Mechanic Invoice Template is usually on on the front lines of the billing process when it is time to obtain a payment for the repairs your shop or garage was commissioned to complete. This document will present a standardized format where you can combine all the elements of a repair job as well as attach the required cost and the concerned Customer to the commissioned work. Once you have set such facts on paper and submitted them to your Customer, you will have solidified a paper trail that both you and your Customer can follow until this transaction is complete. In many cases, such above board actions with billing encourage a long lasting positive Mechanic/Customer relationship.
Salary & Hourly Wage ($/hr)
Mechanic Invoices: By Type
How to Write in PDF and Word
Download: Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word (.docx)
1 – Secure Your Copy Of The Mechanic Invoice
The invoice to bill your Customer for work in done by a Mechanic is accessible as either a PDF or Word file. Both of which can be downloaded to your machine using the buttons labeled with the file type you wish to work with.
2 – Identify The Mechanic’s Shop Or Garage
Prominently display the name of the Garage sending this invoice in the “Company Name” field at the top of this page. Enter the name of the Mechanic, Garage Owner, or Service Representative who will be able to respond to inquiries about this paperwork or field questions about the work defined through this invoice on the blank space “Name.”
The address where you wish any Customer response sent via mail to be received should now be produced. You can place the individual lines of the Garage or Mechanic’s office address on the blank spaces bearing the label “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “Zip Code.”
Two more standard items of information pertaining to the Mechanic’s contact information should be furnished to this section as well. The empty lines “Phone” and “Email” have been set aside for these contact items of the Mechanic, Garage, or Service Representative.
3 – The Mechanic’s Invoice Needs An ID Number
The Mechanic’s Garage will likely have a way to keep track of its books especially for accounts payable documents such as invoices. Consult your records then enter the assigned invoice number for Mechanic’s job being discussed. An “Invoice #” label will present a blank line for this information. You may locate it in the shaded area to report this item. To the right of the invoice number, find the line “Date,” then put the invoice date on this line.
4 – Address The Intended Payer Of This Invoice Directly
The Customer the Mechanic worked for will need to also be specifically named. You can meet this requirement by attending to the area labeled “Bill To.” The blank lines labeled “Name” through “Zip Code” should all be furnished with information that defines the name and mailing address of the Mechanic’s Customer.
5 – Detail The Parts And Labor Required For The Mechanic’s Job
The Mechanic’s work may have required some parts in addition to the labor that will be billed to the Garage’s Customer. You will have to record the billable machine parts ordered so the Mechanic’s work can be completed in the first table (titled “Material”). You will need to provide some detail regarding any part you expect the Mechanic Customer to pay for. Thus, describe the ordered part or piece in the “Description” area of the “Material” table. Two additional descriptions that should be included are the number of parts that were ordered and how much each one cost. The next two parts of this table, divided by columns, will give you the space you need for this report. Use the “Quantity” and “Unit Cost” columns to further define the ordered part(s) necessary for the Mechanic’s work.
Multiply the two figures you supplied on each row across each row, so you can use the “Amount” column to tell the Customer precisely how much he or she is being charged for each of the machine parts being listed. It is also a good idea to give a total of these charges and you may do so by adding all the numbers in this column then utilize the “Total Material” box to display the sum for the benefit of the Garage Customer.
The Mechanic should also have his or her billable hours explained. The “Service” table of this invoice shall give ample room for such a report. The first area of this table (also labeled “Description”) will accept the date, times, and/or contract number being billed for the Mechanic’s time. Make sure you give an accurate report in this area.
Next, report the Mechanic’s “Hours” and “Hourly Rate” under the headings where they are requested.
The Mechanic’s “Hours” should be multiplied against his or her “Hourly Rate.” You must employ this calculation on each row containing information in these columns. The answer to each calculation will define the total “Amount” to cover the Mechanic’s shift for the defined shift or project. The last column requires this number on the same row where the calculation was performed. In turn, add each number you entered in “Amount” and place it in “Total Service.”
The “Subtotal” area near the bottom right will begin the summarization area for the Mechanic’s charges. First add the number in “Total Material” with the number in “Total Services.” The “Subtotal” box here has been set aside to accept this sum. If you must charge the Mechanic’s Customer for taxes, then calculate this number and make sure it is placed in the “Tax” box. Your final calculation for this invoice will be contained within this area. Add “Subtotal” and “Tax” then display the resulting figure in the field “Total” at the bottom of this three-row table.
5 – More Instructions Or Information From The Shop
Most Mechanics or their Garages will want a timely payment. You can give the Mechanic Customer a due date based on when he or she receives this document. Determine a reasonable number of days you can wait for payment then place this number just before the word “…”Day” in the sentence directly to the left of the “Total” field you satisfied above.
The Mechanic may have “Special Instructions” for his or her Customer. There may also penalties on late payment that the Customer should be made aware of, especially if the Garage will impose them should the above statement’s demand not be satisfied by the Customer’s timeliness. In any case, supply any and all information the Mechanic’s Customer is due with this paperwork on the blank lines after the words “Special Instructions.”
How to Write in Excel
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
1 – Obtain The Mechanic Invoice For Spreadsheets From This Page
If you wish to bill a Mechanic’s Customer using a spreadsheet, then download this invoice by selecting the “MS Excel” button then downloading it to an accessible folder.
2 – The Mechanic Shop Or Garage Logo, Name, And Contacts Is Required
The first order of business to complete this template will be to introduce the Mechanic’s Shop or Garage to the Client. Obviously, since work was done for the Client, he or she will be familiar with your entity however, we will want the Customer to immediately identify your business as the originator of this bill. This recognition can be achieved quickly by importing the Mechanic’s logo to the first cell on this page (column A, row 1). The Mechanic’s Name or Shop Name should be produced as well. In the second row of the same column, make sure to supply the full name of the Mechanic’s business.
The full “Name” of the person sending the Mechanic’s paperwork here should be included by recording it in the first field in the third row of this shield (in column A).
Now using the next three rows of column A, give the Mechanic’s Customer the official business address of the Business, Garage, Shop, or Service Station where he or she may contact the Mechanic (or Service Representative) by mail.
Often, the Garage or Mechanic’s Shop will have an “E-Mail” address and a business “Phone” that their Customers can use to get in touch with someone who can field questions regarding this paperwork or jobs in general. The cells in A7 and A8 will each allow this type of presentation.
3 – Direct This Paperwork To The Paying Mechanic’s Customer
The tenth row in the “A” column contains a heading that you should not alter or replace. The phrase “Bill To” is placed here to make sure the Payer is identified correctly. Use rows eleven through fourteen to document the Mechanic Customer’s “Name” (A11) and address (A12, A13, and A14).
4 – Invoice The Payer For The Mechanic’s Work
This Excel template will feature two separate tables on row 17 (“Material”) and row 25 (“Service”). Every part the Mechanic or Garage ordered on behalf of the Customer so that the work could be completed correctly should be recorded in the first column, starting with the 18th row.You must document the “Quantity” and “Unit Price” of the parts used using the second and third column. Notice that as you work on each row (separately), several cells will populate with their own figures. Each of these will serve to report owed amounts and the “Total” owed by the Mechanic’s Customer.
The time the spent by the Mechanic on the Customer’s job will usually be considered billable to the Customer. Of course, most Customers will expect a reasonable detail of this time and the money involved. To this end, list all the shifts the Mechanic worked in the “Service” table starting with the eighteenth row of the “A” column.
Each row must contain the “Hours” making up the shift being reported and the “Hourly Rate” commanded by the Mechanic in the “F” column and “G” column (respectively). Here too, several cells in the “H” column will use the numbers you enter to report several figures defining the service charges and contributing to the totals due.
Finally, locate the 34th row in the “H” column. Before the cell labeled “Total” can be considered an accurate price for the owed money, you must calculate the “Tax” amount the Mechanic Customer must pay with these charges then place them in this cell (H34).
Verify that the “Total” amount of money this invoice is instructing the Customer to pay. This will be presented in the “H” column on the 35th row. If it is accurate and all charges are covered with this number, then turn your attention to the first column on this row (A35). The number of days the Mechanic’s Business and Garage will wait for a payment of this “Total” should be substituted for the bracketed sign in cell A35
Supplemental information regarding the invoice or the job can be produced in A36.