The sales invoice template is for customers of a business who have purchased a product or a service. The customer will usually have 15, 30, or 60 days in order to make payment before any penalty begin to incur. Payment instructions by the business should be detailed on the bottom of the invoice with the acceptable options (e.g. credit card, PayPal, check). The invoice should include quantity, rate ($) per unit, discount (if any), and taxes (if any). Payment information, unless already paid, should be included below.
My Invoices
We automatically add any invoices that you download or save to your device.
These invoices are stored on your device, and not online. Clearing your browser's cache could cause you to lose these invoices. We recommend hanging on to a copy of each invoice you generate.
Sales Invoices: By Type
- Auction
- Bakery
- Bid
- Bill of Sale Invoice
- Car Sales Invoice
- Clothing (Garments)
- Computer Sales Invoice
- Food
- Furniture
- General Labor
- Itemized
- Labor and Materials
- Materials ONLY
- Parts and Labor
- Products (ONLY)
- Proforma
- Real Estate Commission Invoice
- Restaurant
- Retail Sales Invoice
- Sales Commission Invoice
- Sales Return Invoice
- Sales Tax Invoice
How to Write in PDF & MS Word
Download: Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word
1 – Save The Sales Invoice To Submit A Bill To Your Client
You can select this document in any of the three formats named by the buttons on this page. Select the PDF or Word button to view this file then save it to a folder on your machine.
2 – The Company And Invoice Information Belongs At The Top Of The Page
The Name of the Sales Company sending this Invoice will have to be prominently displayed and easily recognizable. Typically, this sort of information is placed at the top of a document. Locate the placeholder text “Company Name” then delete it and replace it with your Sales Company’s Name.
The Name of the Salesperson is necessary to solidify the identity of the Billing Entity and give the Customer a point of reference. It should be placed on the first blank line under the Company Name you reported. The Mailing Address, E-mail Address, and Business Number of the Company must accompany the Company and Salesperson identities above. Use the blank lines labeled “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “ZIP Code” to furnish the mailing information then use the “Phone” and “E-mail” lines to report the Company’s Contact Information.
The area directly beneath the Sales Company Information has been included so the Invoice Number and Date used for this paperwork can be clearly shown. Two blank spaces “Invoice #” and “Date” have been supplied so that you may satisfy this requirement.
3 – Give A Clear Presentation On The Recipient Of This Paperwork
The section containing the columns “Bill To” and “Ship To” requires a focus on the intended Recipient (Customer). You must satisfy the information called for in the “Bill To” column. Begin by placing the Full Name of the Recipient Customer on the first blank line of this section.
Next, produce the Customer’s Full Mailing Address on the next four blank spaces (“Name,” “Street Address,” “City, State, Country,” and “ZIP Code”) displayed in this column. The “Ship To” column will only be required if the Recipient receives his or her freight at a location different from the Billing Address supplied. This area will also have several blank lines where you can place the Customer’s Full Name and Shipping Address.
4 – An Itemized Account Of This Invoice Should Be Included
It is common knowledge that a Customer usually wants to know the reason behind the charges on a bill. Thus, two sections have been included so a clear representation of the merchandise and services being charged can be reported. The merchandise ordered by the Customer should be itemized in the “Products” section and the “Labor” section will allow for a presentation on the services and/or physical labor involved.
“Products” will supply several rows for you to enter information across several columns. Each column’s request for information must be fulfilled when you are listing an item the Customer is being charged for under “Description.”
Every piece of merchandise must have the ordered “Quantity” and its “Unit Cost” supplied to the second and third columns. You must calculate (“Quantity” x “Unit Cost”) and report the “Amount” the Customer must pay for every piece of merchandise.
Once have fully documented each piece of merchandise ordered by the Customer to this table, add each number in “Amount” and enter the total in “Total Products.”
If the Sales Company intends to collect money owed for any Labor it performed for the Customer, this should be discussed in the “Labor” section. This section requires a “Description,” the number of “Hours” the Sales Company worked, and the “Hourly Rate” that must be paid. You can separate these Descriptions by Date, Project Number, Project Name, or by other means so long as the report is consistent. When you have submitted all the information required by these columns, total the number you recorded in “Amount” and report this sum in “Total Labor.”
5 – Finalize This Information By Summing Up Its Terms
You will need to present the final sum of the Amount Owed by the Customer at the bottom of this page. Locate the fields bearing the labels “Subtotal,” “Tax,” “Shipping,” and “Total.” You will have to add “Total Products” to “Total Labor” to present the “Subtotal.” Any “Tax” and “Shipping” fees that must be added to the Customer’s Total Amount Owed must be documented in the box labeled “Tax” and the box labeled “Shipping.”
Then, once you have supplied the “Tax” and “Shipping” charges the Customer is responsible for, add all three of these numbers to one sum and present the Total Amount owed in “Total.”
Next, document a time-frame when the Customer Payment for the Amount Owed is expected by the Sales Company. This can be any number of days starting from the day the Client has physically received this document. Declare the number of days making up this grace period using the blank space in the statement “Payment Is Due Within…”
Any “Comments Or Special Instructions” the Customer should be made aware of when receiving this Invoice, then record them on the blank lines provided.
How to Write in MS Excel (.xlsx)
Download: Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
1 – Obtain The Sales Invoice As A Spreadsheet Template Using The Links Presented
The Excel Sheet in the image on this page can be downloaded as a Sales Invoice. You may download this paperwork then fill it out whenever you need to submit a bill to a Client.
2 – The Sales Entity Will Need To Document Its Name And Contact Information
This spreadsheet will begin with cell A1 where you should place the Sales Company Logo. Place the Sales Company’s Full Name in cell A2.
Produce the Salesperson’s Full Name in cell A3. Document the Building Number, Street Name, and Unit Number in the Sales Company Business Address in cell A4.
The “City, State, Country,” and “ZIP Code” of the Sales Company Address should be entered into cell A5.
The Sales Company E-Mail Address and Daytime Business Number are required in cells A6.
3 – Identify This Invoice then Address The Customer As The Recipient Of This Paperwork
The Invoice Number used by the Sales Company to file and refer to this document will also have to appear in this paperwork. Use columns F and H, on row 4, to supply the Invoice Number and Invoice Date attached to the Customer’s order. Now we must address the Customer and solidify this entity as the Recipient of the Sales Invoice. This task will be our focus in rows eleven through fourteen. In column A, document the Customer Name on row eleven and his or her Mailing Address on rows twelve through fourteen.
We will use column F, to present the Recipient’s Name and Shipping Address. You only need to record the Shipping Address under “Ship To” if it is different from the Customer’s Mailing or Billing Address.
4 – Detail The Ordered Products And Any Additional Billable Services
The two tables, “Product” and “Labor,” making up the second half of this paperwork enable several pieces of information regarding this bill to be delivered. We will begin with the first one listed: Products.
In the “Products” table we will supply a list of the merchandise purchased for the Customer’s review. Each good or product ordered should be accounted for in the “Description” column (A). The next two columns, titled “Quantity” and “Unit Price,” will need how many of every item was ordered and each item’s Unit Price documented. A formula already placed in “Amount” will use the numbers you enter in the “Quantity” and “Unit Price” to present the total(s) the Customer must pay. The table titled “Labor” shall seek to accomplish a similar goal but will define the physical work done as opposed to the merchandise produced for the Customer. Make a list of all the billable Labor in the “Description” column. These items may be listed as shifts, dates, job reference information, etc. Then supply how many “Hours” the Sales Company needed to work along with the “Hourly Rate” that must be paid. The remainder of this table will produce the necessary “Amount” the Customer must pay for the Labor recorded on each row and a total of all the Labor being charged.
The last group of cells concerned with the Amount Owed by the Customer is in column H on rows 33 through 36. You will need to supply some of these cells with additional (but basic) information. You will only have to enter the total “Tax” amount that must be paid with this order in cell H34 and the charges that must be paid for delivery in cell H35 (“Shipping”). Both “Subtotal” and “Total” will use the information you supplied to these tables to report their entries automatically.
5 – Additional Terms That Apply Should Be Included In Writing
Generally, most business entities will want to impose a time limit on what will be considered an on-time payment. This can be done by declaring the number of days the Customer has to pay this Invoice after physically receiving it. Report this predetermined number of days in cell A36. If the Sales Company wishes to make sure the Customer also receives instructions or any other comments with this Invoice then supply such information using cell A37.