The Repair Service Receipt Template enables the Client action of submitting payment to be recorded in writing to the satisfaction of most record-keeping requirements. This template assumes the responsibility of formatting the receipt material needed for such documentation before it is set to paper. This convenience has been known to lighten the administrative task of producing such records for the Client’s use and acts as a history of popular services and items for the Repair Service Provider. So long as all sections are presented in the final document, this template can also be customized for special situations or to include additional material at the Customer’s request. This can be handy since some Clients may seek reimbursement and require specific information to appear to complete their goals.
By Type
How To Write In PDF And Word
Download; Adobe PDF Or Microsoft Word (.docx)
Step 1 – Obtain The Repair Service Receipt Template As A Preferred File Version
The above links each connect to the “Adobe PDF” file and “Microsoft Word (.docx)” file versions of the Repair Service Receipt. A sample can be viewed in the images displayed. In turn, the buttons beneath the preview link to the file types labeling them.
Step 2 – Introduce The Repair Service As The Receipt’s Issuer
This receipt form intends to identify itself within a few lines of its start. Before commencing with this preliminary information, supply the first text field at the top of the page (on the left side) with the full (and legal) business or company name of the Repair Service Provider. The next few lines will require the material necessary to send paper correspondence by mail to the Repair Service Provider. The first blank line on this page must be populated with the information needed to direct any such mail regarding this receipt properly within the Repair Service Company. Thus, identify who (within the Service Repair Company) should receive mail regarding this receipt on the line labeled “Name.”
The full mailing address will be needed as three articles of information. To this end, record the building number, the street name or road name (etc.), and the suite number or PO Box number making up the Repair Service Company’s first line in its address on the “Street Address” line.
The two follow-up address lines (labeled first as “City, State, Country” then “Zip Code”) enable the Repair Service Company’s complete address to be displayed with the “Street Address” in the upper left of the page. Satisfy both these empty lines with the material requested.
The Repair Service’s Customer or Sales Department’s telephone number (and any required extension) must be entered on the “Phone” line.
Conclude the preliminary information for this paperwork with a record of the address needed to contact the Repair Service Company electronically by filling in the “E-Mail” line with the Repair Service Provider’s electronic mail address.
Step 3 – Report The Repair Service’s Filing Material For This Document
This document is prepared so it may be easily found in any filing system. This task can be made much easier if it is assigned a predetermined document number that remains unique in the file numbering system used by the Repair Service Provider. Once entered on the line labeled with the term “Receipt #,” your entry will be considered a kind of proof that payment was received since it should only be generated as a response to receiving the concerned repair payment (in most industries). The blank line following the word “Date” requires the information furnished to be the exact month, calendar day, and year when the Repair Service Company received the payment being discussed.
Step 4 – Complete The Next Section By Identifying The Repair Client
The “Customer/Client Information” section will be used to assign the identity of the Payer to this receipt. The first blank line presented here is held by the “Name” label for your entry of the Repair Service Customer’s “Name.” Next, document the Repair Service Customer’s mailing address using the three blank lines that follow the Client Name you reported. As with the previous address report, separate your documentation of this address by producing the Repair Client’s “Street Address” (where requested) then the “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” on the lines with these labels.
The telephone number and email that can be used to contact the Repair Service Customer on the empty lines designated with the labels “Phone” and “E-Mail.”
Step 5 – Deliver The Repair’s Details
Seek out the table occupying the next section. The four columns here will work together to give an account of the repairs that required the Service Provider’s attention and the Client’s payment. First, under “Description,” document a log of work dates or project/service agreement. In addition to work time, you may also report billable repair supplies. The column carrying the title “Quantity” must be supplied with the number hours, days, or another similar unit of measurement that define exactly how long the Repair Service Technician(s) worked on the defined project or workday/week.
Step 6 – Subject The Repair Service To The Appropriate Pricing Schedule
The dollar amount expected for the lowest whole number that could be reported in “Quantity” should be furnished in the adjacent “Rate ($)” column. Sometimes this is known as a unit price or hourly rate. Continue to the “Amount” column then populate it with the “Quantity” multiplied by the “Rate ($)” that was reported earlier in the row. The dollar value of this calculated “Amount” will be considered the base cost of the concerned repair (discussed in the first column of that same row).
Add every dollar value in the “Amount” column entered thus far, then furnish the total in the box labeled “Subtotal.”
Any “Discount” subtracted from the repair’s “Subtotal” should be entered in the box attached to this label.
The “Tax/VAT” box in this column requires a generation of the sales tax that may be required, any applicable service tax, or total value-added tax to its contents. If no taxes were required on the repair’s “Subtotal” then leave this field blank or enter an amount of zero.
Review the past few entries made in the “Amount” column. This column will terminate with a text box labeled “Total” which will summarize the above information as the exact value of the payment required to pay for the defined repairs. Notice the “Total” value entered in the final text-box will be equal to the repair job’s “Subtotal” value minus the Service Provider’s reported “Discount” (if any) plus the mandatory sales, service, or value-added tax documented in the “TAX/VAT” text-box above.
Step 7 – Include Any Follow-Up Material To This Table
The “Notes” section under the table has been reserved for memos or short messages the Repair Service Company wishes to accompany the table above.
Step 8 – Furnish The Repair Service Payment Statement With Information
The statement with the words “The Total Amount Of $” seeks three details to the payment. The first is the payment amount the Repair Customer produced. Verify its receipt then, enter it on the first empty line. Locate the second available. It is paced after the term “…Paid By.” Complete this term by entering the Repair Client’s name in this space.
The “Date” when the Repair Client paid is needed in this statement. Enter it on the last line.
Step 9 – Conclude The Paperwork With A Payment Description
The words “Payment Method” introduce the last section of this document. This area is distinct from the rest of this receipt because it presents four checkbox items. Each is labeled with a type of payment. You may choose more than one to describe the payment type, but you must choose at least one. So that, if the Repair Customer used a credit card, the first checkbox (“Credit Card No.”) should be marked with an ‘x,’ a checkmark, or selected with your mouse. In addition to making the selection, the blank line after the “Credit Card No.” label must be supplied with the number on the card. Check payments can be documented by selecting the second box then supplying the checkbook number (written on the check) to the blank line after “Check No.”
The third type of payment that may be documented in this section is one made by “Cash.” Locate the checkbox labeled as such, then select it to indicate that “Cash” was used to pay for the repairs.
The “Other” checkbox on this page, the last option allows a free-form report on the payment method. That is, if the Repair Customer did not pay in cash nor did he or she pay with a credit card or paper check, then you must make the “Other” box and describe the type of payment transaction that occurred directly onto the blank line provided.
Step 10 – Seek The Repair Client’s Written Approval
The Repair Service Customer must sign this paperwork to authorize the payment defined for the concerned repairs. The empty line labeled “Customer’s Authorized Signature” is reserved for this item.
How To Write In Excel
Download; Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Step 1 – Save The Repair Service Receipt As An Excel File
Select the link “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” above to acquire a copy of the Repair Service Receipt Template in a spreadsheet format. The button with the “Excel” label will also allow this download.
Step 2 – Name The Repair Service Company Receiving Payment
The beginning of the spreadsheet acts as an introduction to the Entity being paid for repairs. This can be achieved within the first two fields. The Repair Service Company’s acknowledged “Company Logo” should be inserted to cell A1 to replace the text label it currently holds while the legal name of the Repair Service issuing this paperwork should replace cell A2’s content. Cell A3 continues this column by requesting that the “Name” of the individual in charge of verifying the repair’s payment is reported for display.
The mailing address where receipt inquiries can be made in the future is the next requirement. Furnish the “Street Address” in the Repair Service Company’s mailing address along with its “City, State,” and “Country” to cell A4 and A5 (respectively).
The Repair Service Company’s “Zip Code” is the next requirement. Enter this postal code in cell A6.
The next two fields (in cell A7 and A8) expect the Repair Service Company’s “E-Mail” address and “Phone” number entered as a convenient reference to the Client.
Step 3 – Produce The Repair’s Filing Material
Look to the right-hand side of the header. The two-column titles here, “Receipt #” and “Date,” intends to display the filing information the Service assigns to verify the concerned repair payment. Cell F3 of this spreadsheet is set to receive the transaction number assigned to the point of sale payment. The “Date” field expects the month, day, and year that the repair payment was received. Produce this information in cell H3.
Step 4 – Assign This Receipt Credit To The Repair Customer
The full “Name” of the Repair Customer is required for this paperwork’s functionality as a record of payment as well as proof of the Customer’s authorization. Identify this Party using cell A11 by entering the Repair Service Payer’s full “Name.” Generally, the Payer is the same as the Repair Client. Three fields aid in confirming the Service Repair Payer’s identity by documenting his or her formal mailing address. As with the previous address report the “Street Address” will be expected in a different field than that of the “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code.” Cells A12, A13, and A14 will accept this material, respectively.
Cell A15 and cell A16 are also set with labels requiring the Repair Service Payer’s contact details. Document the Repair Service Payer’s “E-Mail” address and “Phone” number in these fields.
Step 5 – Define The Repairs That Required Payment0
This record must contain a basic detail of the repairs done along with their costs to the Client. A table will enable this task to be handled quickly for a variety of reports. Turn your attention to cell A19 in the “Description” column. Produce the work dates or service agreement titles when the time was spent performing repairs and/or the billable parts or products purchased by the Client. It is strongly recommended that every project or work shift be listed on a separate row. Column F continues the row with a request to define the number of hours or days spent working during the shift listed. Similarly, if a billable product was listed then you must report how many were ordered in this column (labeled “Quantity”).
Step 6 – Report The Requested Cost Information
The next report needed for this table is found in column G under the “Rate ($)” title. The entry you produce here should be the dollar amount expected for the lowest denomination the Repair Service’s billing procedure will allow. For instance, if the repair Service charges its time worked by the hour, then populate the cell on the appropriate row with the dollar amount paid per hour. If the lowest number of products that can be ordered is one, then fill in how much money was expected for one purchased item. Make sure to correspond the “Rate ($)” entered with the previous two columns since the final column will use this information to populate some of the totals that must be presented. Review column H then locate cell H29. If the Repair Service Company determined the Client qualified for a “Discount” then document this dollar amount in cell H29.
Cell H30 has been set to display all the taxes the Repair Service was obligated to impose on the “Subtotal” reported in cell H28. In some states, both a sales “Tax” and a service “Tax” will be required. Apply the appropriate “Tax” codes to the “Subtotal” then produce the full “Tax” amount the Repair Customer was required pay in cell H30.
Step 7 – Deliver Facts To Complete The Repair Payment Statement
This receipt has identified the Repair Service verifying its received payment, the manner in which it will be stored with this entity, the repairs that were paid for, and the amounts involved. It will now close with a basic summary statement in cell A32. To apply this statement correctly, replace the dollar sign located in the brackets following the words “…Total Amount Of” with the full dollar amount paid by the Repair Customer. Focus on the second portion of this repair payment statement consisting of the words “…Was Paid By’ then record the full “Name” of the Repair Service Payer or Client in place of the “[Name]” label.
Lastly, remove the “[Date]” label and replace it with the formal calendar date when the Repair Service Client’s payment was received by the Repair Company.
Step 8 – Describe The Repair Customer’s Payment
The next area requiring attention begins with its descriptive title “Payment Method” (cell A34). This section intends to support this record of payment by discussing how the delivery method of the paid amount can be categorized. Four check boxes have been presented in this section to enable a relatively quick process in documenting the payment type. If the Customer paid for the repairs with a credit card, then the checkbox paired with the “Credit Card No.” label (in cell A35) must be selected from the choices. Cell A35 also requires a record of the submitted credit card number furnished after the label. Select of mark the checkbox in cell A37 if repairs were paid for with a paper check. Notice the label here, “Check No.,” calls for the check’s ledger number entered in the space provided.
In many cases, the Repair Customer will pay with “Cash” on hand. If this is the case, then record this act by marking the checkbox in cell F35.
Cell H36, labeled “Other,” is set to receive a payment description not previously listed. That is, if the repairs were not paid for with a credit card, a check, or cash then you must select “Other” and provide the payment type directly to this field using the space provided to do so.
Step 9 – Obtain The Repair Client Authorization
The “Customer’s Authorized Signature” line must be signed by the Repair Service Client who has submitted payment. This can be crucial to the Repair Service Provider’s ability to retain the submitted payment (i.e. a credit card payment). Therefore, surrender the template (after payment has been recorded) to the Repair Customer with the instruction to review and sign this document. Once the Repair Client finishes signing the receipt regain the original and distribute a copy to the Repair Customer unless otherwise instructed.