Music Producer Invoice Template

Music Producer Invoice Template should be employed when it is time to seek payment for the recording, editing, mixing or merchandising services provided. This documentation gives both parties a clear record of the filing information for this document, its effective date, and the official payable production services or product amounts. This information must be provided by the Music Producer along with a few other details however, a formatted template will make recording and dispensing such details more efficient. Keep in mind, that your report should be accurate since any inaccuracies may cause confusion or delay on the Client’s part.

Salary & Hourly Wage

  • Salary: $49,630 per year (source: BLS)
  • Hourly Wage: $23.86 per hour (source: BLS)

My Invoices

We automatically add any invoices that you download or save to your device.

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These invoices are stored on your device, and not online. Clearing your browser's cache could cause you to lose these invoices. We recommend hanging on to a copy of each invoice you generate.

How to Write in PDF and MS Word

Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)

Step 1 – Your Music Producer Invoice Can Be Saved From This Site

Select the “PDF” button or the “Adobe PDF” link on this page to access that file version of the bill needed to invoice for music production services or products. If you prefer working with “Word,” this option is available through the adjacent button or link.


Step 2 – Identify The Producer Seeking Payment

This paperwork will require a clear introduction of the Music Producer seeking payment through its use. A distinct area set aside at the top of this page will introduce the Music Producer or Production Entity nicely. Type in the Music Producer’s “Company Name” in the first textbox.  Furnish the concerned Music Producer’s “Name” on the first space beneath this text box. If this is being sent by a Business Entity’s Employee, then produce the “Name” of the Employee responsible for this paperwork to this space. Record the Music Producer’s preferred mailing address for any future correspondence with this Client on the next two available spaces. Each address line should be entered on a separate space in this header (“Street Address” and “City, State, Country”). The appropriate postal code for the Music Producer’s mailing address is the next requested item. Report this information on the “Zip Code” line. 

The Music Producer’s professional telephone number should be included with his or her address. Use the “Phone” line to report it then complete this section by submitting the Music Producer’s “E-Mail” address where requested.  


Step 3 – Record The Production’s Invoice Number For This Bill

The paperwork being generated will need to keep its distinction in the filing systems of the Music Producer and the Client. We can employ the “Invoice #” line of the next section to assign this identifier to the document at-hand and the transaction being discussed.  Locate the space on the right with the text label “Date.” This must display the official calendar “Date” when this invoice is first applied to the Client.  


Step 4 – Generate The Producer Client’s Billing Information

The “Bill To” area of this invoice will seek only two basic items split down four lines. The first is the Production Client’s official “Name.” Locate the line with this label then report this information.  Follow through with the current billing address the Production Client indicated should be used for this document. The spaces with the “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code” labels


Step 5 – Furnish An Account Of The Billables Requiring Payment

The portion of this document likely to be of most interest to the Customer is the “Description” section. Use this area to record the production services the Customer must pay for. This may entail naming a contract, describing the items or actions required, or documenting the hours of labor. This is a free-form area where you may enter any information the Production Client will need to see to justify the payable amount.   


Step 6 – Submit The Producer’s Prices For The Billable Items

This document includes a separate area where the money the Customer owes will be explained. Begin with the first section labeled as “Amount.” Use the space provided here to report how much the items on the left will cost the Customer without any taxes. If this is a line by line process, then make sure to coordinate the correct pricing with the appropriate item.  The “Subtotal” field in this area will accept the sum of the production costs above. Furnish this information regardless of how many values were reported. Most Music Producers will provide merchandise or samples as part of the production or will bill some or all of the production to various parties. In most cases, a tangible item being paid for will be susceptible to a sales “Tax.” Determine then report the sales “Tax” amount in the next box down.  The final space is attached to the bold word “Total.” As this label suggests, you will have to add the dollar amounts you placed in the “Subtotal” and “Tax” boxes to indicate how much the Production Client must pay to satisfy this invoice.


Step 7 – Attach A Timeline For Payment

The sentence across the page (to the left) attaches the language necessary to inform the Production Client how long he or she has to pay the “Total.” This will be handled as a countdown of “Days” beginning from the applicable invoice date. Seek out the hashtag symbol in the “Payment Is Due…” sentence and record the appropriate number on the blank line it leads to.


Step 8 – Utilize The Available Area For Additional Production Comments Or Instructions

Below the instructional statement above, a couple of blank lines will enable a continuation of more instructions or applicable comments. Use the area after “Comments Or Special Instructions” 


How to Write in MS Excel

Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Step 1 – Access The Music Producer Spreadsheet Invoice

The “Excel” file available through this site can be reached by selecting the appropriate caption button displayed with the preview. Alternatively, you may gain access to the same spreadsheet template by clicking on the “Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)” text link above.

Step 2 – Begin The First Column With The Music Producer Seeking Payment

The Music Producer logo currently holding cell A1 should be substituted with the one used by the Sender of this paperwork. This image can only be one that is commonly (and legally) paired with the Music Producer behind this invoice and may not be that of any other business entity.  This may be a Production Company or a Professional Music Producer and in either case, the “Company Name” used by this entity for the Music Producing Business must be submitted for presentation with the logo in cell A2. Notice this field will have a noticeably larger font than the remainder of column A thus making it one of the more prominent areas of this page. Next, the full name of the person handling the Music Producer or that of his or her Employee is called for in cell A3. This will be the Producer (or Employee) who the Customer will believe to be the first point of contact regarding this bill. The Music Producer’s mailing address will be needed for the Customer’s use. This column will expect that three cells be used to report this. Both address lines must be recorded in their appropriate fields held by the labels “Street Address” (cell A4) and “City, State, Country” (cell A5). The Music Producer’s “Zip Code” will be listed in a different field. Report this in cell A6Proceed to cells A7 and A8 with the Music Producer’s professional “E-Mail” address and “Phone” number.


Step 3 – Continue The First Column With The Production Client’s Details

The second part of column A can be easily spotted by its title “Bill To.” This will refer to the Music Producer Client who must pay the amount we will list. Cell A11 will require you furnish the “Name” of the Music Producer Client to its contents.

The cells occupying the remainder of the “Bill To” section is composed of cells A12. A13, and A14 where the Music Producer Client’s full billing address must be reported. Make sure this is the current address where this entity receives its bills


Step 4 – Deliver The Document Information Defining The Production Fees

It should be considered imperative by both parties that an eye is kept on this document and its status. Therefore, cell F4 is available to receive the filing number or “Invoice #” that will be used to define this record in one’s accounting system. The formal “Date” of this invoice defaults to the current calendar day as per your computer clock in cell H4. If this is inappropriate for the task at hand, you may edit this cell to display a different calendar date. 


Step 5 – Present The Music Production Services And Merchandise Needing Payment 

The “Description” section of this invoice anticipates a report detailing the Music Production services and merchandise required for the contract or project being billed. You may provide either a line by line analysis of these items or a general summary such as a contract or package title. Cell A17 has been held in reserve for your account of the ordered production services or merchandise.


Step 6 – Price The Music Production Project Accordingly

You have supplied quite a bit of information thus far. All of this has been with the goal of obligating the Production Client to pay the Music Producer for the items you have detailed in the previous cell. Now, in cell H17, you will price these production items. List each as a dollar value. If preferred, you may also summarize this as one number.  Cell H18 will ask for an official tally of the pricing you’ve reported above. Leaving the topic of taxes unaddressed, produce this total in the “Subtotal” field. The Music Producer may be required to add a sales tax, a service tax, or both. Cell H19, “Tax” enables a report on this value. In H20, the “Total” dollar amounts owed for the Music Producer’s services, merchandise, and taxes must be recorded. For this task, add the dollar values entered in cell A18 (“Subtotal”) and cell H19 (“Tax”).


Step 7 – A Deliberate Timeline May Be Set For This Invoice’s Payment

this spreadsheet will continue in the A column where you will need to satisfy the statement it contains with the number of “Days” after the invoice when a payment is considered late. By deleting the hashtag and substituting it with this number you can establish a countdown for the invoice’s due date. 

Step 8 – Information Regarding the Music Production May Be Included

The “Comments Or Special Instructions” statement in cell A22 presents a useable space where you can address additional production information or payment instructions.


