price All Billables Accordingly

We will need to apply a basic formula to calculate how much the extra service or product that was supplied will cost. This calculation will need the “Unit Cost” column to be populated with the dollar value of one item being billed. Thus, if the Consignee must pay for five pallets, record the cost of one pallet in this column.

Your next task will be to multiply the “Extras'” “Quantity” by its “Unit Cost.” After multiplying these figures across a row, input the result in the “Amount” column of that row. Add all the rows of the “Amount” column in the “Extras” table for display as a sum in the “Total Extras” box. 


Step 9 – Summarize The Service Charges And Applicable Extras Cost For The Consignee Or Passenger

The “Subtotal” table in the lower right of this page will allow us to present the bill to the Consignee/Passenger or Paying Client. Begin by adding the “Total Service” value to the cost listed in the “Total Extras” box. Report this dollar amount as the drive’s “Subtotal.” Refer to the local tax regulations, calculate any applicable tax that must be added to the drive’s “Subtotal,” and deliver the full tax amount in the “Tax/VAT” box. Complete this summary table by adding the drive’s “Subtotal” to the amount in “Tax/VAT.” This will be the drive’s “Total” and should be documented in the last box.


Step 10 – Inform The Consignee Or Client Of The Deadline

Generally, giving your Consignee/Passenger or Client a set amount of time to pay the “Total” requested will work in your favor. Place this obligation by locating the “Payment Is Due…” declaration in the lower left-hand part of this page, then recording the total amount of “Days” the Client has to pay after receiving the drive’s invoice we have just developed.


Step 11 – Discuss More Topics At Will

Any material that’s been excluded thus far (but required for this paperwork’s completion) may be attached and named or reported on the blank lines after the label “Comments Or Special Instructions.” 


How To Write In Excel

Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Obtain The Spreadsheet From This Site To Bill Consignees, Passengers, And Other Paying Clients

The spreadsheet previewed on this page can be used to document the costs for transportation required by a Consignee or Passenger. The “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” link (or similarly labeled button) on this page allows you to save this invoice as an “Excel” sheet. Simply select one of these objects then engage in the browser dialogue to save this to your machine.


Step 2 – Deliver The Driving Company Or Driver’s Contact Information

This invoice will start with a definitive effort to identify the Driving Company or Driver behind it. For this goal, we will locate cell A1 then upload the image file containing the logo for the Driving Company or Driver and type in the full legal “Company Name” of the Driving Service or Professional Driver in cell A2. 

The third cell in this column (cell A3), bearing the label designation “Name,” makes a request for the identity of the Office Personnel or Driver. Input this individual’s “Name” directly to cell A3.

Cell A4 (“Street Address”) will start the process of displaying the Driving Service or Driver’s professional mailing address. Notice only the first line of the mailing address is requested here, Cell A5 (“City, State, Country”) is reserved for the second line of this address, while the postal code should be recorded in cell A6.   Next, enter the Driving Service or Professional Driver’s “E-Mail” address in cell A7 and the appropriate Customer Service or Collections “Phone” line for this Business in cell A8.  


Step 3 – Record The Drive’s Invoice Information For Customer Reference

Many different details will need to be assigned to an invoice covering transportation. One of the details that only the Driving Service or Professional Driver may assign is this document’s “Invoice #.” Submit this as the contents of cell A4. Remember, this I.D. must be unique in your invoicing system so that this bill will remain easily referenced at any point once it is completed.  The next topic is that of the invoice “Date.” In cell H4 the current “Date” is set for display, but you can change this if the Driving Service prefers to post-date their invoices. Confirm the current calendar day as the invoice “Date” or type in the one you wish assigned in cell H4.  


Step 4 – Identify The Obligated Consignee, Passenger Or Customer

The “Name” of the delivery’s Consignee, that of the Passenger, or a Third Party who agreed to assume the responsibility of paying for transportation is the next requirement for this paperwork. Supply this “Name” in cell A11. Next, in cell A12, present the “Street Address” used by the Consignee/Passenger or Customer along with this Party’s “City, State, Country” in the next cell down (cell A13). The postal code assigned to the Consignee/Passenger or Customer’s mailing address above should be submitted in cell A14.   


Step 5 – Provide A Discussion Describing The Drive

The act of transporting the Passenger or the Consignee’s goods will be defined as the billable “Service” time for this driving invoice. Notice the “Service” invoice conveniently placed below the Consignee, Passenger, or Customer’s billing information has been structured to handle this task nicely. The first column of this table, “Description” or column A, presents its first field of entry in cell A18. Working your way down this column, list all the billable dates and origin/destination defining the transportation or drive.   Use the second column, titled as “Hours,” to document how long each drive you discussed lasted from beginning to end. Make sure to work across each row so that each number of “Hours” corresponds to the drive being discussed.  


Step 6 – Price The Transportation Required By The Consignee Or Passenger

The next column of the “Service” invoice table is titled “Hourly Rate.” This column will require the pay the Driving Service or Professional Driver expects for one hour’s work. As you enter this “Hourly Rate,” the remainder of this table will generate the amounts contributing to the “Total Service” amount that must be paid along with its contribution to the Subtotal/Total table. 


Step 7 – Include A Report On All Extras Requiring Payment

The second table, “Extras,” serves to present the charges required for additional costs that must be covered in addition to the service charges for the transportation provided. Thus, report all physical products or items the Consignee/Passenger required in the “Description” column of this table.  Now, report the number of products the Consignee/Passenger requested for the transportation job in the second column (column F “Quantity”) of this table.


Step 8 – Document The Costs Covering The Extras

The next piece of information needed for this table should be produced in column G (“Unit Cost”) as the exact dollar amount expected for one unit of the item being purchased. This value will participate in the formula needed to complete this table and the third table of this spreadsheet. 


Step 9 – Make A Record Of The Taxes That Must Be Paid

While the final table has been supplied with the drive’s “Subtotal” and “Total” it will contain one empty field requiring attention: cell H34 (“Tax/VAT”). The service or sales taxes that must be added to this bill should be entered here in cell H34. Similarly, if any value-added taxes applied, they should be recorded in this field. If more than one tax is assessed add them together then record this result in cell H34.


Step 10 – Make A Timely Payment Required For This Invoice

Cell A35 (“Payment Is Due”) employs some basic wording to instruct when the invoice “Total” must be paid. The number of “Days” the Consignee/Passenger is given to pay this bill should be entered in place of the bracketed “#” sign. If no payment is submitted within this time frame may be considered late by the Driving Service or Professional Driver. 


Step 11 – Continue The Invoice If Needed

Cell A36 (“Comments Or Special Instructions”) provides the space necessary to include additional content. You may input such detail directly to this field or cite attachment titles. If no additional material is necessary, you may leave this space unattended. 

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